from ctypes import * import pyglet from pyglet.window import BaseWindow from pyglet.window import MouseCursor, DefaultMouseCursor from pyglet.window import WindowException from pyglet.event import EventDispatcher from pyglet.canvas.cocoa import CocoaCanvas from pyglet.libs.darwin import cocoapy, CGPoint, AutoReleasePool from .systemcursor import SystemCursor from .pyglet_delegate import PygletDelegate from .pyglet_window import PygletWindow, PygletToolWindow from .pyglet_view import PygletView NSApplication = cocoapy.ObjCClass('NSApplication') NSCursor = cocoapy.ObjCClass('NSCursor') NSColor = cocoapy.ObjCClass('NSColor') NSEvent = cocoapy.ObjCClass('NSEvent') NSArray = cocoapy.ObjCClass('NSArray') NSImage = cocoapy.ObjCClass('NSImage') NSPasteboard = cocoapy.ObjCClass('NSPasteboard') quartz = cocoapy.quartz cf = class CocoaMouseCursor(MouseCursor): gl_drawable = False def __init__(self, cursorName): # cursorName is a string identifying one of the named default NSCursors # e.g. 'pointingHandCursor', and can be sent as message to NSCursor class. self.cursorName = cursorName def set(self): cursor = getattr(NSCursor, self.cursorName)() cursor.set() class CocoaWindow(BaseWindow): def __init__(self, width=None, height=None, caption=None, resizable=False, style=BaseWindow.WINDOW_STYLE_DEFAULT, fullscreen=False, visible=True, vsync=True, file_drops=False, display=None, screen=None, config=None, context=None, mode=None): with AutoReleasePool(): super().__init__(width, height, caption, resizable, style, fullscreen, visible, vsync, file_drops, display, screen, config, context, mode) # NSWindow instance. _nswindow = None # Delegate object. _delegate = None # Window properties _mouse_platform_visible = True _mouse_ignore_motion = False # Flag set during close() method. _was_closed = False # NSWindow style masks. _style_masks = { BaseWindow.WINDOW_STYLE_DEFAULT: cocoapy.NSTitledWindowMask | cocoapy.NSClosableWindowMask | cocoapy.NSMiniaturizableWindowMask, BaseWindow.WINDOW_STYLE_DIALOG: cocoapy.NSTitledWindowMask | cocoapy.NSClosableWindowMask, BaseWindow.WINDOW_STYLE_TOOL: cocoapy.NSTitledWindowMask | cocoapy.NSClosableWindowMask | cocoapy.NSUtilityWindowMask, BaseWindow.WINDOW_STYLE_BORDERLESS: cocoapy.NSBorderlessWindowMask, } def _recreate(self, changes): if 'context' in changes: self.context.set_current() if 'fullscreen' in changes: if not self._fullscreen: # leaving fullscreen self.screen.release_display() self._create() def _create(self): with AutoReleasePool(): if self._nswindow: # The window is about the be recreated so destroy everything # associated with the old window, then destroy the window itself. nsview = self.canvas.nsview self.canvas = None self._nswindow.orderOut_(None) self._nswindow.close() self.context.detach() self._nswindow.release() self._nswindow = None nsview.release() self._delegate.release() self._delegate = None # Determine window parameters. content_rect = cocoapy.NSMakeRect(0, 0, self._width, self._height) WindowClass = PygletWindow if self._fullscreen: style_mask = cocoapy.NSBorderlessWindowMask else: if self._style not in self._style_masks: self._style = self.WINDOW_STYLE_DEFAULT style_mask = self._style_masks[self._style] if self._resizable: style_mask |= cocoapy.NSResizableWindowMask if self._style == BaseWindow.WINDOW_STYLE_TOOL: WindowClass = PygletToolWindow # First create an instance of our NSWindow subclass. # FIX ME: # Need to use this initializer to have any hope of multi-monitor support. # But currently causes problems on Mac OS X Lion. So for now, we initialize the # window without including screen information. # # self._nswindow = WindowClass.alloc().initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer_screen_( # content_rect, # contentRect # style_mask, # styleMask # NSBackingStoreBuffered, # backing # False, # defer # self.screen.get_nsscreen()) # screen self._nswindow = WindowClass.alloc().initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer_( content_rect, # contentRect style_mask, # styleMask cocoapy.NSBackingStoreBuffered, # backing False) # defer if self._fullscreen: # BUG: I suspect that this doesn't do the right thing when using # multiple monitors (which would be to go fullscreen on the monitor # where the window is located). However I've no way to test. blackColor = NSColor.blackColor() self._nswindow.setBackgroundColor_(blackColor) self._nswindow.setOpaque_(True) self.screen.capture_display() self._nswindow.setLevel_(quartz.CGShieldingWindowLevel()) self.context.set_full_screen() self._center_window() self._mouse_in_window = True else: self._set_nice_window_location() self._mouse_in_window = self._mouse_in_content_rect() # Then create a view and set it as our NSWindow's content view. self._nsview = PygletView.alloc().initWithFrame_cocoaWindow_(content_rect, self) self._nswindow.setContentView_(self._nsview) self._nswindow.makeFirstResponder_(self._nsview) # Create a canvas with the view as its drawable and attach context to it. self.canvas = CocoaCanvas(self.display, self.screen, self._nsview) self.context.attach(self.canvas) # Configure the window. self._nswindow.setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents_(True) self._nswindow.setReleasedWhenClosed_(False) self._nswindow.useOptimizedDrawing_(True) self._nswindow.setPreservesContentDuringLiveResize_(False) # Set the delegate. self._delegate = PygletDelegate.alloc().initWithWindow_(self) # Configure CocoaWindow. self.set_caption(self._caption) if self._minimum_size is not None: self.set_minimum_size(*self._minimum_size) if self._maximum_size is not None: self.set_maximum_size(*self._maximum_size) if self._file_drops: array = NSArray.arrayWithObject_(cocoapy.NSPasteboardTypeURL) self._nsview.registerForDraggedTypes_(array) self.context.update_geometry() self.switch_to() self.set_vsync(self._vsync) self.set_visible(self._visible) def _set_nice_window_location(self): # Construct a list of all visible windows that aren't us. visible_windows = [win for win in if win is not self and win._nswindow and win._nswindow.isVisible()] # If there aren't any visible windows, then center this window. if not visible_windows: self._center_window() # Otherwise, cascade from last window in list. else: point = visible_windows[-1]._nswindow.cascadeTopLeftFromPoint_(cocoapy.NSZeroPoint) self._nswindow.cascadeTopLeftFromPoint_(point) def _center_window(self): # [NSWindow center] does not move the window to a true center position # and also always moves the window to the main display. x = self.screen.x + int((self.screen.width - self._width) // 2) y = self.screen.y + int((self.screen.height - self._height) // 2) self._nswindow.setFrameOrigin_(cocoapy.NSPoint(x, y)) def close(self): # If we've already gone through this once, don't do it again. if self._was_closed: return with AutoReleasePool(): # Restore cursor visibility self.set_mouse_platform_visible(True) self.set_exclusive_mouse(False) self.set_exclusive_keyboard(False) # Remove the delegate object if self._delegate: self._nswindow.setDelegate_(None) self._delegate.release() self._delegate = None # Remove window from display and remove its view. if self._nswindow: self._nswindow.orderOut_(None) self._nswindow.setContentView_(None) self._nswindow.close() # Restore screen mode. This also releases the display # if it was captured for fullscreen mode. self.screen.restore_mode() # Remove view from canvas and then remove canvas. if self.canvas: self.canvas.nsview.release() self.canvas.nsview = None self.canvas = None # Do this last, so that we don't see white flash # when exiting application from fullscreen mode. super(CocoaWindow, self).close() self._was_closed = True def switch_to(self): if self.context: self.context.set_current() def flip(self): self.draw_mouse_cursor() if self.context: self.context.flip() def dispatch_events(self): self._allow_dispatch_event = True # Process all pyglet events. self.dispatch_pending_events() event = True # Dequeue and process all of the pending Cocoa events. with AutoReleasePool(): NSApp = NSApplication.sharedApplication() while event and self._nswindow and self._context: event = NSApp.nextEventMatchingMask_untilDate_inMode_dequeue_( cocoapy.NSAnyEventMask, None, cocoapy.NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode, True) if event: event_type = event.type() # Pass on all events. NSApp.sendEvent_(event) # And resend key events to special handlers. if event_type == cocoapy.NSKeyDown and not event.isARepeat(): NSApp.sendAction_to_from_(cocoapy.get_selector('pygletKeyDown:'), None, event) elif event_type == cocoapy.NSKeyUp: NSApp.sendAction_to_from_(cocoapy.get_selector('pygletKeyUp:'), None, event) elif event_type == cocoapy.NSFlagsChanged: NSApp.sendAction_to_from_(cocoapy.get_selector('pygletFlagsChanged:'), None, event) NSApp.updateWindows() self._allow_dispatch_event = False def dispatch_pending_events(self): while self._event_queue: event = self._event_queue.pop(0) EventDispatcher.dispatch_event(self, *event) def set_caption(self, caption): self._caption = caption if self._nswindow is not None: self._nswindow.setTitle_(cocoapy.get_NSString(caption)) def set_icon(self, *images): # Only use the biggest image from the list. max_image = images[0] for img in images: if img.width > max_image.width and img.height > max_image.height: max_image = img # Grab image data from pyglet image. image = max_image.get_image_data() format = 'ARGB' bytesPerRow = len(format) * image.width data = image.get_data(format, -bytesPerRow) # Use image data to create a data provider. # Using CGDataProviderCreateWithData crashes PyObjC 2.2b3, so we create # a CFDataRef object first and use it to create the data provider. cfdata = c_void_p(cf.CFDataCreate(None, data, len(data))) provider = c_void_p(quartz.CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData(cfdata)) colorSpace = c_void_p(quartz.CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()) # Then create a CGImage from the provider. cgimage = c_void_p(quartz.CGImageCreate( image.width, image.height, 8, 32, bytesPerRow, colorSpace, cocoapy.kCGImageAlphaFirst, provider, None, True, cocoapy.kCGRenderingIntentDefault)) if not cgimage: return cf.CFRelease(cfdata) quartz.CGDataProviderRelease(provider) quartz.CGColorSpaceRelease(colorSpace) # Turn the CGImage into an NSImage. size = cocoapy.NSMakeSize(image.width, image.height) nsimage = NSImage.alloc().initWithCGImage_size_(cgimage, size) if not nsimage: return # And finally set the app icon. NSApp = NSApplication.sharedApplication() NSApp.setApplicationIconImage_(nsimage) nsimage.release() def get_location(self): window_frame = self._nswindow.frame() rect = self._nswindow.contentRectForFrameRect_(window_frame) screen_frame = self._nswindow.screen().frame() screen_width = int(screen_frame.size.width) screen_height = int(screen_frame.size.height) return int(rect.origin.x), int(screen_height - rect.origin.y - rect.size.height) def set_location(self, x, y): window_frame = self._nswindow.frame() rect = self._nswindow.contentRectForFrameRect_(window_frame) screen_frame = self._nswindow.screen().frame() screen_width = int(screen_frame.size.width) screen_height = int(screen_frame.size.height) origin = cocoapy.NSPoint(x, screen_height - y - rect.size.height) self._nswindow.setFrameOrigin_(origin) def get_framebuffer_size(self): view = self.context._nscontext.view() bounds = view.convertRectToBacking_(view.bounds()).size return int(bounds.width), int(bounds.height) def set_size(self, width: int, height: int) -> None: super().set_size(width, height) # Move frame origin down so that top-left corner of window doesn't move. window_frame = self._nswindow.frame() rect = self._nswindow.contentRectForFrameRect_(window_frame) rect.origin.y += rect.size.height - height rect.size.width = width rect.size.height = height new_frame = self._nswindow.frameRectForContentRect_(rect) # The window background flashes when the frame size changes unless it's # animated, but we can set the window's animationResizeTime to zero. is_visible = self._nswindow.isVisible() self._nswindow.setFrame_display_animate_(new_frame, True, is_visible) self.dispatch_event('on_resize', width, height) def set_minimum_size(self, width: int, height: int) -> None: super().set_minimum_size(width, height) if self._nswindow is not None: ns_minimum_size = cocoapy.NSSize(*self._minimum_size) self._nswindow.setContentMinSize_(ns_minimum_size) def set_maximum_size(self, width: int, height: int) -> None: super().set_maximum_size(width, height) if self._nswindow is not None: ns_maximum_size = cocoapy.NSSize(*self._maximum_size) self._nswindow.setContentMaxSize_(ns_maximum_size) def activate(self): if self._nswindow is not None: NSApp = NSApplication.sharedApplication() NSApp.activateIgnoringOtherApps_(True) self._nswindow.makeKeyAndOrderFront_(None) def set_visible(self, visible: bool = True) -> None: super().set_visible(visible) if self._nswindow is not None: if visible: self.dispatch_event('on_resize', self._width, self._height) self.dispatch_event('on_show') self.dispatch_event('on_expose') self._nswindow.makeKeyAndOrderFront_(None) else: self._nswindow.orderOut_(None) def minimize(self): self._mouse_in_window = False if self._nswindow is not None: self._nswindow.miniaturize_(None) def maximize(self): if self._nswindow is not None: self._nswindow.zoom_(None) def set_vsync(self, vsync: bool) -> None: if pyglet.options['vsync'] is not None: vsync = pyglet.options['vsync'] super().set_vsync(vsync) self.context.set_vsync(vsync) def _mouse_in_content_rect(self): # Returns true if mouse is inside the window's content rectangle. # Better to use this method to check manually rather than relying # on instance variables that may not be set correctly. point = NSEvent.mouseLocation() window_frame = self._nswindow.frame() rect = self._nswindow.contentRectForFrameRect_(window_frame) return, rect, False) def set_mouse_platform_visible(self, platform_visible=None): # When the platform_visible argument is supplied with a boolean, then this # method simply sets whether or not the platform mouse cursor is visible. if platform_visible is not None: if platform_visible: SystemCursor.unhide() else: SystemCursor.hide() # But if it has been called without an argument, it turns into # a completely different function. Now we are trying to figure out # whether or not the mouse *should* be visible, and if so, what it should # look like. else: # If we are in mouse exclusive mode, then hide the mouse cursor. if self._mouse_exclusive: SystemCursor.hide() # If we aren't inside the window, then always show the mouse # and make sure that it is the default cursor. elif not self._mouse_in_content_rect(): NSCursor.arrowCursor().set() SystemCursor.unhide() # If we are in the window, then what we do depends on both # the current pyglet-set visibility setting for the mouse and # the type of the mouse cursor. If the cursor has been hidden # in the window with set_mouse_visible() then don't show it. elif not self._mouse_visible: SystemCursor.hide() # If the mouse is set as a system-defined cursor, then we # need to set the cursor and show the mouse. # *** FIX ME *** elif isinstance(self._mouse_cursor, CocoaMouseCursor): self._mouse_cursor.set() SystemCursor.unhide() # If the mouse cursor is OpenGL drawable, then it we need to hide # the system mouse cursor, so that the cursor can draw itself. elif self._mouse_cursor.gl_drawable: SystemCursor.hide() # Otherwise, show the default cursor. else: NSCursor.arrowCursor().set() SystemCursor.unhide() def get_system_mouse_cursor(self, name): # It would make a lot more sense for most of this code to be # inside the CocoaMouseCursor class, but all of the CURSOR_xxx # constants are defined as properties of BaseWindow. if name == self.CURSOR_DEFAULT: return DefaultMouseCursor() cursors = { self.CURSOR_CROSSHAIR: 'crosshairCursor', self.CURSOR_HAND: 'pointingHandCursor', self.CURSOR_HELP: 'arrowCursor', self.CURSOR_NO: 'operationNotAllowedCursor', # Mac OS 10.6 self.CURSOR_SIZE: 'arrowCursor', self.CURSOR_SIZE_UP: 'resizeUpCursor', self.CURSOR_SIZE_UP_RIGHT: 'arrowCursor', self.CURSOR_SIZE_RIGHT: 'resizeRightCursor', self.CURSOR_SIZE_DOWN_RIGHT: 'arrowCursor', self.CURSOR_SIZE_DOWN: 'resizeDownCursor', self.CURSOR_SIZE_DOWN_LEFT: 'arrowCursor', self.CURSOR_SIZE_LEFT: 'resizeLeftCursor', self.CURSOR_SIZE_UP_LEFT: 'arrowCursor', self.CURSOR_SIZE_UP_DOWN: 'resizeUpDownCursor', self.CURSOR_SIZE_LEFT_RIGHT: 'resizeLeftRightCursor', self.CURSOR_TEXT: 'IBeamCursor', self.CURSOR_WAIT: 'arrowCursor', # No wristwatch cursor in Cocoa self.CURSOR_WAIT_ARROW: 'arrowCursor', # No wristwatch cursor in Cocoa } if name not in cursors: raise RuntimeError('Unknown cursor name "%s"' % name) return CocoaMouseCursor(cursors[name]) def set_mouse_position(self, x, y, absolute=False): if absolute: # If absolute, then x, y is given in global display coordinates # which sets (0,0) at top left corner of main display. It is possible # to warp the mouse position to a point inside of another display. quartz.CGWarpMouseCursorPosition(CGPoint(x, y)) else: # Window-relative coordinates: (x, y) are given in window coords # with (0,0) at bottom-left corner of window and y up. We find # which display the window is in and then convert x, y into local # display coords where (0,0) is now top-left of display and y down. screenInfo = self._nswindow.screen().deviceDescription() displayID = screenInfo.objectForKey_(cocoapy.get_NSString('NSScreenNumber')) displayID = displayID.intValue() displayBounds = quartz.CGDisplayBounds(displayID) frame = self._nswindow.frame() windowOrigin = frame.origin x += windowOrigin.x y = displayBounds.size.height - windowOrigin.y - y quartz.CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint(displayID, cocoapy.NSPoint(x, y)) def set_exclusive_mouse(self, exclusive=True): super().set_exclusive_mouse(exclusive) if exclusive: # Skip the next motion event, which would return a large delta. self._mouse_ignore_motion = True # Move mouse to center of window. frame = self._nswindow.frame() width, height = frame.size.width, frame.size.height self.set_mouse_position(width / 2, height / 2) quartz.CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition(False) else: quartz.CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition(True) # Update visibility of mouse cursor. self.set_mouse_platform_visible() def set_exclusive_keyboard(self, exclusive=True): # # # BUG: System keys like F9 or command-tab are disabled, however # pyglet also does not receive key press events for them. # This flag is queried by window delegate to determine whether # the quit menu item is active. super().set_exclusive_keyboard(exclusive) if exclusive: # "Be nice! Don't disable force-quit!" # -- Patrick Swayze, Road House (1989) options = cocoapy.NSApplicationPresentationHideDock | \ cocoapy.NSApplicationPresentationHideMenuBar | \ cocoapy.NSApplicationPresentationDisableProcessSwitching | \ cocoapy.NSApplicationPresentationDisableHideApplication else: options = cocoapy.NSApplicationPresentationDefault NSApp = NSApplication.sharedApplication() NSApp.setPresentationOptions_(options) def set_clipboard_text(self, text: str): with AutoReleasePool(): pasteboard = NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard() pasteboard.clearContents() array = NSArray.arrayWithObject_(cocoapy.NSPasteboardTypeString) pasteboard.declareTypes_owner_(array, None) text_nsstring = cocoapy.get_NSString(text) pasteboard.setString_forType_(text_nsstring, cocoapy.NSPasteboardTypeString) def get_clipboard_text(self) -> str: text = '' with AutoReleasePool(): pasteboard = NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard() if pasteboard.types().containsObject_(cocoapy.NSPasteboardTypeString): text_obj = pasteboard.stringForType_(cocoapy.NSPasteboardTypeString) if text_obj: text = text_obj.UTF8String().decode('utf-8') return text __all__ = ["CocoaWindow"]