# ------------------------------- # Difficult Rocket # Copyright © 2021-2022 by shenjackyuanjie # All rights reserved # ------------------------------- """ writen by shenjackyuanjie mail: 3695888@qq.com github: @shenjackyuanjie gitee: @shenjackyuanjie """ import time import re from typing import Union from decimal import Decimal # from DR from Difficult_Rocket import translate from Difficult_Rocket.api import new_thread # from libs.pyglet from libs import pyglet from libs.pyglet.text import Label from libs.pyglet.window import key from libs.pyglet.gui import widgets from libs.pyglet.graphics import Batch, Group class CommandText: """ CommandLine返回的字符,可以用来搜索 """ def __init__(self, text: str): self.text = text self.value_dict = {} self.value_list = [] def find(self, text: str) -> bool: finding = re.match(text, self.text) if finding: return True else: return False def match(self, text: str) -> bool: finding = re.match(text, self.text) if finding: # 如果找到了 try: next_find = self.text[finding.span()[1]] # 这里try因为可能匹配到的是字符串末尾 except IndexError: next_find = ' ' # 直接过滤掉 if next_find == ' ': self.text = self.text[finding.span()[1] + 1:] return True # 将匹配到的字符串,和最后一个匹配字符后面的字符删除(相当暴力的操作) return False else: return False def greedy(self, name: str = None) -> str: if name: self.value_dict[name] = self.text self.value_list.append(self.text) return self.text def value(self, name: str = None, split: str = ' ', middle: list = ('\'', '\"')): pass def __str__(self): return str(self.text) def __int__(self): return int(self.text) class CommandLine(widgets.WidgetBase): """ command line show """ def __init__(self, x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int, length: int, batch: Batch, group: Group = None, command_text: str = '/', font_size: int = 20): super().__init__(x, y, width, height) # normal values self.length = length self._command_list = ['' for line in range(length)] self._command_text = command_text self._text_position = 0 self._command_view = 0 self._value = 0 self._text = '' self.command_split = 25 self.command_distance = 20 # group self._user_group = group bg_group = Group(order=0, parent=group) fg_group = Group(order=1, parent=group) # hidden value self._text = '' self._line = Label(x=x, y=y, batch=batch, text=self.text, color=(100, 255, 255, 255), anchor_x='left', anchor_y='bottom', font_size=font_size, font_name=translate.微软等宽, group=fg_group) self._label = [Label(x=x + 10, y=y + self.command_distance + (line * self.command_split), batch=batch, text='a', anchor_x='left', anchor_y='bottom', font_size=font_size - 3, font_name=translate.鸿蒙简体, group=bg_group) for line in range(length)] # Rectangular outline with 5-pixel pad: color = (100, 100, 100, 100) self._pad = p = 5 self._outline = pyglet.shapes.Rectangle(x=x - p, y=y - p, width=width + p, height=height + p, color=color[:3], batch=batch, group=fg_group) self._outline.opacity = color[3] self.editing = False def _update_position(self): pass def update_groups(self, order): self._line.group = Group(order=order + 1, parent=self._user_group) for label in self._label: label.group = Group(order=order + 1, parent=self._user_group) self._outline.group = Group(order=order + 2, parent=self._user_group) """ values """ @property def value(self): return self.text @property def text(self): return self._text @text.setter def text(self, value): assert type(value) is str, 'CommandLine\'s text must be string!' self._text = value self._line.text = value @property def command_view(self): return self._command_view @command_view.setter def command_view(self, value): """ value: -1 -> 将整个列表添加一个数据 如果长度超过length就删掉多余的 将视角移动到最下面,刷新显示列表 0 ~ (self.length-1) -> 切换视角到对应的行数 实际上还有一个限制 """ assert type(value) is int, 'Command View must be integer' assert -self.length < value < self.length, f'Command View must be bigger than {-self.length} and smaller than {self.length}' if value == -1: # flush command list self._label.insert(0, self._label[-1]) self._label.pop(-1) for line in range(self.length): self._label[line].y = self.y + self.command_distance + (line * self.command_split) self._label[0].text = self.text self.text = '' self._command_view = 0 self._text_position = 0 elif value == self._command_view: # not doing anything pass elif value > self._command_view: # move upwards pass else: # move downwards pass # self._command_view = value @property def editing(self): return self._editing @editing.setter def editing(self, value): assert type(value) is bool, 'Command editing must be bool!' self._editing = value self._line.visible = value self._outline.visible = value for label in self._label: label.visible = value @new_thread('command wait', daemon=True, log_thread=False) def wait(self, wait: Union[float, int] = 0): this = self._label[0] self._label[0].visible = True time.sleep(wait) if self._label[0].visible and not self.editing: while (self._label[0].opacity >= 30) and self._label[0].visible and (self._label[0] is this) and not self.editing: # (label 的透明度不是 0) and (label 还在显示) and (label 还是载入线程时候的那个label) and (现在不在输入新行) self._label[0].opacity -= 2 time.sleep(0.01) if self._label[0] is this: # 如果结束的时候label还是这个label self._label[0].opacity = 255 else: # 如果不是就赶快找回来! now = self._label.index(this) self._label[now].opacity = 255 if not self.editing: # 如果不在编辑再隐藏 self._label[0].visible = False @property def command_list(self): return self._command_list """ events """ def on_text(self, text): # 这里的大部分东西都会在最近被重写 # TODO 重写成基于新的 InputBox 的解析 if self.editing: if text in ('\r', '\n'): # goto a new line if not self.text: pass elif self.text[0] == self._command_text: self.dispatch_event('on_command', CommandText(self.text[1:])) else: self.dispatch_event('on_message', CommandText(self.text)) # on_message 和 on_command 可能会覆盖 self.text 需要再次判定 if self.text: self.command_view = -1 self.editing = False self.wait() else: self.text = f'{self.text[:self._text_position]}{text}{self.text[self._text_position:]}' # 插入字符(简单粗暴) self._text_position += 1 elif text == 't': # open message line self.editing = True elif text == '/': # open command line self.editing = True self.text = '/' self._text_position = 1 def on_text_motion(self, motion): if self.editing: # edit motion if motion == key.MOTION_DELETE: # 确保不越界 self.text = f'{self.text[:self._text_position]}{self.text[self._text_position + 1:]}' # 简单粗暴的删除 elif motion == key.MOTION_BACKSPACE and self._text_position >= 1: # 确保不越界 self.text = f'{self.text[:self._text_position - 1]}{self.text[self._text_position:]}' # 简单粗暴的删除 self._text_position -= 1 # 记得切换光标位置 # move motion elif motion == key.MOTION_LEFT and self._text_position >= 0: # 确保不越界 self._text_position -= 1 elif motion == key.MOTION_RIGHT and self._text_position <= len(self.text): # 确保不越界 self._text_position += 1 elif motion in (key.MOTION_BEGINNING_OF_LINE, key.MOTION_BEGINNING_OF_FILE, key.MOTION_PREVIOUS_PAGE): self._text_position = 0 elif motion in (key.MOTION_END_OF_LINE, key.MOTION_END_OF_FILE, key.MOTION_NEXT_PAGE): self._text_position = len(self.text) # view move motion elif motion == key.MOTION_DOWN: if not self.command_view == -1: self.command_view -= 1 else: pass def on_text_motion_select(self, motion): if self.editing: pass def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): if self.editing: pass def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, buttons, modifiers): if self.editing: pass """ custom event """ def on_command(self, command: text): if self.editing: return """give command to it""" def on_message(self, message: text): if self.editing: return """give message to it""" def push_line(self, line: Union[str, int, float, Decimal], block_line: bool = False): _text = self.text self.text = str(line) self.command_view = -1 if not block_line: self.text = _text CommandLine.register_event_type('on_command') CommandLine.register_event_type('on_message')