# ------------------------------- # Difficult Rocket # Copyright © 2021 by shenjackyuanjie # All rights reserved # ------------------------------- """ writen by shenjackyuanjie mail: 3695888@qq.com github: @shenjackyuanjie gitee: @shenjackyuanjie """ # system function import os import sys import time import random import logging import threading import configparser import multiprocessing from decimal import Decimal from multiprocessing import Pipe from multiprocessing.connection import Connection if __name__ == '__main__': # been start will not run this sys.path.append('/bin/libs') sys.path.append('/bin') # Difficult_Rocket function from Difficult_Rocket import crash from Difficult_Rocket.api.Exp import * from Difficult_Rocket.api.translate import tr from Difficult_Rocket.drag_sprite import DragSprite from Difficult_Rocket.api import tools, load_file, new_thread, thread # libs function local_lib = True if local_lib: from libs import pyglet from libs.pyglet.window import key, mouse else: import pyglet from pyglet.window import key, mouse class Client: def __init__(self, net_mode='local'): # logging self.logger = logging.getLogger('client') # config self.config = tools.load_file('configs/main.config') # lang self.lang = tools.load_file('configs/lang/%s.json5' % self.config['runtime']['language'], 'client') # value self.process_id = 'Client' self.process_name = 'Client process' self.process_pid = os.getpid() self.net_mode = net_mode self.caption = tools.name_handler(self.config['window']['caption'], {'version': self.config['runtime']['version']}) self.window = ClientWindow(net_mode=self.net_mode, width=int(self.config['window']['width']), height=int(self.config['window']['height']), fullscreen=tools.format_bool(self.config['window']['full_screen']), caption=self.caption, resizable=tools.format_bool(self.config['window']['resizable']), visible=tools.format_bool(self.config['window']['visible'])) self.logger.info(tr['client']['setup.done']) def start(self): self.window.start_game() # 游戏启动 # TODO 写一下服务端启动相关,还是需要服务端啊 class ClientWindow(pyglet.window.Window): def __init__(self, net_mode='local', *args, **kwargs): self.times = [time.time()] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) """ :param dev_list: 共享内存 :param dev_dic: 共享内存 :param logger: logger :param net_mode: 网络模式 # local / ip """ # logging self.logger = logging.getLogger('client') # value self.net_mode = net_mode self.run_input = False # configs pyglet.resource.path = ['textures'] pyglet.resource.reindex() self.config_file = tools.load_file('configs/main.config') self.FPS = Decimal(int(self.config_file['runtime']['fps'])) self.SPF = Decimal('1') / self.FPS # lang self.lang = tools.load_file('configs/lang/%s.json5' % self.config_file['runtime']['language'], 'client') # dic self.environment = {} self.textures = {} # all textures self.runtime = {} # FPS self.max_fps = [self.FPS, time.time()] self.min_fps = [self.FPS, time.time()] self.fps_wait = 5 # batch self.part_batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch() self.label_batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch() # frame self.frame = pyglet.gui.Frame(self) self.M_frame = pyglet.gui.MovableFrame(self) # setup self.setup() self.info_label = pyglet.text.Label(x=10, y=self.height - 10, anchor_x='left', anchor_y='top', batch=self.label_batch) pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(self.update, float(self.SPF)) self.logger.info(self.lang['setup.done']) @new_thread('client_load_environment') def load_environment(self) -> None: # load parts info self.environment['parts'] = load_file('configs/sys_value/parts.json5') try: self.load_textures() except TexturesError: raise @new_thread('client_load_textures') def load_textures(self) -> None: # load parts self.textures['parts'] = {} for part in self.environment['parts']: pass def setup(self): self.logger.info(tr.lang('window', 'os.pid_is').format(os.getpid(), os.getppid())) image = pyglet.image.load('textures/Editor/PartButton.png') self.textures['test'] = DragSprite(10, 20, image, batch=self.label_batch, drag_by_all=False, drag_out_window=True) self.load_environment() def start_game(self) -> None: self.run_input = True # self.input_line = threading.Thread(target=self.read_input, name='client_read_line', daemon=True) # self.input_line.start() pyglet.app.run() def read_input(self): self.logger.debug('read_input start') while self.run_input: get = input('<<<') self.logger.info(get) if get == 'stop': self.run_input = False self.logger.debug('read_input end') """ draws and some event """ def update(self, tick: float): self.FPS_update(tick) def FPS_update(self, tick: float): now_FPS = pyglet.clock.get_fps() if now_FPS > self.max_fps[0]: self.max_fps = [now_FPS, time.time()] elif now_FPS < self.min_fps[0]: self.min_fps = [now_FPS, time.time()] else: if (time.time() - self.max_fps[1]) > self.fps_wait: self.max_fps = [self.FPS, time.time()] elif (time.time() - self.min_fps[1]) > self.fps_wait: self.min_fps = [self.FPS, time.time()] self.info_label.text = 'FPS: {:.1f} {:.1f} ({:.1f}/{:.1f}) | MSPF: {:.5f} '.format(now_FPS, 1 / tick, self.max_fps[0], self.min_fps[0], tick) def on_draw(self): self.clear() self.draw_batch() def on_resize(self, width: int, height: int): super().on_resize(width, height) self.info_label.y = height - 10 def draw_batch(self): self.part_batch.draw() self.label_batch.draw() """ keyboard and mouse input """ def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y, dx, dy) -> None: # self.logger.debug('按键移动 %s %s %s %s' % (x, y, dx, dy)) pass def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers) -> None: # self.logger.debug('按键拖拽 %s %s %s %s %s %s' % (x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers)) self.textures['test'].on_mouse_drag(x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers) pass def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, modifiers) -> None: if button == mouse.LEFT: self.logger.debug(self.lang['mouse.press'].format([x, y], self.lang['mouse.left'])) elif button == mouse.RIGHT: self.logger.debug(self.lang['mouse.press'].format([x, y], self.lang['mouse.right'])) self.textures['test']._sprite.rotation = random.randint(0, 360) self.textures['test'].on_mouse_press(x, y, button, modifiers) def on_mouse_release(self, x, y, button, modifiers) -> None: self.logger.debug(tr.lang('window', 'mouse.release').format([x, y], tr.lang('window', 'mouse.right'))) self.textures['test'].on_mouse_release(x, y, button, modifiers) def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers) -> None: if symbol == key.ESCAPE and not (modifiers & ~(key.MOD_NUMLOCK | key.MOD_CAPSLOCK | key.MOD_SCROLLLOCK)): self.dispatch_event('on_close') def on_key_release(self, symbol, modifiers) -> None: pass def on_close(self) -> None: self.run_input = False # self.input_line.join() config_file = configparser.ConfigParser() config_file.read('configs/main.config') config_file['window']['width'] = str(self.width) config_file['window']['height'] = str(self.height) config_file.write(open('configs/main.config', 'w', encoding='utf-8')) super(ClientWindow, self).on_close()