import ctypes from .base import PlatformEventLoop from pyglet.libs.win32 import _kernel32, _user32, types, constants from pyglet.libs.win32.types import * class Win32EventLoop(PlatformEventLoop): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._next_idle_time = None # Force immediate creation of an event queue on this thread -- note # that since event loop is created on import, whatever # imports _must_ own the main run loop. msg = types.MSG() _user32.PeekMessageW(ctypes.byref(msg), 0, constants.WM_USER, constants.WM_USER, constants.PM_NOREMOVE) self._event_thread = _kernel32.GetCurrentThreadId() self._wait_objects = [] self._recreate_wait_objects_array() self._timer_proc = types.TIMERPROC(self._timer_proc_func) self._timer = _user32.SetTimer(0, 0, constants.USER_TIMER_MAXIMUM, self._timer_proc) self._timer_func = None # Windows Multimedia timer precision functions # self._winmm = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary('winmm') timecaps = TIMECAPS() self._winmm.timeGetDevCaps(ctypes.byref(timecaps), ctypes.sizeof(timecaps)) self._timer_precision = min(max(1, timecaps.wPeriodMin), timecaps.wPeriodMax) def add_wait_object(self, obj, func): self._wait_objects.append((obj, func)) self._recreate_wait_objects_array() def remove_wait_object(self, obj): for i, (_object, _) in enumerate(self._wait_objects): if obj == _object: del self._wait_objects[i] break self._recreate_wait_objects_array() def _recreate_wait_objects_array(self): if not self._wait_objects: self._wait_objects_n = 0 self._wait_objects_array = None return self._wait_objects_n = len(self._wait_objects) self._wait_objects_array = (HANDLE * self._wait_objects_n)(*[o for o, f in self._wait_objects]) def start(self): if _kernel32.GetCurrentThreadId() != self._event_thread: raise RuntimeError(' must be called from the same ' + 'thread that imports') self._timer_func = None self._winmm.timeBeginPeriod(self._timer_precision) def step(self, timeout=None): self.dispatch_posted_events() msg = types.MSG() if timeout is None: timeout = constants.INFINITE else: timeout = int(timeout * 1000) # milliseconds result = _user32.MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( self._wait_objects_n, self._wait_objects_array, False, timeout, constants.QS_ALLINPUT) result -= constants.WAIT_OBJECT_0 if result == self._wait_objects_n: while _user32.PeekMessageW(ctypes.byref(msg), 0, 0, 0, constants.PM_REMOVE): _user32.TranslateMessage(ctypes.byref(msg)) _user32.DispatchMessageW(ctypes.byref(msg)) elif 0 <= result < self._wait_objects_n: obj, func = self._wait_objects[result] func() # Return True if timeout was interrupted. return result <= self._wait_objects_n def stop(self): self._winmm.timeEndPeriod(self._timer_precision) def notify(self): # Nudge the event loop with a message it will discard. Note that only # user events are actually posted. The posted event will not # interrupt the window move/size drag loop -- it seems there's no way # to do this. _user32.PostThreadMessageW(self._event_thread, constants.WM_USER, 0, 0) def set_timer(self, func, interval): if func is None or interval is None: interval = constants.USER_TIMER_MAXIMUM else: interval = int(interval * 1000) # milliseconds self._timer_func = func _user32.SetTimer(0, self._timer, interval, self._timer_proc) def _timer_proc_func(self, hwnd, msg, timer, t): if self._timer_func: self._timer_func()