1. Adjust source file structure of Rust crate. 2. Rename some source file to make them more readable. 3. Rename some functions and structures, etc. to match their usages. 4. Add "xml_reader" module that is pending to be completed. 5. Update dependencies and "Cargo.toml".
190 lines
6.2 KiB
190 lines
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# Difficult Rocket
中文 | [English](./docs/README-en.md)
- [GitHub](https://github.com/shenjackyuanjie/Difficult-Rocket)
- [gitee](https://gitee.com/shenjackyuanjie/Difficult-Rocket)
- [discord](https://discord.gg/kWzw2JrG6M)
- [kook](https://kook.top/sRPjFG)
## 请注意 这个仓库未来只会发布 `DR SDK` 的更新 `DR game` 的更新会在 [这里](https://github.com/shenjackyuanjie/DR-game) 发布
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## 版本
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[DR sdk 最新 Action 构建](https://nightly.link/shenjackyuanjie/Difficult-Rocket/workflows/nuitka/main)
[DR rs 最新 Action 构建](https://nightly.link/shenjackyuanjie/Difficult-Rocket/workflows/dr_rs/main)
## English README please look [here](./docs/README-en.md)
> 这是一个用Python制作的类Simple Rocket游戏(简称:火箭模拟器)
## 优势
> 相对于原版SR比较“轻量化”
## [计划特性列表](docs/src/plan_features/README.md)
## [更新日志](docs/src/change_log/readme.md)
## 运行方式
### clone
```bash title="clone.sh"
mkdir DR
cd DR
git clone https://github.com/shenjackyuanjie/Difficult-Rocket.git
# 或者
git clone https://gitee.com/shenjackyuanjie/Difficult-Rocket.git
# 又或者
git clone git@github.com:shenjackyuanjie/Difficult-Rocket.git
### 安装依赖
```bash title="install.sh"
python -m pip install -r requirement.txt
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd libs/lib_not_dr
python -m pip install .
### 运行
```bash title="run.sh"
python DR.py
## 环境需求 (测试过的 / 开发平台)
- `开发平台 1 - Windows 10 x64 22H2`
- Python `3.8.10` / `3.10.11`
- pillow `10.0.0`
- psutil `5.9.5`
- rtoml `0.9.0`
- tomlkit `0.12.1`
- defusedxml `0.7.1`
- objprint `0.2.2`
- viztracer `0.15.6`
- vizplugins `0.1.3`
- nuitka `1.7.10`
- ordered-set `4.1.0`
- imageio `2.31.2`
- wheel `0.41.2`
- setuptools `68.1.2`
- setuptools-rust `1.7.0`
- `AMD R5 5600X`
- `AMD RX 550 4G`
## 需要的 Python 模块
- `pyglet` (已经内置 V2.0.8 路径:`./libs/pyglet`)
- `xmltodict` (已经内置 V0.12.0 路径:`./libs/xmltodict`)
- `pyperclip` (已经内置 V1.8.2 路径: `./libs/pyperclip`)
# this requirement is for
# DR basic running from source
# DR build (by nuitka)
# DR contributing
# for images
# not for pypy >= 3.10
pillow >= 10.0.0; (platform_python_implementation == "PyPy" and python_version < "3.10") or platform_python_implementation == "CPython"
# for sys info
psutil >= 5.9.5
# for files
rtoml >= 0.9.0
tomlkit >= 0.11.8
defusedxml >= 0.7.1
# for debug
objprint >= 0.2.2
viztracer >= 0.15.6; platform_python_implementation != "PyPy"
vizplugins >= 0.1.3; platform_python_implementation != "PyPy"
# for compile
nuitka >= 1.7.5
ordered-set >= 4.1.0
imageio >= 2.31.0; (platform_python_implementation == "PyPy" and python_version < "3.10") or platform_python_implementation == "CPython"
wheel >= 0.40.0
setuptools >= 67.8.0
setuptools-rust >= 1.6.0
## 感谢
- 开源项目
- [pyglet](https://github.com/pyglet/pyglet) : GUI 和画面渲染
- `tomlkit` / `rtoml` : toml 解析器
- `xmltodict`: xml 与 dict 转换器
- `pyperclip`: 剪贴板!
- [rapier2d](https://rapier.rs/) : 物理模拟引擎
- [pyo3](https://pyo3.rs/main): Rust Python 扩展
- 主要贡献者
- [@Rayawa](https://github.com/Rayawa) : 文档矫正 & 翻译部分 lang
- [@rouxiao-you](https://github.com/ruoxiao-you) : 翻译 lang
- [@Billchyi](https://github.com/Billchyi) : 文档矫正
- [@MSDNicrosoft](https://github.com/MSDNicrosoft) : 优化代码
## 相关链接
## 关于分享协议
#### https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
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