"""2D shapes. This module provides classes for a variety of simplistic 2D shapes, such as Rectangles, Circles, and Lines. These shapes are made internally from OpenGL primitives, and provide excellent performance when drawn as part of a :py:class:`~pyglet.graphics.Batch`. Convenience methods are provided for positioning, changing color and opacity, and rotation (where applicable). To create more complex shapes than what is provided here, the lower level graphics API is more appropriate. You can also use the ``in`` operator to check whether a point is inside a shape. See the :ref:`guide_graphics` for more details. A simple example of drawing shapes:: import pyglet from pyglet import shapes window = pyglet.window.Window(960, 540) batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch() circle = shapes.Circle(700, 150, 100, color=(50, 225, 30), batch=batch) square = shapes.Rectangle(200, 200, 200, 200, color=(55, 55, 255), batch=batch) rectangle = shapes.Rectangle(250, 300, 400, 200, color=(255, 22, 20), batch=batch) rectangle.opacity = 128 rectangle.rotation = 33 line = shapes.Line(100, 100, 100, 200, width=19, batch=batch) line2 = shapes.Line(150, 150, 444, 111, width=4, color=(200, 20, 20), batch=batch) star = shapes.Star(800, 400, 60, 40, num_spikes=20, color=(255, 255, 0), batch=batch) @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() batch.draw() pyglet.app.run() .. note:: Some Shapes, such as Lines and Triangles, have multiple coordinates. If you update the x, y coordinate, this will also affect the secondary coordinates. This allows you to move the shape without affecting it's overall dimensions. .. versionadded:: 1.5.4 """ import math from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import pyglet from pyglet.gl import GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA from pyglet.gl import GL_TRIANGLES, GL_LINES, GL_BLEND from pyglet.gl import glBlendFunc, glEnable, glDisable from pyglet.graphics import Batch, Group from pyglet.math import Vec2 vertex_source = """#version 150 core in vec2 position; in vec2 translation; in vec4 colors; in float rotation; out vec4 vertex_colors; uniform WindowBlock { mat4 projection; mat4 view; } window; mat4 m_rotation = mat4(1.0); mat4 m_translate = mat4(1.0); void main() { m_translate[3][0] = translation.x; m_translate[3][1] = translation.y; m_rotation[0][0] = cos(-radians(rotation)); m_rotation[0][1] = sin(-radians(rotation)); m_rotation[1][0] = -sin(-radians(rotation)); m_rotation[1][1] = cos(-radians(rotation)); gl_Position = window.projection * window.view * m_translate * m_rotation * vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0); vertex_colors = colors; } """ fragment_source = """#version 150 core in vec4 vertex_colors; out vec4 final_color; void main() { final_color = vertex_colors; } """ def get_default_shader(): return pyglet.gl.current_context.create_program((vertex_source, 'vertex'), (fragment_source, 'fragment')) def _rotate_point(center, point, angle): prev_angle = math.atan2(point[1] - center[1], point[0] - center[0]) now_angle = prev_angle + angle r = math.dist(point, center) return center[0] + r * math.cos(now_angle), center[1] + r * math.sin(now_angle) def _sat(vertices, point): # Separating Axis Theorem # return True if point is in the shape poly = vertices + [vertices[0]] for i in range(len(poly) - 1): a, b = poly[i], poly[i + 1] base = Vec2(a[1] - b[1], b[0] - a[0]) projections = [] for x, y in poly: vec = Vec2(x, y) projections.append(base.dot(vec) / abs(base)) point_proj = base.dot(Vec2(*point)) / abs(base) if point_proj < min(projections) or point_proj > max(projections): return False return True class _ShapeGroup(Group): """Shared Shape rendering Group. The group is automatically coalesced with other shape groups sharing the same parent group and blend parameters. """ def __init__(self, blend_src, blend_dest, program, parent=None): """Create a Shape group. The group is created internally. Usually you do not need to explicitly create it. :Parameters: `blend_src` : int OpenGL blend source mode; for example, ``GL_SRC_ALPHA``. `blend_dest` : int OpenGL blend destination mode; for example, ``GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA``. `program` : `~pyglet.graphics.shader.ShaderProgram` The ShaderProgram to use. `parent` : `~pyglet.graphics.Group` Optional parent group. """ super().__init__(parent=parent) self.program = program self.blend_src = blend_src self.blend_dest = blend_dest def set_state(self): self.program.bind() glEnable(GL_BLEND) glBlendFunc(self.blend_src, self.blend_dest) def unset_state(self): glDisable(GL_BLEND) self.program.unbind() def __eq__(self, other): return (other.__class__ is self.__class__ and self.program == other.program and self.parent == other.parent and self.blend_src == other.blend_src and self.blend_dest == other.blend_dest) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.program, self.parent, self.blend_src, self.blend_dest)) class ShapeBase(ABC): """Base class for all shape objects. A number of default shapes are provided in this module. Curves are approximated using multiple vertices. If you need shapes or functionality not provided in this module, you can write your own custom subclass of `ShapeBase` by using the provided shapes as reference. """ _rgba = (255, 255, 255, 255) _rotation = 0 _visible = True _x = 0 _y = 0 _anchor_x = 0 _anchor_y = 0 _batch = None _group = None _num_verts = 0 _vertex_list = None _draw_mode = GL_TRIANGLES group_class = _ShapeGroup def __del__(self): if self._vertex_list is not None: self._vertex_list.delete() def __contains__(self, point): """Test whether a point is inside a shape.""" raise NotImplementedError(f"The `in` operator is not supported for {self.__class__.__name__}") def _update_color(self): """Send the new colors for each vertex to the GPU. This method must set the contents of `self._vertex_list.colors` using a list or tuple that contains the RGBA color components for each vertex in the shape. This is usually done by repeating `self._rgba` for each vertex. """ self._vertex_list.colors[:] = self._rgba * self._num_verts def _update_translation(self): self._vertex_list.translation[:] = (self._x, self._y) * self._num_verts def _create_vertex_list(self): """Build internal vertex list. This method must create a vertex list and assign it to `self._vertex_list`. It is advisable to use it during `__init__` and to then update the vertices accordingly with `self._update_vertices`. While it is not mandatory to implement it, some properties ( namely `batch` and `group`) rely on this method to properly recreate the vertex list. """ raise NotImplementedError('_create_vertex_list must be defined in ' 'order to use group or batch properties') @abstractmethod def _update_vertices(self): """ Generate up-to-date vertex positions & send them to the GPU. This method must set the contents of `self._vertex_list.vertices` using a list or tuple that contains the new vertex coordinates for each vertex in the shape. See the `ShapeBase` subclasses in this module for examples of how to do this. """ raise NotImplementedError("_update_vertices must be defined" "for every ShapeBase subclass") @property def rotation(self) -> float: """Clockwise rotation of the shape in degrees. It will be rotated about its (anchor_x, anchor_y) position, which defaults to the first vertex point of the shape. For most shapes, this is the lower left corner. The shapes below default to the points their ``radius`` values are measured from: * :py:class:`.Circle` * :py:class:`.Ellipse` * :py:class:`.Arc` * :py:class:`.Sector` * :py:class:`.Star` """ return self._rotation @rotation.setter def rotation(self, rotation: float) -> None: self._rotation = rotation self._vertex_list.rotation[:] = (rotation,) * self._num_verts def draw(self): """Draw the shape at its current position. Using this method is not recommended. Instead, add the shape to a `pyglet.graphics.Batch` for efficient rendering. """ self._group.set_state_recursive() self._vertex_list.draw(self._draw_mode) self._group.unset_state_recursive() def delete(self): """Force immediate removal of the shape from video memory. It is recommended to call this whenever you delete a shape, as the Python garbage collector will not necessarily call the finalizer as soon as the sprite falls out of scope. """ self._vertex_list.delete() self._vertex_list = None @property def x(self): """X coordinate of the shape. :type: int or float """ return self._x @x.setter def x(self, value): self._x = value self._update_translation() @property def y(self): """Y coordinate of the shape. :type: int or float """ return self._y @y.setter def y(self, value): self._y = value self._update_translation() @property def position(self): """The (x, y) coordinates of the shape, as a tuple. :Parameters: `x` : int or float X coordinate of the sprite. `y` : int or float Y coordinate of the sprite. """ return self._x, self._y @position.setter def position(self, values): self._x, self._y = values self._update_translation() @property def anchor_x(self): """The X coordinate of the anchor point :type: int or float """ return self._anchor_x @anchor_x.setter def anchor_x(self, value): self._anchor_x = value self._update_vertices() @property def anchor_y(self): """The Y coordinate of the anchor point :type: int or float """ return self._anchor_y @anchor_y.setter def anchor_y(self, value): self._anchor_y = value self._update_vertices() @property def anchor_position(self): """The (x, y) coordinates of the anchor point, as a tuple. :Parameters: `x` : int or float X coordinate of the anchor point. `y` : int or float Y coordinate of the anchor point. """ return self._anchor_x, self._anchor_y @anchor_position.setter def anchor_position(self, values): self._anchor_x, self._anchor_y = values self._update_vertices() @property def color(self): """The shape color. This property sets the color of the shape. The color is specified as an RGB tuple of integers '(red, green, blue)'. Each color component must be in the range 0 (dark) to 255 (saturated). :type: (int, int, int) """ return self._rgba @color.setter def color(self, values): r, g, b, *a = values if a: self._rgba = r, g, b, a[0] else: self._rgba = r, g, b, self._rgba[3] self._update_color() @property def opacity(self): """Blend opacity. This property sets the alpha component of the color of the shape. With the default blend mode (see the constructor), this allows the shape to be drawn with fractional opacity, blending with the background. An opacity of 255 (the default) has no effect. An opacity of 128 will make the shape appear translucent. :type: int """ return self._rgba[3] @opacity.setter def opacity(self, value): self._rgba = (*self._rgba[:3], value) self._update_color() @property def visible(self): """True if the shape will be drawn. :type: bool """ return self._visible @visible.setter def visible(self, value): self._visible = value self._update_vertices() @property def group(self): """User assigned :class:`Group` object.""" return self._group.parent @group.setter def group(self, group): if self._group.parent == group: return self._group = self.group_class(self._group.blend_src, self._group.blend_dest, self._group.program, group) self._batch.migrate(self._vertex_list, self._draw_mode, self._group, self._batch) @property def batch(self): """User assigned :class:`Batch` object.""" return self._batch @batch.setter def batch(self, batch): if self._batch == batch: return if batch is not None and self._batch is not None: self._batch.migrate(self._vertex_list, self._draw_mode, self._group, batch) self._batch = batch else: self._vertex_list.delete() self._batch = batch self._create_vertex_list() self._update_vertices() class Arc(ShapeBase): _draw_mode = GL_LINES def __init__(self, x, y, radius, segments=None, angle=math.tau, start_angle=0, closed=False, color=(255, 255, 255, 255), batch=None, group=None): """Create an Arc. The Arc's anchor point (x, y) defaults to its center. :Parameters: `x` : float X coordinate of the circle. `y` : float Y coordinate of the circle. `radius` : float The desired radius. `segments` : int You can optionally specify how many distinct line segments the arc should be made from. If not specified it will be automatically calculated using the formula: `max(14, int(radius / 1.25))`. `angle` : float The angle of the arc, in radians. Defaults to tau (pi * 2), which is a full circle. `start_angle` : float The start angle of the arc, in radians. Defaults to 0. `closed` : bool If True, the ends of the arc will be connected with a line. defaults to False. `color` : (int, int, int, int) The RGB or RGBA color of the arc, specified as a tuple of 3 or 4 ints in the range of 0-255. RGB colors will be treated as having opacity of 255. `batch` : `~pyglet.graphics.Batch` Optional batch to add the circle to. `group` : `~pyglet.graphics.Group` Optional parent group of the circle. """ self._x = x self._y = y self._radius = radius self._segments = segments or max(14, int(radius / 1.25)) self._num_verts = self._segments * 2 + (2 if closed else 0) # handle both 3 and 4 byte colors r, g, b, *a = color self._rgba = r, g, b, a[0] if a else 255 self._angle = angle self._start_angle = start_angle self._closed = closed self._rotation = 0 self._batch = batch or Batch() program = get_default_shader() self._group = self.group_class(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, program, group) self._create_vertex_list() self._update_vertices() def _create_vertex_list(self): self._vertex_list = self._group.program.vertex_list( self._num_verts, self._draw_mode, self._batch, self._group, colors=('Bn', self._rgba * self._num_verts), translation=('f', (self._x, self._y) * self._num_verts)) def _update_vertices(self): if not self._visible: vertices = (0, 0) * self._num_verts else: x = -self._anchor_x y = -self._anchor_y r = self._radius tau_segs = self._angle / self._segments start_angle = self._start_angle - math.radians(self._rotation) # Calculate the outer points of the arc: points = [(x + (r * math.cos((i * tau_segs) + start_angle)), y + (r * math.sin((i * tau_segs) + start_angle))) for i in range(self._segments + 1)] # Create a list of doubled-up points from the points: vertices = [] for i in range(len(points) - 1): line_points = *points[i], *points[i + 1] vertices.extend(line_points) if self._closed: chord_points = *points[-1], *points[0] vertices.extend(chord_points) self._vertex_list.position[:] = vertices @property def angle(self): """The angle of the arc. :type: float """ return self._angle @angle.setter def angle(self, value): self._angle = value self._update_vertices() @property def start_angle(self): """The start angle of the arc. :type: float """ return self._start_angle @start_angle.setter def start_angle(self, angle): self._start_angle = angle self._update_vertices() def draw(self): """Draw the shape at its current position. Using this method is not recommended. Instead, add the shape to a `pyglet.graphics.Batch` for efficient rendering. """ self._vertex_list.draw(self._draw_mode) class BezierCurve(ShapeBase): _draw_mode = GL_LINES def __init__(self, *points, t=1.0, segments=100, color=(255, 255, 255, 255), batch=None, group=None): """Create a Bézier curve. The curve's anchor point (x, y) defaults to its first control point. :Parameters: `points` : List[[int, int]] Control points of the curve. `t` : float Draw `100*t` percent of the curve. 0.5 means the curve is half drawn and 1.0 means draw the whole curve. `segments` : int You can optionally specify how many line segments the curve should be made from. `color` : (int, int, int, int) The RGB or RGBA color of the curve, specified as a tuple of 3 or 4 ints in the range of 0-255. RGB colors will be treated as having an opacity of 255. `batch` : `~pyglet.graphics.Batch` Optional batch to add the curve to. `group` : `~pyglet.graphics.Group` Optional parent group of the curve. """ self._points = list(points) self._x, self._y = self._points[0] self._t = t self._segments = segments self._num_verts = self._segments * 2 r, g, b, *a = color self._rgba = r, g, b, a[0] if a else 255 program = get_default_shader() self._batch = batch or Batch() self._group = self.group_class(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, program, group) self._create_vertex_list() self._update_vertices() def _make_curve(self, t): n = len(self._points) - 1 p = [0, 0] for i in range(n + 1): m = math.comb(n, i) * (1 - t) ** (n - i) * t ** i p[0] += m * self._points[i][0] p[1] += m * self._points[i][1] return p def _create_vertex_list(self): self._vertex_list = self._group.program.vertex_list( self._num_verts, self._draw_mode, self._batch, self._group, colors=('Bn', self._rgba * self._num_verts), translation=('f', (self._x, self._y) * self._num_verts)) def _update_vertices(self): if not self._visible: vertices = (0, 0) * self._num_verts else: x = -self._anchor_x y = -self._anchor_y # Calculate the points of the curve: points = [(x + self._make_curve(self._t * t / self._segments)[0], y + self._make_curve(self._t * t / self._segments)[1]) for t in range(self._segments + 1)] trans_x, trans_y = points[0] trans_x += self._anchor_x trans_y += self._anchor_y coords = [[x - trans_x, y - trans_y] for x, y in points] # Create a list of doubled-up points from the points: vertices = [] for i in range(len(coords) - 1): line_points = *coords[i], *coords[i + 1] vertices.extend(line_points) self._vertex_list.position[:] = vertices @property def points(self): """Control points of the curve. :type: List[[int, int]] """ return self._points @points.setter def points(self, value): self._points = value self._update_vertices() @property def t(self): """Draw `100*t` percent of the curve. :type: float """ return self._t @t.setter def t(self, value): self._t = value self._update_vertices() class Circle(ShapeBase): def __init__(self, x, y, radius, segments=None, color=(255, 255, 255, 255), batch=None, group=None): """Create a circle. The circle's anchor point (x, y) defaults to the center of the circle. :Parameters: `x` : float X coordinate of the circle. `y` : float Y coordinate of the circle. `radius` : float The desired radius. `segments` : int You can optionally specify how many distinct triangles the circle should be made from. If not specified it will be automatically calculated using the formula: `max(14, int(radius / 1.25))`. `color` : (int, int, int, int) The RGB or RGBA color of the circle, specified as a tuple of 3 or 4 ints in the range of 0-255. RGB colors will be treated as having an opacity of 255. `batch` : `~pyglet.graphics.Batch` Optional batch to add the circle to. `group` : `~pyglet.graphics.Group` Optional parent group of the circle. """ self._x = x self._y = y self._radius = radius self._segments = segments or max(14, int(radius / 1.25)) self._num_verts = self._segments * 3 r, g, b, *a = color self._rgba = r, g, b, a[0] if a else 255 program = get_default_shader() self._batch = batch or Batch() self._group = self.group_class(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, program, group) self._create_vertex_list() self._update_vertices() def __contains__(self, point): assert len(point) == 2 return math.dist((self._x - self._anchor_x, self._y - self._anchor_y), point) < self._radius def _create_vertex_list(self): self._vertex_list = self._group.program.vertex_list( self._segments*3, self._draw_mode, self._batch, self._group, colors=('Bn', self._rgba * self._num_verts), translation=('f', (self._x, self._y) * self._num_verts)) def _update_vertices(self): if not self._visible: vertices = (0, 0) * self._num_verts else: x = -self._anchor_x y = -self._anchor_y r = self._radius tau_segs = math.pi * 2 / self._segments # Calculate the outer points of the circle: points = [(x + (r * math.cos(i * tau_segs)), y + (r * math.sin(i * tau_segs))) for i in range(self._segments)] # Create a list of triangles from the points: vertices = [] for i, point in enumerate(points): triangle = x, y, *points[i - 1], *point vertices.extend(triangle) self._vertex_list.position[:] = vertices @property def radius(self): """The radius of the circle. :type: float """ return self._radius @radius.setter def radius(self, value): self._radius = value self._update_vertices() class Ellipse(ShapeBase): def __init__(self, x, y, a, b, segments=None, color=(255, 255, 255, 255), batch=None, group=None): """Create an ellipse. The ellipse's anchor point (x, y) defaults to the center of the ellipse. :Parameters: `x` : float X coordinate of the ellipse. `y` : float Y coordinate of the ellipse. `a` : float Semi-major axes of the ellipse. `b`: float Semi-minor axes of the ellipse. `color` : (int, int, int, int) The RGB or RGBA color of the ellipse, specified as a tuple of 3 or 4 ints in the range of 0-255. RGB colors will be treated as having an opacity of 255. `batch` : `~pyglet.graphics.Batch` Optional batch to add the circle to. `group` : `~pyglet.graphics.Group` Optional parent group of the circle. """ self._x = x self._y = y self._a = a self._b = b # Break with conventions in other _Shape constructors # because a & b are used as meaningful variable names. color_r, color_g, color_b, *color_a = color self._rgba = color_r, color_g, color_b, color_a[0] if color_a else 255 self._rotation = 0 self._segments = segments or int(max(a, b) / 1.25) self._num_verts = self._segments * 3 program = get_default_shader() self._batch = batch or Batch() self._group = self.group_class(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, program, group) self._create_vertex_list() self._update_vertices() def __contains__(self, point): assert len(point) == 2 point = _rotate_point((self._x, self._y), point, math.radians(self._rotation)) # Since directly testing whether a point is inside an ellipse is more # complicated, it is more convenient to transform it into a circle. point = (self._b / self._a * point[0], point[1]) shape_center = (self._b / self._a * (self._x - self._anchor_x), self._y - self._anchor_y) return math.dist(shape_center, point) < self._b def _create_vertex_list(self): self._vertex_list = self._group.program.vertex_list( self._segments*3, self._draw_mode, self._batch, self._group, colors=('Bn', self._rgba * self._num_verts), translation=('f', (self._x, self._y) * self._num_verts)) def _update_vertices(self): if not self._visible: vertices = (0, 0) * self._num_verts else: x = -self._anchor_x y = -self._anchor_y tau_segs = math.pi * 2 / self._segments # Calculate the points of the ellipse by formula: points = [(x + self._a * math.cos(i * tau_segs), y + self._b * math.sin(i * tau_segs)) for i in range(self._segments)] # Create a list of triangles from the points: vertices = [] for i, point in enumerate(points): triangle = x, y, *points[i - 1], *point vertices.extend(triangle) self._vertex_list.position[:] = vertices @property def a(self): """The semi-major axes of the ellipse. :type: float """ return self._a @a.setter def a(self, value): self._a = value self._update_vertices() @property def b(self): """The semi-minor axes of the ellipse. :type: float """ return self._b @b.setter def b(self, value): self._b = value self._update_vertices() class Sector(ShapeBase): def __init__(self, x, y, radius, segments=None, angle=math.tau, start_angle=0, color=(255, 255, 255, 255), batch=None, group=None): """Create a Sector of a circle. The sector's anchor point (x, y) defaults to the center of the circle. :Parameters: `x` : float X coordinate of the sector. `y` : float Y coordinate of the sector. `radius` : float The desired radius. `segments` : int You can optionally specify how many distinct triangles the sector should be made from. If not specified it will be automatically calculated using the formula: `max(14, int(radius / 1.25))`. `angle` : float The angle of the sector, in radians. Defaults to tau (pi * 2), which is a full circle. `start_angle` : float The start angle of the sector, in radians. Defaults to 0. `color` : (int, int, int, int) The RGB or RGBA color of the circle, specified as a tuple of 3 or 4 ints in the range of 0-255. RGB colors will be treated as having an opacity of 255. `batch` : `~pyglet.graphics.Batch` Optional batch to add the sector to. `group` : `~pyglet.graphics.Group` Optional parent group of the sector. """ self._x = x self._y = y self._radius = radius self._segments = segments or max(14, int(radius / 1.25)) self._num_verts = self._segments * 3 r, g, b, *a = color self._rgba = r, g, b, a[0] if a else 255 self._angle = angle self._start_angle = start_angle self._rotation = 0 program = get_default_shader() self._batch = batch or Batch() self._group = self.group_class(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, program, group) self._create_vertex_list() self._update_vertices() def __contains__(self, point): assert len(point) == 2 point = _rotate_point((self._x, self._y), point, math.radians(self._rotation)) angle = math.atan2(point[1] - self._y + self._anchor_y, point[0] - self._x + self._anchor_x) if angle < 0: angle += 2 * math.pi if self._start_angle < angle < self._start_angle + self._angle: return math.dist((self._x - self._anchor_x, self._y - self._anchor_y), point) < self._radius return False def _create_vertex_list(self): self._vertex_list = self._group.program.vertex_list( self._num_verts, self._draw_mode, self._batch, self._group, colors=('Bn', self._rgba * self._num_verts), translation=('f', (self._x, self._y) * self._num_verts)) def _update_vertices(self): if not self._visible: vertices = (0, 0) * self._num_verts else: x = -self._anchor_x y = -self._anchor_y r = self._radius tau_segs = self._angle / self._segments start_angle = self._start_angle - math.radians(self._rotation) # Calculate the outer points of the sector. points = [(x + (r * math.cos((i * tau_segs) + start_angle)), y + (r * math.sin((i * tau_segs) + start_angle))) for i in range(self._segments + 1)] # Create a list of triangles from the points vertices = [] for i, point in enumerate(points[1:], start=1): triangle = x, y, *points[i - 1], *point vertices.extend(triangle) self._vertex_list.position[:] = vertices @property def angle(self): """The angle of the sector. :type: float """ return self._angle @angle.setter def angle(self, value): self._angle = value self._update_vertices() @property def start_angle(self): """The start angle of the sector. :type: float """ return self._start_angle @start_angle.setter def start_angle(self, angle): self._start_angle = angle self._update_vertices() @property def radius(self): """The radius of the sector. :type: float """ return self._radius @radius.setter def radius(self, value): self._radius = value self._update_vertices() class Line(ShapeBase): def __init__(self, x, y, x2, y2, width=1, color=(255, 255, 255, 255), batch=None, group=None): """Create a line. The line's anchor point defaults to the center of the line's width on the X axis, and the Y axis. :Parameters: `x` : float The first X coordinate of the line. `y` : float The first Y coordinate of the line. `x2` : float The second X coordinate of the line. `y2` : float The second Y coordinate of the line. `width` : float The desired width of the line. `color` : (int, int, int, int) The RGB or RGBA color of the line, specified as a tuple of 3 or 4 ints in the range of 0-255. RGB colors will be treated as having an opacity of 255. `batch` : `~pyglet.graphics.Batch` Optional batch to add the line to. `group` : `~pyglet.graphics.Group` Optional parent group of the line. """ self._x = x self._y = y self._x2 = x2 self._y2 = y2 self._width = width self._rotation = math.degrees(math.atan2(y2 - y, x2 - x)) self._num_verts = 6 r, g, b, *a = color self._rgba = r, g, b, a[0] if a else 255 program = get_default_shader() self._batch = batch or Batch() self._group = self.group_class(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, program, group) self._create_vertex_list() self._update_vertices() def __contains__(self, point): assert len(point) == 2 vec_ab = Vec2(self._x2 - self._x, self._y2 - self._y) vec_ba = Vec2(self._x - self._x2, self._y - self._y2) vec_ap = Vec2(point[0] - self._x - self._anchor_x, point[1] - self._y + self._anchor_y) vec_bp = Vec2(point[0] - self._x2 - self._anchor_x, point[1] - self._y2 + self._anchor_y) if vec_ab.dot(vec_ap) * vec_ba.dot(vec_bp) < 0: return False a, b = point[0] + self._anchor_x, point[1] - self._anchor_y x1, y1, x2, y2 = self._x, self._y, self._x2, self._y2 # The following is the expansion of the determinant of a 3x3 matrix # used to calculate the area of a triangle. double_area = abs(a*y1+b*x2+x1*y2-x2*y1-a*y2-b*x1) h = double_area / math.dist((self._x, self._y), (self._x2, self._y2)) return h < self._width / 2 def _create_vertex_list(self): self._vertex_list = self._group.program.vertex_list( 6, self._draw_mode, self._batch, self._group, colors=('Bn', self._rgba * self._num_verts), translation=('f', (self._x, self._y) * self._num_verts)) def _update_vertices(self): if not self._visible: self._vertex_list.position[:] = (0, 0) * self._num_verts else: x1 = -self._anchor_x y1 = self._anchor_y - self._width / 2 x2 = x1 + math.hypot(self._y2 - self._y, self._x2 - self._x) y2 = y1 + self._width r = math.atan2(self._y2 - self._y, self._x2 - self._x) cr = math.cos(r) sr = math.sin(r) ax = x1 * cr - y1 * sr ay = x1 * sr + y1 * cr bx = x2 * cr - y1 * sr by = x2 * sr + y1 * cr cx = x2 * cr - y2 * sr cy = x2 * sr + y2 * cr dx = x1 * cr - y2 * sr dy = x1 * sr + y2 * cr self._vertex_list.position[:] = (ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, ax, ay, cx, cy, dx, dy) @property def width(self): return self._width @width.setter def width(self, width): self._width = width self._update_vertices() @property def x2(self): """Second X coordinate of the shape. :type: int or float """ return self._x2 @x2.setter def x2(self, value): self._x2 = value self._update_vertices() @property def y2(self): """Second Y coordinate of the shape. :type: int or float """ return self._y2 @y2.setter def y2(self, value): self._y2 = value self._update_vertices() class Rectangle(ShapeBase): def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, color=(255, 255, 255, 255), batch=None, group=None): """Create a rectangle or square. The rectangle's anchor point defaults to the (x, y) coordinates, which are at the bottom left. :Parameters: `x` : float The X coordinate of the rectangle. `y` : float The Y coordinate of the rectangle. `width` : float The width of the rectangle. `height` : float The height of the rectangle. `color` : (int, int, int, int) The RGB or RGBA color of the circle, specified as a tuple of 3 or 4 ints in the range of 0-255. RGB colors will be treated as having an opacity of 255. `batch` : `~pyglet.graphics.Batch` Optional batch to add the rectangle to. `group` : `~pyglet.graphics.Group` Optional parent group of the rectangle. """ self._x = x self._y = y self._width = width self._height = height self._rotation = 0 self._num_verts = 6 r, g, b, *a = color self._rgba = r, g, b, a[0] if a else 255 program = get_default_shader() self._batch = batch or Batch() self._group = self.group_class(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, program, group) self._create_vertex_list() self._update_vertices() def __contains__(self, point): assert len(point) == 2 point = _rotate_point((self._x, self._y), point, math.radians(self._rotation)) x, y = self._x - self._anchor_x, self._y - self._anchor_y return x < point[0] < x + self._width and y < point[1] < y + self._height def _create_vertex_list(self): self._vertex_list = self._group.program.vertex_list( 6, self._draw_mode, self._batch, self._group, colors=('Bn', self._rgba * self._num_verts), translation=('f', (self._x, self._y) * self._num_verts)) def _update_vertices(self): if not self._visible: self._vertex_list.position[:] = (0, 0) * self._num_verts else: x1 = -self._anchor_x y1 = -self._anchor_y x2 = x1 + self._width y2 = y1 + self._height self._vertex_list.position[:] = x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2 @property def width(self): """The width of the rectangle. :type: float """ return self._width @width.setter def width(self, value): self._width = value self._update_vertices() @property def height(self): """The height of the rectangle. :type: float """ return self._height @height.setter def height(self, value): self._height = value self._update_vertices() class BorderedRectangle(ShapeBase): def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, border=1, color=(255, 255, 255), border_color=(100, 100, 100), batch=None, group=None): """Create a rectangle or square. The rectangle's anchor point defaults to the (x, y) coordinates, which are at the bottom left. :Parameters: `x` : float The X coordinate of the rectangle. `y` : float The Y coordinate of the rectangle. `width` : float The width of the rectangle. `height` : float The height of the rectangle. `border` : float The thickness of the border. `color` : (int, int, int, int) The RGB or RGBA fill color of the rectangle, specified as a tuple of 3 or 4 ints in the range of 0-255. RGB colors will be treated as having an opacity of 255. `border_color` : (int, int, int, int) The RGB or RGBA fill color of the border, specified as a tuple of 3 or 4 ints in the range of 0-255. RGB colors will be treated as having an opacity of 255. The alpha values must match if you pass RGBA values to both this argument and `border_color`. If they do not, a `ValueError` will be raised informing you of the ambiguity. `batch` : `~pyglet.graphics.Batch` Optional batch to add the rectangle to. `group` : `~pyglet.graphics.Group` Optional parent group of the rectangle. """ self._x = x self._y = y self._width = width self._height = height self._rotation = 0 self._border = border self._num_verts = 8 fill_r, fill_g, fill_b, *fill_a = color border_r, border_g, border_b, *border_a = border_color # Start with a default alpha value of 255. alpha = 255 # Raise Exception if we have conflicting alpha values if fill_a and border_a and fill_a[0] != border_a[0]: raise ValueError("When color and border_color are both RGBA values," "they must both have the same opacity") # Choose a value to use if there is no conflict elif fill_a: alpha = fill_a[0] elif border_a: alpha = border_a[0] # Although the shape is only allowed one opacity, the alpha is # stored twice to keep other code concise and reduce cpu usage # from stitching together sequences. self._rgba = fill_r, fill_g, fill_b, alpha self._border_rgba = border_r, border_g, border_b, alpha program = get_default_shader() self._batch = batch or Batch() self._group = self.group_class(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, program, group) self._create_vertex_list() self._update_vertices() def __contains__(self, point): assert len(point) == 2 point = _rotate_point((self._x, self._y), point, math.radians(self._rotation)) x, y = self._x - self._anchor_x, self._y - self._anchor_y return x < point[0] < x + self._width and y < point[1] < y + self._height def _create_vertex_list(self): indices = [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 0, 4, 3, 4, 7, 3, 0, 1, 5, 0, 5, 4, 1, 2, 5, 5, 2, 6, 6, 2, 3, 6, 3, 7] self._vertex_list = self._group.program.vertex_list_indexed( 8, self._draw_mode, indices, self._batch, self._group, colors=('Bn', self._rgba * 4 + self._border_rgba * 4), translation=('f', (self._x, self._y) * self._num_verts)) def _update_color(self): self._vertex_list.colors[:] = self._rgba * 4 + self._border_rgba * 4 def _update_vertices(self): if not self._visible: self._vertex_list.position[:] = (0, 0) * self._num_verts else: bx1 = -self._anchor_x by1 = -self._anchor_y bx2 = bx1 + self._width by2 = by1 + self._height b = self._border ix1 = bx1 + b iy1 = by1 + b ix2 = bx2 - b iy2 = by2 - b self._vertex_list.position[:] = (ix1, iy1, ix2, iy1, ix2, iy2, ix1, iy2, bx1, by1, bx2, by1, bx2, by2, bx1, by2) @property def border(self): """The border width of the rectangle. :return: float """ return self._border @border.setter def border(self, width): self._border = width self._update_vertices() @property def width(self): """The width of the rectangle. :type: float """ return self._width @width.setter def width(self, value): self._width = value self._update_vertices() @property def height(self): """The height of the rectangle. :type: float """ return self._height @height.setter def height(self, value): self._height = value self._update_vertices() @property def border_color(self): """The rectangle's border color. This property sets the color of the border of a bordered rectangle. The color is specified as an RGB tuple of integers '(red, green, blue)' or an RGBA tuple of integers '(red, green, blue, alpha)`. Setting the alpha on this property will change the alpha of the entire shape, including both the fill and the border. Each color component must be in the range 0 (dark) to 255 (saturated). :type: (int, int, int, int) """ return self._border_rgba @border_color.setter def border_color(self, values): r, g, b, *a = values if a: alpha = a[0] else: alpha = self._rgba[3] self._border_rgba = r, g, b, alpha self._rgba = *self._rgba[:3], alpha self._update_color() @property def color(self): """The rectangle's fill color. This property sets the color of the inside of a bordered rectangle. The color is specified as an RGB tuple of integers '(red, green, blue)' or an RGBA tuple of integers '(red, green, blue, alpha)`. Setting the alpha on this property will change the alpha of the entire shape, including both the fill and the border. Each color component must be in the range 0 (dark) to 255 (saturated). :type: (int, int, int, int) """ return self._rgba @color.setter def color(self, values): r, g, b, *a = values if a: alpha = a[0] else: alpha = self._rgba[3] self._rgba = r, g, b, alpha self._border_rgba = *self._border_rgba[:3], alpha self._update_color() class Triangle(ShapeBase): def __init__(self, x, y, x2, y2, x3, y3, color=(255, 255, 255, 255), batch=None, group=None): """Create a triangle. The triangle's anchor point defaults to the first vertex point. :Parameters: `x` : float The first X coordinate of the triangle. `y` : float The first Y coordinate of the triangle. `x2` : float The second X coordinate of the triangle. `y2` : float The second Y coordinate of the triangle. `x3` : float The third X coordinate of the triangle. `y3` : float The third Y coordinate of the triangle. `color` : (int, int, int, int) The RGB or RGBA color of the triangle, specified as a tuple of 3 or 4 ints in the range of 0-255. RGB colors will be treated as having an opacity of 255. `batch` : `~pyglet.graphics.Batch` Optional batch to add the triangle to. `group` : `~pyglet.graphics.Group` Optional parent group of the triangle. """ self._x = x self._y = y self._x2 = x2 self._y2 = y2 self._x3 = x3 self._y3 = y3 self._rotation = 0 self._num_verts = 3 r, g, b, *a = color self._rgba = r, g, b, a[0] if a else 255 program = get_default_shader() self._batch = batch or Batch() self._group = self.group_class(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, program, group) self._create_vertex_list() self._update_vertices() def __contains__(self, point): assert len(point) == 2 return _sat([(self._x, self._y), (self._x2, self._y2), (self._x3, self._y3)], point) def _create_vertex_list(self): self._vertex_list = self._group.program.vertex_list( 3, self._draw_mode, self._batch, self._group, colors=('Bn', self._rgba * self._num_verts), translation=('f', (self._x, self._y) * self._num_verts)) def _update_vertices(self): if not self._visible: self._vertex_list.position[:] = (0, 0) * self._num_verts else: x1 = -self._anchor_x y1 = -self._anchor_y x2 = self._x2 + x1 - self._x y2 = self._y2 + y1 - self._y x3 = self._x3 + x1 - self._x y3 = self._y3 + y1 - self._y self._vertex_list.position[:] = (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) @property def x2(self): """Second X coordinate of the shape. :type: int or float """ return self._x + self._x2 @x2.setter def x2(self, value): self._x2 = value self._update_vertices() @property def y2(self): """Second Y coordinate of the shape. :type: int or float """ return self._y + self._y2 @y2.setter def y2(self, value): self._y2 = value self._update_vertices() @property def x3(self): """Third X coordinate of the shape. :type: int or float """ return self._x + self._x3 @x3.setter def x3(self, value): self._x3 = value self._update_vertices() @property def y3(self): """Third Y coordinate of the shape. :type: int or float """ return self._y + self._y3 @y3.setter def y3(self, value): self._y3 = value self._update_vertices() class Star(ShapeBase): def __init__(self, x, y, outer_radius, inner_radius, num_spikes, rotation=0, color=(255, 255, 255, 255), batch=None, group=None) -> None: """Create a star. The star's anchor point (x, y) defaults to the center of the star. :Parameters: `x` : float The X coordinate of the star. `y` : float The Y coordinate of the star. `outer_radius` : float The desired outer radius of the star. `inner_radius` : float The desired inner radius of the star. `num_spikes` : float The desired number of spikes of the star. `rotation` : float The rotation of the star in degrees. A rotation of 0 degrees will result in one spike lining up with the X axis in positive direction. `color` : (int, int, int) The RGB or RGBA color of the star, specified as a tuple of 3 or 4 ints in the range of 0-255. RGB colors will be treated as having an opacity of 255. `batch` : `~pyglet.graphics.Batch` Optional batch to add the star to. `group` : `~pyglet.graphics.Group` Optional parent group of the star. """ self._x = x self._y = y self._outer_radius = outer_radius self._inner_radius = inner_radius self._num_spikes = num_spikes self._num_verts = num_spikes * 6 self._rotation = rotation r, g, b, *a = color self._rgba = r, g, b, a[0] if a else 255 program = get_default_shader() self._batch = batch or Batch() self._group = self.group_class(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, program, group) self._create_vertex_list() self._update_vertices() def __contains__(self, point): assert len(point) == 2 point = _rotate_point((self._x, self._y), point, math.radians(self._rotation)) center = (self._x - self._anchor_x, self._y - self._anchor_y) radius = (self._outer_radius + self._inner_radius) / 2 return math.dist(center, point) < radius def _create_vertex_list(self): self._vertex_list = self._group.program.vertex_list( self._num_verts, self._draw_mode, self._batch, self._group, colors=('Bn', self._rgba * self._num_verts), rotation=('f', (self._rotation,) * self._num_verts), translation=('f', (self._x, self._y) * self._num_verts)) def _update_vertices(self): if not self._visible: vertices = (0, 0) * self._num_verts else: x = -self._anchor_x y = -self._anchor_y r_i = self._inner_radius r_o = self._outer_radius # get angle covered by each line (= half a spike) d_theta = math.pi / self._num_spikes # calculate alternating points on outer and outer circles points = [] for i in range(self._num_spikes): points.append((x + (r_o * math.cos(2*i * d_theta)), y + (r_o * math.sin(2*i * d_theta)))) points.append((x + (r_i * math.cos((2*i+1) * d_theta)), y + (r_i * math.sin((2*i+1) * d_theta)))) # create a list of doubled-up points from the points vertices = [] for i, point in enumerate(points): triangle = x, y, *points[i - 1], *point vertices.extend(triangle) self._vertex_list.position[:] = vertices @property def outer_radius(self): """The outer radius of the star.""" return self._outer_radius @outer_radius.setter def outer_radius(self, value): self._outer_radius = value self._update_vertices() @property def inner_radius(self): """The inner radius of the star.""" return self._inner_radius @inner_radius.setter def inner_radius(self, value): self._inner_radius = value self._update_vertices() @property def num_spikes(self): """Number of spikes of the star.""" return self._num_spikes @num_spikes.setter def num_spikes(self, value): self._num_spikes = value self._update_vertices() class Polygon(ShapeBase): def __init__(self, *coordinates, color=(255, 255, 255, 255), batch=None, group=None): """Create a convex polygon. The polygon's anchor point defaults to the first vertex point. :Parameters: `coordinates` : List[[int, int]] The coordinates for each point in the polygon. `color` : (int, int, int, int) The RGB or RGBA color of the polygon, specified as a tuple of 3 or 4 ints in the range of 0-255. RGB colors will be treated as having an opacity of 255. `batch` : `~pyglet.graphics.Batch` Optional batch to add the polygon to. `group` : `~pyglet.graphics.Group` Optional parent group of the polygon. """ # len(self._coordinates) = the number of vertices and sides in the shape. self._rotation = 0 self._coordinates = list(coordinates) self._x, self._y = self._coordinates[0] self._num_verts = (len(self._coordinates) - 2) * 3 r, g, b, *a = color self._rgba = r, g, b, a[0] if a else 255 program = get_default_shader() self._batch = batch or Batch() self._group = self.group_class(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, program, group) self._create_vertex_list() self._update_vertices() def __contains__(self, point): assert len(point) == 2 point = _rotate_point(self._coordinates[0], point, math.radians(self._rotation)) return _sat(self._coordinates, point) def _create_vertex_list(self): self._vertex_list = self._group.program.vertex_list( self._num_verts, self._draw_mode, self._batch, self._group, colors=('Bn', self._rgba * self._num_verts), translation=('f', (self._x, self._y) * self._num_verts)) def _update_vertices(self): if not self._visible: self._vertex_list.position[:] = (0, 0) * self._num_verts else: # Adjust all coordinates by the anchor. trans_x, trans_y = self._coordinates[0] trans_x += self._anchor_x trans_y += self._anchor_y coords = [[x - trans_x, y - trans_y] for x, y in self._coordinates] # Triangulate the convex polygon. triangles = [] for n in range(len(coords) - 2): triangles += [coords[0], coords[n + 1], coords[n + 2]] # Flattening the list before setting vertices to it. self._vertex_list.position[:] = tuple(value for coordinate in triangles for value in coordinate) __all__ = 'Arc', 'BezierCurve', 'Circle', 'Ellipse', 'Line', 'Rectangle', 'BorderedRectangle', 'Triangle', 'Star', 'Polygon', 'Sector'