from ctypes import * from functools import lru_cache import unicodedata from pyglet import compat_platform if compat_platform not in ('cygwin', 'win32'): raise ImportError('Not a win32 platform.') import pyglet from pyglet.window import BaseWindow, WindowException, MouseCursor from pyglet.window import DefaultMouseCursor, _PlatformEventHandler, _ViewEventHandler from pyglet.event import EventDispatcher from pyglet.window import key, mouse from pyglet.canvas.win32 import Win32Canvas from pyglet.libs.win32 import _user32, _kernel32, _gdi32, _dwmapi, _shell32 from pyglet.libs.win32.constants import * from pyglet.libs.win32.winkey import * from pyglet.libs.win32.types import * # symbol,ctrl -> motion mapping _motion_map = { (key.UP, False): key.MOTION_UP, (key.RIGHT, False): key.MOTION_RIGHT, (key.DOWN, False): key.MOTION_DOWN, (key.LEFT, False): key.MOTION_LEFT, (key.RIGHT, True): key.MOTION_NEXT_WORD, (key.LEFT, True): key.MOTION_PREVIOUS_WORD, (key.HOME, False): key.MOTION_BEGINNING_OF_LINE, (key.END, False): key.MOTION_END_OF_LINE, (key.PAGEUP, False): key.MOTION_PREVIOUS_PAGE, (key.PAGEDOWN, False): key.MOTION_NEXT_PAGE, (key.HOME, True): key.MOTION_BEGINNING_OF_FILE, (key.END, True): key.MOTION_END_OF_FILE, (key.BACKSPACE, False): key.MOTION_BACKSPACE, (key.DELETE, False): key.MOTION_DELETE, (key.C, True): key.MOTION_COPY, (key.V, True): key.MOTION_PASTE } class Win32MouseCursor(MouseCursor): gl_drawable = False hw_drawable = True def __init__(self, cursor): self.cursor = cursor # This is global state, we have to be careful not to set the same state twice, # which will throw off the ShowCursor counter. _win32_cursor_visible = True Win32EventHandler = _PlatformEventHandler ViewEventHandler = _ViewEventHandler class Win32Window(BaseWindow): _window_class = None _hwnd = None _dc = None _wgl_context = None _tracking = False _hidden = False _has_focus = False _exclusive_keyboard = False _exclusive_keyboard_focus = True _exclusive_mouse = False _exclusive_mouse_focus = True _exclusive_mouse_screen = None _exclusive_mouse_lpos = None _exclusive_mouse_buttons = 0 _mouse_platform_visible = True _pending_click = False _in_title_bar = False _keyboard_state = {0x02A: False, 0x036: False} # For shift keys. _ws_style = 0 _ex_ws_style = 0 _minimum_size = None _maximum_size = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Bind event handlers self._event_handlers = {} self._view_event_handlers = {} for func_name in self._platform_event_names: if not hasattr(self, func_name): continue func = getattr(self, func_name) for message in func._platform_event_data: if hasattr(func, '_view'): self._view_event_handlers[message] = func else: self._event_handlers[message] = func self._always_dwm = sys.getwindowsversion() >= (6, 2) self._interval = 0 super(Win32Window, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _recreate(self, changes): if 'context' in changes: self._wgl_context = None self._create() def _create(self): # Ensure style is set before determining width/height. if self._fullscreen: self._ws_style = WS_POPUP self._ex_ws_style = 0 # WS_EX_TOPMOST else: styles = { self.WINDOW_STYLE_DEFAULT: (WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 0), self.WINDOW_STYLE_DIALOG: (WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU, WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME), self.WINDOW_STYLE_TOOL: (WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU, WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW), self.WINDOW_STYLE_BORDERLESS: (WS_POPUP, 0), self.WINDOW_STYLE_TRANSPARENT: (WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, WS_EX_LAYERED), self.WINDOW_STYLE_OVERLAY: (WS_POPUP, WS_EX_LAYERED | WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) } self._ws_style, self._ex_ws_style = styles[self._style] if self._resizable and not self._fullscreen: self._ws_style |= WS_THICKFRAME else: self._ws_style &= ~(WS_THICKFRAME | WS_MAXIMIZEBOX) if self._fullscreen: width = self.screen.width height = self.screen.height else: width, height = \ self._client_to_window_size(self._width, self._height) if not self._window_class: module = _kernel32.GetModuleHandleW(None) white = _gdi32.GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH) black = _gdi32.GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH) self._window_class = WNDCLASS() self._window_class.lpszClassName = u'GenericAppClass%d' % id(self) self._window_class.lpfnWndProc = WNDPROC( self._get_window_proc(self._event_handlers)) = CS_VREDRAW | CS_HREDRAW | CS_OWNDC self._window_class.hInstance = 0 self._window_class.hIcon = _user32.LoadImageW(module, MAKEINTRESOURCE(1), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTSIZE | LR_SHARED) self._window_class.hbrBackground = black self._window_class.lpszMenuName = None self._window_class.cbClsExtra = 0 self._window_class.cbWndExtra = 0 _user32.RegisterClassW(byref(self._window_class)) self._view_window_class = WNDCLASS() self._view_window_class.lpszClassName = \ u'GenericViewClass%d' % id(self) self._view_window_class.lpfnWndProc = WNDPROC( self._get_window_proc(self._view_event_handlers)) = 0 self._view_window_class.hInstance = 0 self._view_window_class.hIcon = 0 self._view_window_class.hbrBackground = white self._view_window_class.lpszMenuName = None self._view_window_class.cbClsExtra = 0 self._view_window_class.cbWndExtra = 0 _user32.RegisterClassW(byref(self._view_window_class)) if not self._hwnd: self._hwnd = _user32.CreateWindowExW( self._ex_ws_style, self._window_class.lpszClassName, u'', self._ws_style, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, width, height, 0, 0, self._window_class.hInstance, 0) # View Hwnd is for the client area so certain events (mouse events) don't trigger outside of area. self._view_hwnd = _user32.CreateWindowExW( 0, self._view_window_class.lpszClassName, u'', WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 0, 0, self._hwnd, 0, self._view_window_class.hInstance, 0) self._dc = _user32.GetDC(self._view_hwnd) # Only allow files being dropped if specified. if self._file_drops: # Allows UAC to not block the drop files request if low permissions. All 3 must be set. if WINDOWS_7_OR_GREATER: _user32.ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx(self._hwnd, WM_DROPFILES, MSGFLT_ALLOW, None) _user32.ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx(self._hwnd, WM_COPYDATA, MSGFLT_ALLOW, None) _user32.ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx(self._hwnd, WM_COPYGLOBALDATA, MSGFLT_ALLOW, None) _shell32.DragAcceptFiles(self._hwnd, True) # Set the raw keyboard to handle shift state. This is required as legacy events cannot handle shift states # when both keys are used together. View Hwnd as none changes focus to follow keyboard. raw_keyboard = RAWINPUTDEVICE(0x01, 0x06, 0, None) if not _user32.RegisterRawInputDevices( byref(raw_keyboard), 1, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICE)): print("Warning: Failed to unregister raw input keyboard.") else: # Window already exists, update it with new style # We need to hide window here, otherwise Windows forgets # to redraw the whole screen after leaving fullscreen. _user32.ShowWindow(self._hwnd, SW_HIDE) _user32.SetWindowLongW(self._hwnd, GWL_STYLE, self._ws_style) _user32.SetWindowLongW(self._hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, self._ex_ws_style) # Position and size window if self._fullscreen: hwnd_after = HWND_TOPMOST if == "overlay" else HWND_NOTOPMOST _user32.SetWindowPos(self._hwnd, hwnd_after, self._screen.x, self._screen.y, width, height, SWP_FRAMECHANGED) elif False: # TODO location not in pyglet API x, y = self._client_to_window_pos(*factory.get_location()) _user32.SetWindowPos(self._hwnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, x, y, width, height, SWP_FRAMECHANGED) elif == 'transparent' or == "overlay": _user32.SetLayeredWindowAttributes(self._hwnd, 0, 254, LWA_ALPHA) if == "overlay": _user32.SetWindowPos(self._hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, width, height, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE) else: _user32.SetWindowPos(self._hwnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, width, height, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_FRAMECHANGED) self._update_view_location(self._width, self._height) # Context must be created after window is created. if not self._wgl_context: self.canvas = Win32Canvas(self.display, self._view_hwnd, self._dc) self.context.attach(self.canvas) self._wgl_context = self.context._context self.switch_to() self.set_caption(self._caption) self.set_vsync(self._vsync) if self._visible: self.set_visible() # Might need resize event if going from fullscreen to fullscreen self.dispatch_event('on_resize', self._width, self._height) self.dispatch_event('on_expose') def _update_view_location(self, width, height): if self._fullscreen: x = (self.screen.width - width) // 2 y = (self.screen.height - height) // 2 else: x = y = 0 _user32.SetWindowPos(self._view_hwnd, 0, x, y, width, height, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER) def close(self): if not self._hwnd: super(Win32Window, self).close() return self.set_mouse_platform_visible(True) _user32.DestroyWindow(self._hwnd) _user32.UnregisterClassW(self._view_window_class.lpszClassName, 0) _user32.UnregisterClassW(self._window_class.lpszClassName, 0) self._window_class = None self._view_window_class = None self._view_event_handlers.clear() self._event_handlers.clear() self._hwnd = None self._dc = None self._wgl_context = None super(Win32Window, self).close() def _dwm_composition_enabled(self): """ Checks if Windows DWM is enabled (Windows Vista+) Note: Always on for Windows 8+ """ is_enabled = c_int() _dwmapi.DwmIsCompositionEnabled(byref(is_enabled)) return is_enabled.value def _get_vsync(self): return bool(self._interval) vsync = property(_get_vsync) # overrides BaseWindow property def set_vsync(self, vsync): if pyglet.options['vsync'] is not None: vsync = pyglet.options['vsync'] self._interval = vsync if not self._fullscreen: # Disable interval if composition is enabled to avoid conflict with DWM. if self._always_dwm or self._dwm_composition_enabled(): vsync = 0 self.context.set_vsync(vsync) def switch_to(self): self.context.set_current() def update_transparency(self): region = _gdi32.CreateRectRgn(0, 0, -1, -1) bb = DWM_BLURBEHIND() bb.dwFlags = DWM_BB_ENABLE | DWM_BB_BLURREGION bb.hRgnBlur = region bb.fEnable = True _dwmapi.DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow(self._hwnd, ctypes.byref(bb)) _gdi32.DeleteObject(region) def flip(self): self.draw_mouse_cursor() if not self._fullscreen: if self._always_dwm or self._dwm_composition_enabled(): if self._interval: _dwmapi.DwmFlush() if in ('overlay', 'transparent'): self.update_transparency() self.context.flip() def set_location(self, x, y): x, y = self._client_to_window_pos(x, y) _user32.SetWindowPos(self._hwnd, 0, x, y, 0, 0, (SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER)) def get_location(self): rect = RECT() _user32.GetClientRect(self._hwnd, byref(rect)) point = POINT() point.x = rect.left point.y = _user32.ClientToScreen(self._hwnd, byref(point)) return point.x, point.y def set_size(self, width, height): super().set_size(width, height) width, height = self._client_to_window_size(width, height) _user32.SetWindowPos(self._hwnd, 0, 0, 0, width, height, (SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER)) self.dispatch_event('on_resize', self._width, self._height) def get_size(self): # rect = RECT() # _user32.GetClientRect(self._hwnd, byref(rect)) # return rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - return self._width, self._height def set_minimum_size(self, width, height): self._minimum_size = width, height def set_maximum_size(self, width, height): self._maximum_size = width, height def activate(self): _user32.SetForegroundWindow(self._hwnd) def set_visible(self, visible=True): if visible: insertAfter = HWND_TOP _user32.SetWindowPos(self._hwnd, insertAfter, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW) self.dispatch_event('on_resize', self._width, self._height) self.activate() self.dispatch_event('on_show') else: _user32.ShowWindow(self._hwnd, SW_HIDE) self.dispatch_event('on_hide') self._visible = visible self.set_mouse_platform_visible() def minimize(self): _user32.ShowWindow(self._hwnd, SW_MINIMIZE) def maximize(self): _user32.ShowWindow(self._hwnd, SW_MAXIMIZE) def set_caption(self, caption): self._caption = caption _user32.SetWindowTextW(self._hwnd, c_wchar_p(caption)) def set_mouse_platform_visible(self, platform_visible=None): if platform_visible is None: platform_visible = (self._mouse_visible and not self._exclusive_mouse and (not self._mouse_cursor.gl_drawable or self._mouse_cursor.hw_drawable)) or \ (not self._mouse_in_window or not self._has_focus) if platform_visible and self._mouse_cursor.hw_drawable: if isinstance(self._mouse_cursor, Win32MouseCursor): cursor = self._mouse_cursor.cursor elif isinstance(self._mouse_cursor, DefaultMouseCursor): cursor = _user32.LoadCursorW(None, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_ARROW)) else: cursor = self._create_cursor_from_image(self._mouse_cursor) _user32.SetClassLongPtrW(self._view_hwnd, GCL_HCURSOR, cursor) _user32.SetCursor(cursor) if platform_visible == self._mouse_platform_visible: return self._set_cursor_visibility(platform_visible) self._mouse_platform_visible = platform_visible def _set_cursor_visibility(self, platform_visible): # Avoid calling ShowCursor with the current visibility (which would # push the counter too far away from zero). global _win32_cursor_visible if _win32_cursor_visible != platform_visible: _user32.ShowCursor(platform_visible) _win32_cursor_visible = platform_visible def _update_clipped_cursor(self): # Clip to client area, to prevent large mouse movements taking # it outside the client area. if self._in_title_bar or self._pending_click: return rect = RECT() _user32.GetClientRect(self._view_hwnd, byref(rect)) _user32.MapWindowPoints(self._view_hwnd, HWND_DESKTOP, byref(rect), 2) # For some reason borders can be off 1 pixel, allowing cursor into frame/minimize/exit buttons? += 1 rect.left += 1 rect.right -= 1 rect.bottom -= 1 _user32.ClipCursor(byref(rect)) def set_exclusive_mouse(self, exclusive=True): if self._exclusive_mouse == exclusive and \ self._exclusive_mouse_focus == self._has_focus: return # Mouse: UsagePage = 1, Usage = 2 raw_mouse = RAWINPUTDEVICE(0x01, 0x02, 0, None) if not exclusive: raw_mouse.dwFlags = RIDEV_REMOVE raw_mouse.hwndTarget = None if not _user32.RegisterRawInputDevices( byref(raw_mouse), 1, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICE)): if exclusive: raise WindowException("Cannot enter mouse exclusive mode.") self._exclusive_mouse_buttons = 0 if exclusive and self._has_focus: self._update_clipped_cursor() else: # Release clip _user32.ClipCursor(None) self._exclusive_mouse = exclusive self._exclusive_mouse_focus = self._has_focus self.set_mouse_platform_visible(not exclusive) def set_mouse_position(self, x, y, absolute=False): if not absolute: rect = RECT() _user32.GetClientRect(self._view_hwnd, byref(rect)) _user32.MapWindowPoints(self._view_hwnd, HWND_DESKTOP, byref(rect), 2) x = x + rect.left y = + (rect.bottom - - y _user32.SetCursorPos(x, y) def set_exclusive_keyboard(self, exclusive=True): if self._exclusive_keyboard == exclusive and \ self._exclusive_keyboard_focus == self._has_focus: return if exclusive and self._has_focus: _user32.RegisterHotKey(self._hwnd, 0, WIN32_MOD_ALT, VK_TAB) elif self._exclusive_keyboard and not exclusive: _user32.UnregisterHotKey(self._hwnd, 0) self._exclusive_keyboard = exclusive self._exclusive_keyboard_focus = self._has_focus def get_system_mouse_cursor(self, name): if name == self.CURSOR_DEFAULT: return DefaultMouseCursor() names = { self.CURSOR_CROSSHAIR: IDC_CROSS, self.CURSOR_HAND: IDC_HAND, self.CURSOR_HELP: IDC_HELP, self.CURSOR_NO: IDC_NO, self.CURSOR_SIZE: IDC_SIZEALL, self.CURSOR_SIZE_UP: IDC_SIZENS, self.CURSOR_SIZE_UP_RIGHT: IDC_SIZENESW, self.CURSOR_SIZE_RIGHT: IDC_SIZEWE, self.CURSOR_SIZE_DOWN_RIGHT: IDC_SIZENWSE, self.CURSOR_SIZE_DOWN: IDC_SIZENS, self.CURSOR_SIZE_DOWN_LEFT: IDC_SIZENESW, self.CURSOR_SIZE_LEFT: IDC_SIZEWE, self.CURSOR_SIZE_UP_LEFT: IDC_SIZENWSE, self.CURSOR_SIZE_UP_DOWN: IDC_SIZENS, self.CURSOR_SIZE_LEFT_RIGHT: IDC_SIZEWE, self.CURSOR_TEXT: IDC_IBEAM, self.CURSOR_WAIT: IDC_WAIT, self.CURSOR_WAIT_ARROW: IDC_APPSTARTING, } if name not in names: raise RuntimeError('Unknown cursor name "%s"' % name) cursor = _user32.LoadCursorW(None, MAKEINTRESOURCE(names[name])) return Win32MouseCursor(cursor) def set_icon(self, *images): # XXX Undocumented AFAICT, but XP seems happy to resize an image # of any size, so no scaling necessary. def best_image(width, height): # A heuristic for finding closest sized image to required size. image = images[0] for img in images: if img.width == width and img.height == height: # Exact match always used return img elif img.width >= width and \ img.width * img.height > image.width * image.height: # At least wide enough, and largest area image = img return image def get_icon(image): # Alpha-blended icon: see format = 'BGRA' pitch = len(format) * image.width header = BITMAPV5HEADER() header.bV5Size = sizeof(header) header.bV5Width = image.width header.bV5Height = image.height header.bV5Planes = 1 header.bV5BitCount = 32 header.bV5Compression = BI_BITFIELDS header.bV5RedMask = 0x00ff0000 header.bV5GreenMask = 0x0000ff00 header.bV5BlueMask = 0x000000ff header.bV5AlphaMask = 0xff000000 hdc = _user32.GetDC(None) dataptr = c_void_p() bitmap = _gdi32.CreateDIBSection(hdc, byref(header), DIB_RGB_COLORS, byref(dataptr), None, 0) _user32.ReleaseDC(None, hdc) image = image.get_image_data() data = image.get_data(format, pitch) memmove(dataptr, data, len(data)) mask = _gdi32.CreateBitmap(image.width, image.height, 1, 1, None) iconinfo = ICONINFO() iconinfo.fIcon = True iconinfo.hbmMask = mask iconinfo.hbmColor = bitmap icon = _user32.CreateIconIndirect(byref(iconinfo)) _gdi32.DeleteObject(mask) _gdi32.DeleteObject(bitmap) return icon # Set large icon image = best_image(_user32.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON), _user32.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON)) icon = get_icon(image) _user32.SetClassLongPtrW(self._hwnd, GCL_HICON, icon) # Set small icon image = best_image(_user32.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), _user32.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON)) icon = get_icon(image) _user32.SetClassLongPtrW(self._hwnd, GCL_HICONSM, icon) @lru_cache() def _create_cursor_from_image(self, cursor): """Creates platform cursor from an ImageCursor instance.""" fmt = 'BGRA' image = cursor.texture pitch = len(fmt) * image.width header = BITMAPINFOHEADER() header.biSize = sizeof(header) header.biWidth = image.width header.biHeight = image.height header.biPlanes = 1 header.biBitCount = 32 hdc = _user32.GetDC(None) dataptr = c_void_p() bitmap = _gdi32.CreateDIBSection(hdc, byref(header), DIB_RGB_COLORS, byref(dataptr), None, 0) _user32.ReleaseDC(None, hdc) image = image.get_image_data() data = image.get_data(fmt, pitch) memmove(dataptr, data, len(data)) mask = _gdi32.CreateBitmap(image.width, image.height, 1, 1, None) iconinfo = ICONINFO() iconinfo.fIcon = False iconinfo.hbmMask = mask iconinfo.hbmColor = bitmap iconinfo.xHotspot = int(cursor.hot_x) iconinfo.yHotspot = int(image.height - cursor.hot_y) icon = _user32.CreateIconIndirect(byref(iconinfo)) _gdi32.DeleteObject(mask) _gdi32.DeleteObject(bitmap) return icon def set_clipboard_text(self, text: str): valid = _user32.OpenClipboard(self._view_hwnd) if not valid: return _user32.EmptyClipboard() size = (len(text) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) # UTF-16 cb_data = _kernel32.GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, size) locked_data = _kernel32.GlobalLock(cb_data) memmove(locked_data, text, size) # Trying to encode in utf-16 causes garbled text. Accepts str fine? _kernel32.GlobalUnlock(cb_data) _user32.SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, cb_data) _user32.CloseClipboard() def get_clipboard_text(self) -> str: text = '' valid = _user32.OpenClipboard(self._view_hwnd) if not valid: print("Could not open clipboard") return '' cb_obj = _user32.GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT) if cb_obj: locked_data = _kernel32.GlobalLock(cb_obj) if locked_data: text = ctypes.wstring_at(locked_data) _kernel32.GlobalUnlock(cb_obj) _user32.CloseClipboard() return text # Private util def _client_to_window_size(self, width, height): rect = RECT() rect.left = 0 = 0 rect.right = width rect.bottom = height _user32.AdjustWindowRectEx(byref(rect), self._ws_style, False, self._ex_ws_style) return rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - def _client_to_window_pos(self, x, y): rect = RECT() rect.left = x = y _user32.AdjustWindowRectEx(byref(rect), self._ws_style, False, self._ex_ws_style) return rect.left, # Event dispatching def dispatch_events(self): """Legacy or manual dispatch.""" from pyglet import app app.platform_event_loop.start() self._allow_dispatch_event = True self.dispatch_pending_events() msg = MSG() while _user32.PeekMessageW(byref(msg), 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE): _user32.TranslateMessage(byref(msg)) _user32.DispatchMessageW(byref(msg)) self._allow_dispatch_event = False def dispatch_pending_events(self): """Legacy or manual dispatch.""" while self._event_queue: event = self._event_queue.pop(0) if type(event[0]) is str: # pyglet event EventDispatcher.dispatch_event(self, *event) else: # win32 event event[0](*event[1:]) def _get_window_proc(self, event_handlers): def f(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam): event_handler = event_handlers.get(msg, None) result = None if event_handler: if self._allow_dispatch_event or not self._enable_event_queue: result = event_handler(msg, wParam, lParam) else: result = 0 self._event_queue.append((event_handler, msg, wParam, lParam)) if result is None: result = _user32.DefWindowProcW(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam) return result return f # Event handlers def _get_modifiers(self, key_lParam=0): modifiers = 0 if self._keyboard_state[0x036] or self._keyboard_state[0x02A]: modifiers |= key.MOD_SHIFT if _user32.GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0xff00: modifiers |= key.MOD_CTRL if _user32.GetKeyState(VK_LWIN) & 0xff00: modifiers |= key.MOD_WINDOWS if _user32.GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) & 0x00ff: # toggle modifiers |= key.MOD_CAPSLOCK if _user32.GetKeyState(VK_NUMLOCK) & 0x00ff: # toggle modifiers |= key.MOD_NUMLOCK if _user32.GetKeyState(VK_SCROLL) & 0x00ff: # toggle modifiers |= key.MOD_SCROLLLOCK if key_lParam: if key_lParam & (1 << 29): modifiers |= key.MOD_ALT elif _user32.GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0: modifiers |= key.MOD_ALT return modifiers @staticmethod def _get_location(lParam): x = c_int16(lParam & 0xffff).value y = c_int16(lParam >> 16).value return x, y @Win32EventHandler(WM_KEYDOWN) @Win32EventHandler(WM_KEYUP) @Win32EventHandler(WM_SYSKEYDOWN) @Win32EventHandler(WM_SYSKEYUP) def _event_key(self, msg, wParam, lParam): repeat = False if lParam & (1 << 30): if msg not in (WM_KEYUP, WM_SYSKEYUP): repeat = True ev = 'on_key_release' else: ev = 'on_key_press' symbol = keymap.get(wParam, None) if symbol is None: ch = _user32.MapVirtualKeyW(wParam, MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR) symbol = chmap.get(ch) if symbol is None: symbol = key.user_key(wParam) elif symbol == key.LCTRL and lParam & (1 << 24): symbol = key.RCTRL elif symbol == key.LALT and lParam & (1 << 24): symbol = key.RALT if wParam == VK_SHIFT: return # Let raw input handle this instead. modifiers = self._get_modifiers(lParam) if not repeat: self.dispatch_event(ev, symbol, modifiers) ctrl = modifiers & key.MOD_CTRL != 0 if (symbol, ctrl) in _motion_map and msg not in (WM_KEYUP, WM_SYSKEYUP): motion = _motion_map[symbol, ctrl] if modifiers & key.MOD_SHIFT: self.dispatch_event('on_text_motion_select', motion) else: self.dispatch_event('on_text_motion', motion) # Send on to DefWindowProc if not exclusive. if self._exclusive_keyboard: return 0 else: return None @Win32EventHandler(WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN) def _event_ncl_button_down(self, msg, wParam, lParam): self._in_title_bar = True @Win32EventHandler(WM_CAPTURECHANGED) def _event_capture_changed(self, msg, wParam, lParam): self._in_title_bar = False if self._exclusive_mouse: state = _user32.GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) if not state & 0x8000: # released if self._pending_click: self._pending_click = False if self._has_focus or not self._hidden: self._update_clipped_cursor() @Win32EventHandler(WM_CHAR) def _event_char(self, msg, wParam, lParam): text = chr(wParam) if unicodedata.category(text) != 'Cc' or text == '\r': self.dispatch_event('on_text', text) return 0 @Win32EventHandler(WM_INPUT) def _event_raw_input(self, msg, wParam, lParam): hRawInput = cast(lParam, HRAWINPUT) inp = RAWINPUT() size = UINT(sizeof(inp)) _user32.GetRawInputData(hRawInput, RID_INPUT, byref(inp), byref(size), sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)) if inp.header.dwType == RIM_TYPEMOUSE: if not self._exclusive_mouse: return 0 rmouse = if rmouse.usFlags & 0x01 == MOUSE_MOVE_RELATIVE: if rmouse.lLastX != 0 or rmouse.lLastY != 0: # Motion event # In relative motion, Y axis is positive for below. # We invert it for Pyglet so positive is motion up. if self._exclusive_mouse_buttons: self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_drag', 0, 0, rmouse.lLastX, -rmouse.lLastY, self._exclusive_mouse_buttons, self._get_modifiers()) else: self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_motion', 0, 0, rmouse.lLastX, -rmouse.lLastY) else: if self._exclusive_mouse_lpos is None: self._exclusive_mouse_lpos = rmouse.lLastX, rmouse.lLastY last_x, last_y = self._exclusive_mouse_lpos rel_x = rmouse.lLastX - last_x rel_y = rmouse.lLastY - last_y if rel_x != 0 or rel_y != 0.0: # Motion event if self._exclusive_mouse_buttons: self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_drag', 0, 0, rmouse.lLastX, -rmouse.lLastY, self._exclusive_mouse_buttons, self._get_modifiers()) else: self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_motion', 0, 0, rel_x, rel_y) self._exclusive_mouse_lpos = rmouse.lLastX, rmouse.lLastY elif inp.header.dwType == RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD: if == 255: return 0 key_up = & RI_KEY_BREAK if == 0x02A: # LEFT_SHIFT if not key_up and not self._keyboard_state[0x02A]: self._keyboard_state[0x02A] = True self.dispatch_event('on_key_press', key.LSHIFT, self._get_modifiers()) elif key_up and self._keyboard_state[0x02A]: self._keyboard_state[0x02A] = False self.dispatch_event('on_key_release', key.LSHIFT, self._get_modifiers()) elif == 0x036: # RIGHT SHIFT if not key_up and not self._keyboard_state[0x036]: self._keyboard_state[0x036] = True self.dispatch_event('on_key_press', key.RSHIFT, self._get_modifiers()) elif key_up and self._keyboard_state[0x036]: self._keyboard_state[0x036] = False self.dispatch_event('on_key_release', key.RSHIFT, self._get_modifiers()) return 0 @ViewEventHandler @Win32EventHandler(WM_MOUSEMOVE) def _event_mousemove(self, msg, wParam, lParam): if self._exclusive_mouse and self._has_focus: return 0 x, y = self._get_location(lParam) y = self._height - y dx = x - self._mouse_x dy = y - self._mouse_y if not self._tracking: # There is no WM_MOUSEENTER message (!), so fake it from the # first WM_MOUSEMOVE event after leaving. Use self._tracking # to determine when to recreate the tracking structure after # re-entering (to track the next WM_MOUSELEAVE). self._mouse_in_window = True self.set_mouse_platform_visible() self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_enter', x, y) self._tracking = True track = TRACKMOUSEEVENT() track.cbSize = sizeof(track) track.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE track.hwndTrack = self._view_hwnd _user32.TrackMouseEvent(byref(track)) # Don't generate motion/drag events when mouse hasn't moved. (Issue # 305) if self._mouse_x == x and self._mouse_y == y: return 0 self._mouse_x = x self._mouse_y = y buttons = 0 if wParam & MK_LBUTTON: buttons |= mouse.LEFT if wParam & MK_MBUTTON: buttons |= mouse.MIDDLE if wParam & MK_RBUTTON: buttons |= mouse.RIGHT if wParam & MK_XBUTTON1: buttons |= mouse.MOUSE4 if wParam & MK_XBUTTON2: buttons |= mouse.MOUSE5 if buttons: # Drag event modifiers = self._get_modifiers() self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_drag', x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers) else: # Motion event self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_motion', x, y, dx, dy) return 0 @ViewEventHandler @Win32EventHandler(WM_MOUSELEAVE) def _event_mouseleave(self, msg, wParam, lParam): point = POINT() _user32.GetCursorPos(byref(point)) _user32.ScreenToClient(self._view_hwnd, byref(point)) x = point.x y = self._height - point.y self._tracking = False self._mouse_in_window = False self.set_mouse_platform_visible() self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_leave', x, y) return 0 def _event_mousebutton(self, ev, button, lParam): if ev == 'on_mouse_press': _user32.SetCapture(self._view_hwnd) else: _user32.ReleaseCapture() x, y = self._get_location(lParam) y = self._height - y self.dispatch_event(ev, x, y, button, self._get_modifiers()) return 0 @ViewEventHandler @Win32EventHandler(WM_LBUTTONDOWN) def _event_lbuttondown(self, msg, wParam, lParam): return self._event_mousebutton( 'on_mouse_press', mouse.LEFT, lParam) @ViewEventHandler @Win32EventHandler(WM_LBUTTONUP) def _event_lbuttonup(self, msg, wParam, lParam): return self._event_mousebutton( 'on_mouse_release', mouse.LEFT, lParam) @ViewEventHandler @Win32EventHandler(WM_MBUTTONDOWN) def _event_mbuttondown(self, msg, wParam, lParam): return self._event_mousebutton( 'on_mouse_press', mouse.MIDDLE, lParam) @ViewEventHandler @Win32EventHandler(WM_MBUTTONUP) def _event_mbuttonup(self, msg, wParam, lParam): return self._event_mousebutton( 'on_mouse_release', mouse.MIDDLE, lParam) @ViewEventHandler @Win32EventHandler(WM_RBUTTONDOWN) def _event_rbuttondown(self, msg, wParam, lParam): return self._event_mousebutton( 'on_mouse_press', mouse.RIGHT, lParam) @ViewEventHandler @Win32EventHandler(WM_RBUTTONUP) def _event_rbuttonup(self, msg, wParam, lParam): return self._event_mousebutton( 'on_mouse_release', mouse.RIGHT, lParam) @ViewEventHandler @Win32EventHandler(WM_XBUTTONDOWN) def _event_xbuttondown(self, msg, wParam, lParam): if c_short(wParam >> 16).value == 1: button = mouse.MOUSE4 if c_short(wParam >> 16).value == 2: button = mouse.MOUSE5 return self._event_mousebutton( 'on_mouse_press', button, lParam) @ViewEventHandler @Win32EventHandler(WM_XBUTTONUP) def _event_xbuttonup(self, msg, wParam, lParam): if c_short(wParam >> 16).value == 1: button = mouse.MOUSE4 if c_short(wParam >> 16).value == 2: button = mouse.MOUSE5 return self._event_mousebutton( 'on_mouse_release', button, lParam) @Win32EventHandler(WM_MOUSEWHEEL) def _event_mousewheel(self, msg, wParam, lParam): delta = c_short(wParam >> 16).value self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_scroll', self._mouse_x, self._mouse_y, 0, delta / float(WHEEL_DELTA)) return 0 @Win32EventHandler(WM_CLOSE) def _event_close(self, msg, wParam, lParam): self.dispatch_event('on_close') return 0 @ViewEventHandler @Win32EventHandler(WM_PAINT) def _event_paint(self, msg, wParam, lParam): self.dispatch_event('on_expose') # Validating the window using ValidateRect or ValidateRgn # doesn't clear the paint message when more than one window # is open [why?]; defer to DefWindowProc instead. return None @Win32EventHandler(WM_SIZING) def _event_sizing(self, msg, wParam, lParam): # rect = cast(lParam, POINTER(RECT)).contents # width, height = self.get_size() from pyglet import app if app.event_loop is not None: app.event_loop.enter_blocking() return 1 @Win32EventHandler(WM_SIZE) def _event_size(self, msg, wParam, lParam): if not self._dc: # Ignore window creation size event (appears for fullscreen # only) -- we haven't got DC or HWND yet. return None if wParam == SIZE_MINIMIZED: # Minimized, not resized. self._hidden = True self.dispatch_event('on_hide') return 0 if self._hidden: # Restored self._hidden = False self.dispatch_event('on_show') w, h = self._get_location(lParam) if not self._fullscreen: self._width, self._height = w, h self._update_view_location(self._width, self._height) if self._exclusive_mouse: self._update_clipped_cursor() self.switch_to() self.dispatch_event('on_resize', self._width, self._height) return 0 @Win32EventHandler(WM_SYSCOMMAND) def _event_syscommand(self, msg, wParam, lParam): # check for ALT key to prevent app from hanging because there is # no windows menu bar if wParam == SC_KEYMENU and lParam & (1 >> 16) <= 0: return 0 if wParam & 0xfff0 in (SC_MOVE, SC_SIZE): # Should be in WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE, but we never get that message. from pyglet import app if app.event_loop is not None: app.event_loop.enter_blocking() @Win32EventHandler(WM_MOVE) def _event_move(self, msg, wParam, lParam): x, y = self._get_location(lParam) self.dispatch_event('on_move', x, y) return 0 @Win32EventHandler(WM_SETCURSOR) def _event_setcursor(self, msg, wParam, lParam): if self._exclusive_mouse and not self._mouse_platform_visible: lo, hi = self._get_location(lParam) if lo == HTCLIENT: # In frame self._set_cursor_visibility(False) return 1 elif lo in (HTCAPTION, HTCLOSE, HTMAXBUTTON, HTMINBUTTON): # Allow in self._set_cursor_visibility(True) return 1 @Win32EventHandler(WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE) def _event_entersizemove(self, msg, wParam, lParam): self._moving = True from pyglet import app if app.event_loop is not None: app.event_loop.exit_blocking() @Win32EventHandler(WM_EXITSIZEMOVE) def _event_exitsizemove(self, msg, wParam, lParam): self._moving = False from pyglet import app if app.event_loop is not None: app.event_loop.exit_blocking() if self._exclusive_mouse: self._update_clipped_cursor() @Win32EventHandler(WM_SETFOCUS) def _event_setfocus(self, msg, wParam, lParam): self.dispatch_event('on_activate') self._has_focus = True if self._exclusive_mouse: if _user32.GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON): self._pending_click = True self.set_exclusive_keyboard(self._exclusive_keyboard) self.set_exclusive_mouse(self._exclusive_mouse) return 0 @Win32EventHandler(WM_KILLFOCUS) def _event_killfocus(self, msg, wParam, lParam): self.dispatch_event('on_deactivate') self._has_focus = False exclusive_keyboard = self._exclusive_keyboard exclusive_mouse = self._exclusive_mouse # Disable both exclusive keyboard and mouse self.set_exclusive_keyboard(False) self.set_exclusive_mouse(False) # Reset shift state on Window focus loss. for symbol in self._keyboard_state: self._keyboard_state[symbol] = False # But save desired state and note that we lost focus # This will allow to reset the correct mode once we regain focus self._exclusive_keyboard = exclusive_keyboard self._exclusive_keyboard_focus = False self._exclusive_mouse = exclusive_mouse self._exclusive_mouse_focus = False return 0 @Win32EventHandler(WM_GETMINMAXINFO) def _event_getminmaxinfo(self, msg, wParam, lParam): info = MINMAXINFO.from_address(lParam) if self._minimum_size: info.ptMinTrackSize.x, info.ptMinTrackSize.y = \ self._client_to_window_size(*self._minimum_size) if self._maximum_size: info.ptMaxTrackSize.x, info.ptMaxTrackSize.y = \ self._client_to_window_size(*self._maximum_size) return 0 @Win32EventHandler(WM_ERASEBKGND) def _event_erasebkgnd(self, msg, wParam, lParam): # Prevent flicker during resize; but erase bkgnd if we're fullscreen. if self._fullscreen: return 0 else: return 1 @ViewEventHandler @Win32EventHandler(WM_ERASEBKGND) def _event_erasebkgnd_view(self, msg, wParam, lParam): # Prevent flicker during resize. return 1 @Win32EventHandler(WM_DROPFILES) def _event_drop_files(self, msg, wParam, lParam): drop = wParam # Get the count so we can handle multiple files. file_count = _shell32.DragQueryFileW(drop, 0xFFFFFFFF, None, 0) # Get where drop point was. point = POINT() _shell32.DragQueryPoint(drop, ctypes.byref(point)) paths = [] for i in range(file_count): length = _shell32.DragQueryFileW(drop, i, None, 0) # Length of string. buffer = create_unicode_buffer(length+1) _shell32.DragQueryFileW(drop, i, buffer, length + 1) paths.append(buffer.value) _shell32.DragFinish(drop) # Reverse Y and call event. self.dispatch_event('on_file_drop', point.x, self._height - point.y, paths) return 0 __all__ = ["Win32EventHandler", "Win32Window"]