# ------------------------------- # Difficult Rocket # Copyright © 2020-2023 by shenjackyuanjie 3695888@qq.com # All rights reserved # ------------------------------- import os import sys import time import shutil import tomlkit import zipfile import platform import traceback import subprocess from typing import Tuple, Dict from pathlib import Path from libs.utils import nuitka if __name__ == '__main__': compiler = nuitka.CompilerHelper() # 修改 python 执行文件 为 运行时的 python compiler.python_cmd = sys.executable compiler.xml_path = Path(f"./build/compile_data-{time.time()}.xml") # 检测 --github 参数 is_github = False if '--github' in sys.argv: is_github = True compiler.use_ccache = False compiler.show_memory = False compiler.show_progress = False compiler.output_path = Path('./build/github') compiler.python_cmd = 'python' compiler.include_data_dir.remove(('./libs/fonts', './libs/fonts')) compiler.save_xml = False # 检测 --output xx 参数 if '--output' in sys.argv: # 输入的是输出目录 compiler.output_path = sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--output') + 1] sys.argv.remove('--output') sys.argv.remove(compiler.output_path) # 检测 --no-pyglet-opt 参数 pyglet_optimizations = True if pyglet_optimizations and '--no-pyglet-opt' not in sys.argv: compiler.no_follow_import += [f'pyglet.app.{x}' for x in ['win32', 'xlib', 'cocoa']] compiler.no_follow_import += [f'pyglet.input.{x}' for x in ['win32', 'linux', 'macos']] compiler.no_follow_import += [f'pyglet.libs.{x}' for x in ['win32', 'x11', 'wayland', 'darwin', 'egl', 'headless']] compiler.no_follow_import += [f'pyglet.window.{x}' for x in ['win32', 'xlib', 'cocoa', 'headless']] compiler.no_follow_import += [f'pyglet.canvas.{x}' for x in ['win32', 'xlib', 'xlib_vidmoderstore', 'cocoa', 'headless']] compiler.no_follow_import += [f'pyglet.gl.{x}' for x in ['win32', 'xlib', 'cocoa', 'headless']] mult_plat_libs = ['app', 'input', 'libs', 'window', 'canvas', 'gl'] if platform.system() == "Windows": for lib in mult_plat_libs: compiler.no_follow_import.remove(f'pyglet.{lib}.win32') elif platform.system() == "Linux": for lib in mult_plat_libs: for name in ('xlib', 'x11', 'wayland', 'egl'): if f'pyglet.{lib}.{name}' in compiler.no_follow_import: compiler.no_follow_import.remove(f'pyglet.{lib}.{name}') compiler.no_follow_import.remove('pyglet.canvas.xlib_vidmoderstore') elif platform.system() == "Darwin": for lib in mult_plat_libs: for name in ('cocoa', 'darwin', 'macos'): if f'pyglet.{lib}.{name}' in compiler.no_follow_import: compiler.no_follow_import.remove(f'pyglet.{lib}.{name}') print(compiler.output_path) print(compiler) print(compiler.gen_subprocess_cmd()) # 确认是否需要编译 # 如果包含 -y 参数 则直接编译 if (('-y' or '-n') not in sys.argv) and (not is_github): while (do_compile := input('Do you want to compile this file? (y/n) ')) not in ['y', 'n']: pass elif '-y' in sys.argv: do_compile = 'y' elif is_github: do_compile = 'y' else: do_compile = 'n' if do_compile == 'y': # 编译 time.sleep(1) # 等待 1s start_time = time.time_ns() subprocess.run(compiler.gen_subprocess_cmd()) print('Compile Done!') print(f'Compile Time: {time.time_ns() - start_time} ns ({(time.time_ns() - start_time) / 1000_000_000} s)') if is_github: # 去除无用字体文件 (其实现在也不会打包字体文件了 因为 git lfs 没宽带了) try: shutil.rmtree(compiler.output_path / 'DR.dist/libs/fonts' / 'Fira_Code', ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(compiler.output_path / 'DR.dist/libs/fonts' / 'scientifica', ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(compiler.output_path / 'DR.dist/libs/fonts' / 'HarmonyOS_Sans' / 'HarmonyOS_Sans_Condensed', ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(compiler.output_path / 'DR.dist/libs/fonts' / 'HarmonyOS_Sans' / 'HarmonyOS_Sans', ignore_errors=True) os.remove(compiler.output_path / 'DR.dist/libs/fonts' / 'Monocraft.otf') os.remove(compiler.output_path / 'DR.dist/libs/fonts' / 'SmileySans-Oblique.ttf') except Exception: traceback.print_exc() print('Remove Useless Files Done!') else: dist_dir_size = 0 dist_file_size: Dict[str, Tuple[int, float]] = {} for path, sub_paths, sub_files in os.walk(compiler.output_path / 'DR.dist'): for file in sub_files: file_path = os.path.join(path, file) dist_dir_size += os.path.getsize(file_path) # 排除不需要记录的文件 if any(x in file_path for x in ('configs', 'libs', 'textures')): continue dist_file_size[file_path] = (os.path.getsize(file_path), os.path.getsize(file_path) / 1024 / 1024) compile_data = {'compile_time_ns': time.time_ns() - start_time, 'compile_time_s': (time.time_ns() - start_time) / 1000_000_000, 'dist_size': dist_dir_size, 'dist_size_mb': dist_dir_size / 1024 / 1024, 'compiler_data': compiler.str_option(), 'dist_file_size': dist_file_size} with open(compiler.output_path / f'../compile_data-{time.time()}.toml', 'w') as compile_data_file: tomlkit.dump(compile_data, compile_data_file) sys.exit(0)