# ------------------------------- # Difficult Rocket # Copyright © 2021 by shenjackyuanjie # All rights reserved # ------------------------------- """ writen by shenjackyuanjie mail: 3695888@qq.com github: @shenjackyuanjie gitee: @shenjackyuanjie """ import time # from DR from Difficult_Rocket.api import translate from Difficult_Rocket.api.new_thread import new_thread # from libs.pyglet from libs import pyglet from libs.pyglet.text import Label from libs.pyglet.window import key from libs.pyglet.gui import widgets from libs.pyglet.text.caret import Caret from libs.pyglet.graphics import Batch, Group from libs.pyglet.text.layout import IncrementalTextLayout from libs.pyglet.text.document import UnformattedDocument class CommandLine(widgets.WidgetBase): """ command line show """ def __init__(self, x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int, length: int, batch: Batch, group: Group = None, command_text: str = '/', font_size: int = 20): super().__init__(x, y, width, height) # normal values self.length = length self.command_list = ['' for line in range(length)] self.command_text = command_text self._text_position = 0 self._command_view = 0 self._value = 0 # group self._user_group = group bg_group = Group(order=0, parent=group) fg_group = Group(order=1, parent=group) # hidden value self._text = '' self._line = Label(x=x, y=y, batch=batch, text=self.text, color=(100, 255, 255, 255), anchor_x='left', anchor_y='bottom', font_size=font_size, font_name=translate.鸿蒙简体, group=fg_group) self._label = [Label(x=x + 10, y=y + 20 + (line * 20), batch=batch, text='a', anchor_x='left', anchor_y='bottom', font_size=font_size - 3, font_name=translate.鸿蒙简体, group=bg_group) for line in range(length)] # Rectangular outline with 5-pixel pad: color = (100, 100, 100, 100) self._pad = p = 5 self._outline = pyglet.shapes.Rectangle(x=x - p, y=y - p, width=width + p + p, height=height + p + p, color=color[:3], batch=batch, group=fg_group) self._outline.opacity = color[3] self.document = UnformattedDocument(text=self.text) self.document.set_style(0, len(self.document.text), dict(color=(200, 132, 123, 255), font_size=font_size, font_name=translate.鸿蒙简体)) font = self.document.get_font() height = font.ascent - font.descent self.layout = IncrementalTextLayout(document=self.document, width=width, height=height, batch=batch) self.layout.position = x, y self.caret = Caret(self.layout, color=(200, 132, 123), batch=batch) self.editing = False def _update_position(self): self._line.position = self._x, self._y def update_groups(self, order): self._line.group = Group(order=order + 1, parent=self._user_group) for label in self._label: label.group = Group(order=order + 1, parent=self._user_group) self._outline.group = Group(order=order + 2, parent=self._user_group) @property def text(self): return self._text @text.setter def text(self, value): assert type(value) is str, 'CommandLine\'s text must be string!' self._text = value self._line.text = value self.document.text = value @property def command_view(self): return self._command_view @command_view.setter def command_view(self, value): """ value: -1 -> 将整个列表添加一个数据 如果长度超过length就删掉多余的 将视角移动到最下面,刷新显示列表 0 ~ (self.length-1) -> 切换视角到对应的行数 实际上还有一个限制 """ assert type(value) is int, 'Command View must be integer' assert -2 < value < self.length, f'Command View must be bigger than -1 and smaller than {self.length}' if value == -1: # flush command list self._label.insert(0, self._label[-1]) self._label.pop(-1) for line in range(self.length): self._label[line].y = self.y + 20 + (line * 20) self._label[0].text = self.text self.text = '' self._command_view = 0 self._text_position = 0 elif value == self._command_view: # not doing anything pass elif value > self._command_view: # move upwards pass else: # move downwards pass self._command_view = value @property def editing(self): return self._editing @editing.setter def editing(self, value): assert type(value) is bool, 'Command editing must be bool!' self._editing = value self._line.visible = value self._outline.visible = value self.caret.visible = value for label in self._label: label.visible = value @new_thread('command wait') def wait(self, wait): self._label[0].visible = True time.sleep(wait) if self._label[0].visible and not self.editing: self._label[0].visible = False def on_text(self, text): if self.editing: self.caret.on_text(text) if text in ('\r', '\n'): # goto a new line if self.text[0] == self.command_text: self.dispatch_event('on_command', self.text[1:]) else: self.dispatch_event('on_message', self.text) self.command_view = -1 self.editing = False self.wait(1) else: self.text = f'{self.text[:self._text_position]}{text}{self.text[self._text_position:]}' # 插入字符(简单粗暴) self._text_position += 1 elif text == 't': # open message line self.editing = True elif text == '/': # open command line self.editing = True self.text = '/' self._text_position = 1 self.caret.on_text_motion(key.MOTION_RIGHT) def on_text_motion(self, motion): if self.editing: self.caret.on_text_motion(motion) # edit motion if motion == key.MOTION_DELETE: self.text = f'{self.text[:self._text_position]}{self.text[self._text_position + 1:]}' elif motion == key.MOTION_BACKSPACE: self.text = f'{self.text[:self._text_position - 1]}{self.text[self._text_position:]}' self._text_position -= 1 # move motion elif motion == key.MOTION_LEFT: self._text_position -= 1 elif motion == key.MOTION_RIGHT: self._text_position += 1 elif motion in (key.MOTION_BEGINNING_OF_LINE, key.MOTION_BEGINNING_OF_FILE, key.MOTION_PREVIOUS_PAGE): self._text_position = 0 elif motion in (key.MOTION_END_OF_LINE, key.MOTION_END_OF_FILE, key.MOTION_NEXT_PAGE): self._text_position = len(self.text) # view move motion elif motion == key.MOTION_DOWN: if not self.command_view == -1: self.command_view -= 1 else: pass def on_text_motion_select(self, motion): if self.editing: self.caret.on_text_motion_select(motion) def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): if self.editing: self.caret.on_mouse_drag(x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers) def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, buttons, modifiers): if self.editing: self.caret.on_mouse_press(x, y, buttons, modifiers) def on_command(self, command): if self.editing: return """give command to it""" def on_message(self, message): if self.editing: return """give message to it""" CommandLine.register_event_type('on_command') CommandLine.register_event_type('on_message')