""" writen by shenjackyuanjie mail: 3695888@qq.com """ import multiprocessing as mp import os import sys import time sys.path.append('./bin/libs/') sys.path.append('./') import pyglet from pyglet.window import key from pyglet.window import mouse try: from bin import tools from bin import configs except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError, ImportWarning): import tools import configs class client(mp.Process): def __init__(self, logger, dev_dic=None, dev_list=None, language='zh-cn', net_mode='local'): mp.Process.__init__(self) # logging self.logger = logger # share memory self.dev_list = dev_list self.dev_dic = dev_dic # lang self.lang = tools.config('configs/sys_value/lang/%s.json5' % language, 'client') # value self.process_id = 'Client' self.process_name = 'Client process' self.process_pid = os.getpid() self.view = 'space' self.net_mode = net_mode self.window_config = tools.config('configs/sys_value/window.json5') self.caption = self.window_config['caption'] self.caption = tools.name_handler(self.caption, {'version': self.window_config['caption_option']['version']}) self.window = window(logger=logger, dev_dic=dev_dic, dev_list=dev_list, language=language, net_mode=net_mode, width=int(self.window_config['width']), height=int(self.window_config['height']), fullscreen=tools.c_b(self.window_config['full_screen']), caption=self.caption, resizable=tools.c_b(self.window_config['resizable']), visible=tools.c_b(self.window_config['visible'])) self.log_config() def log_config(self): self.logger.info('%s: %s %s' % (self.lang['os.pid_is1'], self.process_pid, self.lang['os.pid_is2'])) def run(self) -> None: pyglet.app.run() class window(pyglet.window.Window): def __init__(self, logger, dev_dic=None, dev_list=None, language='zh-cn', net_mode='local', *args, **kwargs): super(window, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) """ :param dev_list: 共享内存 :param dev_dic: 共享内存 :param logger: logger :param net_mode: 网络模式 # local / ip """ # logging self.logger = logger # share memory self.dev_list = dev_list self.dev_dic = dev_dic # value self.FPS = int(tools.config('configs/sys_value/window.json5')['fps']) self.SPF = 1.0 / self.FPS self.view = 'space' self.net_mode = net_mode # FPS self.max_fps = [self.FPS, time.time()] self.min_fps = [self.FPS, time.time()] self.fps_wait = 5 # lang self.lang = tools.config('configs/sys_value/lang/%s.json5' % language, 'client') # configs self.view = tools.config('configs/view.json5') self.map_view = [configs.basic_poi(poi_type='chunk')] self.part_list = tools.config('configs/sys_value/parts.json5') pyglet.resource.path = ['textures'] pyglet.resource.reindex() # dic self.button_hitbox = {} self.button_toggled = {} self.ships = {} # all ship(part) self.planet_system = tools.config('configs/sys_value/planet.json5') # hole planet system # list # batch self.part_batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch() self.label_batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch() self.runtime_batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch() # window self.logger.info('%s' % self.lang['setup.done']) self.textures = {} # setup self.setup() pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(self.update, self.SPF) def setup(self): # values # net_mode if self.net_mode == 'local': pass # parts textures self.textures['part'] = {} parts = tools.config('configs/sys_value/parts.json5') for part in parts: path = parts[part][2][0] part_image = pyglet.resource.image(path) self.textures['part'][part] = part_image # runtimes textures self.textures['runtime'] = {} runtimes = tools.config('configs/sys_value/runtime.json5') # load textures for runtime in runtimes['textures']: path = runtimes['textures'][runtime] runtime_image = pyglet.resource.image(path) self.textures['runtime'][runtime] = runtime_image # load button's textures for runtime in runtimes['button']: if runtime == 'logic': continue path = runtimes['button'][runtime] runtime_image = pyglet.resource.image(path) runtime_sprite = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(img=runtime_image, batch=self.runtime_batch, x=self.width + 1, y=self.height + 1) # self.textures['runtime'][runtime] = runtime_image self.textures['runtime'][runtime] = runtime_sprite self.button_hitbox[runtime] = [runtime_image.width, runtime_image.height] self.button_toggled[runtime] = -1 # info_label self.info_label = pyglet.text.Label(text='test %s' % pyglet.clock.get_fps(), x=10, y=self.height - 10, anchor_x='left', anchor_y='top', batch=self.label_batch) # draws def update(self, ree): self.FPS_update() self.hit_box_update() def FPS_update(self): now_FPS = pyglet.clock.get_fps() if now_FPS > self.max_fps[0]: self.max_fps = [now_FPS, time.time()] elif now_FPS < self.min_fps[0]: self.min_fps = [now_FPS, time.time()] else: if (time.time() - self.max_fps[1]) > self.fps_wait: self.max_fps = [self.FPS, time.time()] elif (time.time() - self.min_fps[1]) > self.fps_wait: self.min_fps = [self.FPS, time.time()] self.info_label.text = 'now FPS: %03d max FPS: %02d min FPS: %02d' % ( now_FPS, self.max_fps[0], self.min_fps[0]) self.info_label.anchor_x = 'left' self.info_label.anchor_y = 'top' self.info_label.x = 10 self.info_label.y = self.height - 10 def hit_box_update(self): for hit_box in self.button_hitbox: box_ = self.button_hitbox[hit_box] button = self.textures['runtime'][hit_box] box = [button.x, button.y, button.x + button.width, button.y + button.height] self.button_hitbox[hit_box] = box def on_draw(self): self.clear() self.build_draw() self.draw_batch() def draw_batch(self): self.part_batch.draw() self.runtime_batch.draw() self.label_batch.draw() def build_draw(self): self.textures['runtime']['trash_can'].blit(x=self.width - 90, y=self.height - 90) self.textures['runtime']['trash_can'].blit(x=self.width - 90, y=self.height - 90) # button tool bar # start from 20 20 # between 30 # size 50*50 tool_y = 25 back = 0 while back < self.width: self.textures['runtime']['toolbar_light'].blit(x=back, y=0) back += self.textures['runtime']['toolbar_light'].width - 1 self.textures['runtime']['to_menu'].x = 20 self.textures['runtime']['to_menu'].y = tool_y self.textures['runtime']['add_part'].x = 100 self.textures['runtime']['add_part'].y = tool_y self.textures['runtime']['stage'].x = 180 self.textures['runtime']['stage'].y = tool_y self.textures['runtime']['zoom'].x = 260 self.textures['runtime']['zoom'].y = tool_y self.textures['runtime']['play'].x = self.width - 50 - 20 self.textures['runtime']['play'].y = tool_y if self.button_toggled['zoom'] != -1: self.textures['runtime']['zoom_in'].x = 260 - 40 self.textures['runtime']['zoom_in'].y = tool_y + 25 + 50 self.textures['runtime']['zoom_out'].x = 260 + 40 self.textures['runtime']['zoom_out'].y = tool_y + 25 + 50 else: self.button_toggled['zoom_in'] = -1 self.button_toggled['zoom_out'] = -1 self.textures['runtime']['zoom_in'].x = self.width + 1 self.textures['runtime']['zoom_out'].x = self.width + 1 # //todo 把所有要素都加进来+整个设置图标+布局 def space_draw(self): # render parts for ship in self.ships: # get ship poi ship_poi = ship['brain'][3] distances = tools.distance(ship_poi, self.map_view) for part in ship: pass def draw_label(self): pass """ keyboard and mouse input """ def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y, dx, dy): # self.logger.debug('按键移动 %s %s %s %s' % (x, y, dx, dy)) pass def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): # self.logger.debug('按键拖拽 %s %s %s %s %s %s' %(x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers)) pass def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, modifiers): if button == mouse.LEFT: self.logger.debug('左键! 在 x:%s y:%s' % (x, y)) for hit_box in self.button_hitbox: box = self.button_hitbox[hit_box] if (box[0] <= x <= box[2]) and (box[1] <= y <= box[3]): self.button_toggled[hit_box] *= -1 self.logger.debug('%s %s %s' % (hit_box, self.lang['button.been_press'], self.button_toggled[hit_box])) break elif button == mouse.RIGHT: self.logger.debug('右键! 在 x:%s y:%s' % (x, y)) def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers): if symbol == key.ESCAPE and not (modifiers & ~(key.MOD_NUMLOCK | key.MOD_CAPSLOCK | key.MOD_SCROLLLOCK)): self.dispatch_event('on_close') def on_key_release(self, symbol, modifiers): pass