import weakref from enum import Enum import threading from typing import Tuple import pyglet from pyglet import gl from import gl_info class OpenGLAPI(Enum): OPENGL = 1 OPENGL_ES = 2 class Config: """Graphics configuration. A Config stores the preferences for OpenGL attributes such as the number of auxiliary buffers, size of the colour and depth buffers, double buffering, stencilling, multi- and super-sampling, and so on. Different platforms support a different set of attributes, so these are set with a string key and a value which is integer or boolean. :Ivariables: `double_buffer` : bool Specify the presence of a back-buffer for every color buffer. `stereo` : bool Specify the presence of separate left and right buffer sets. `buffer_size` : int Total bits per sample per color buffer. `aux_buffers` : int The number of auxiliary color buffers. `sample_buffers` : int The number of multisample buffers. `samples` : int The number of samples per pixel, or 0 if there are no multisample buffers. `red_size` : int Bits per sample per buffer devoted to the red component. `green_size` : int Bits per sample per buffer devoted to the green component. `blue_size` : int Bits per sample per buffer devoted to the blue component. `alpha_size` : int Bits per sample per buffer devoted to the alpha component. `depth_size` : int Bits per sample in the depth buffer. `stencil_size` : int Bits per sample in the stencil buffer. `accum_red_size` : int Bits per pixel devoted to the red component in the accumulation buffer. `accum_green_size` : int Bits per pixel devoted to the green component in the accumulation buffer. `accum_blue_size` : int Bits per pixel devoted to the blue component in the accumulation buffer. `accum_alpha_size` : int Bits per pixel devoted to the alpha component in the accumulation buffer. """ _attribute_names = [ 'double_buffer', 'stereo', 'buffer_size', 'aux_buffers', 'sample_buffers', 'samples', 'red_size', 'green_size', 'blue_size', 'alpha_size', 'depth_size', 'stencil_size', 'accum_red_size', 'accum_green_size', 'accum_blue_size', 'accum_alpha_size', 'major_version', 'minor_version', 'forward_compatible', 'opengl_api', 'debug' ] major_version = None minor_version = None forward_compatible = None opengl_api = None debug = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Create a template config with the given attributes. Specify attributes as keyword arguments, for example:: template = Config(double_buffer=True) """ for name in self._attribute_names: if name in kwargs: setattr(self, name, kwargs[name]) else: setattr(self, name, None) self.opengl_api = self.opengl_api or "gl" def get_gl_attributes(self): """Return a list of attributes set on this config. :rtype: list of tuple (name, value) :return: All attributes, with unset attributes having a value of ``None``. """ return [(name, getattr(self, name)) for name in self._attribute_names] def match(self, canvas): """Return a list of matching complete configs for the given canvas. .. versionadded:: 1.2 :Parameters: `canvas` : `Canvas` Display to host contexts created from the config. :rtype: list of `CanvasConfig` """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def create_context(self, share): """Create a GL context that satisifies this configuration. :deprecated: Use `CanvasConfig.create_context`. :Parameters: `share` : `Context` If not None, a context with which to share objects with. :rtype: `Context` :return: The new context. """ raise gl.ConfigException('This config cannot be used to create contexts. ' 'Use Config.match to created a CanvasConfig') def is_complete(self): """Determine if this config is complete and able to create a context. Configs created directly are not complete, they can only serve as templates for retrieving a supported config from the system. For example, `pyglet.window.Screen.get_matching_configs` returns complete configs. :deprecated: Use ``isinstance(config, CanvasConfig)``. :rtype: bool :return: True if the config is complete and can create a context. """ return isinstance(self, CanvasConfig) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.get_gl_attributes()})" class CanvasConfig(Config): """An OpenGL configuration for a particular canvas. Use `Config.match` to obtain an instance of this class. .. versionadded:: 1.2 :Ivariables: `canvas` : `Canvas` The canvas this config is valid on. """ def __init__(self, canvas, base_config): self.canvas = canvas self.major_version = base_config.major_version self.minor_version = base_config.minor_version self.forward_compatible = base_config.forward_compatible self.opengl_api = base_config.opengl_api or self.opengl_api self.debug = base_config.debug def compatible(self, canvas): raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def create_context(self, share): """Create a GL context that satisifies this configuration. :Parameters: `share` : `Context` If not None, a context with which to share objects with. :rtype: `Context` :return: The new context. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def is_complete(self): return True class ObjectSpace: def __init__(self): # Objects scheduled for deletion the next time this object space is active. self.doomed_textures = [] self.doomed_buffers = [] self.doomed_shader_programs = [] self.doomed_shaders = [] self.doomed_renderbuffers = [] class Context: """An OpenGL context for drawing. Use `CanvasConfig.create_context` to create a context. :Ivariables: `object_space` : `ObjectSpace` An object which is shared between all contexts that share GL objects. """ # gl_info.GLInfo instance, filled in on first set_current _info = None def __init__(self, config, context_share=None): self.config = config self.context_share = context_share self.canvas = None self.doomed_vaos = [] self.doomed_framebuffers = [] if context_share: self.object_space = context_share.object_space else: self.object_space = ObjectSpace() self._cached_programs = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(id={id(self)}, share={self.context_share})" def __enter__(self): self.set_current() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): return def attach(self, canvas): if self.canvas is not None: self.detach() if not self.config.compatible(canvas): raise RuntimeError(f'Cannot attach {canvas} to {self}') self.canvas = canvas def detach(self): self.canvas = None def set_current(self): if not self.canvas: raise RuntimeError('Canvas has not been attached') # XXX not per-thread gl.current_context = self # XXX gl_info.set_active_context() if not self._info: self._info = gl_info.GLInfo() self._info.set_active_context() if self.object_space.doomed_textures: self._delete_objects(self.object_space.doomed_textures, gl.glDeleteTextures) if self.object_space.doomed_buffers: self._delete_objects(self.object_space.doomed_buffers, gl.glDeleteBuffers) if self.object_space.doomed_shader_programs: self._delete_objects_one_by_one(self.object_space.doomed_shader_programs, gl.glDeleteProgram) if self.object_space.doomed_shaders: self._delete_objects_one_by_one(self.object_space.doomed_shaders, gl.glDeleteShader) if self.object_space.doomed_renderbuffers: self._delete_objects(self.object_space.doomed_renderbuffers, gl.glDeleteRenderbuffers) if self.doomed_vaos: self._delete_objects(self.doomed_vaos, gl.glDeleteVertexArrays) if self.doomed_framebuffers: self._delete_objects(self.doomed_framebuffers, gl.glDeleteFramebuffers) # For the functions below: # The garbage collector introduces a race condition. # The provided list might be appended to (and only appended to) while this # method runs, as it's a `doomed_*` list either on the context or # its object space. This is why we drain it relying on `pop`s atomicity. def _delete_objects(self, list_, deletion_func): """Release all OpenGL objects in the given list using the supplied deletion function with the signature ``(GLuint count, GLuint *names)``. """ to_delete = [] while list_: to_delete.append(list_.pop()) deletion_func(len(to_delete), (gl.GLuint * len(to_delete))(*to_delete)) def _delete_objects_one_by_one(self, list_, deletion_func): """Similar to ``_delete_objects``, but assumes the deletion functions's signature to be ``(GLuint name)``, calling it once for each object. """ while list_: deletion_func(gl.GLuint(list_.pop())) def destroy(self): """Release the context. The context will not be useable after being destroyed. Each platform has its own convention for releasing the context and the buffer(s) that depend on it in the correct order; this should never be called by an application. """ self.detach() if gl.current_context is self: gl.current_context = None gl_info.remove_active_context() # Switch back to shadow context. if gl._shadow_window is not None: gl._shadow_window.switch_to() def _safe_to_operate_on_object_space(self): """Return whether it is safe to interact with this context's object space. This is considered to be the case if the currently active context's object space is the same as this context's object space and this method is called from the main thread. """ return ( self.object_space is gl.current_context.object_space and threading.current_thread() is threading.main_thread() ) def _safe_to_operate_on(self): """Return whether it is safe to interact with this context. This is considered to be the case if it's the current context and this method is called from the main thread. """ return gl.current_context is self and threading.current_thread() is threading.main_thread() def create_program(self, *sources: Tuple[str, str], program_class=None): """Create a ShaderProgram from OpenGL GLSL source. This is a convenience method that takes one or more tuples of (source_string, shader_type), and returns a :py:class:`` instance. `source_string` is OpenGL GLSL source code as a str, and `shader_type` is the OpenGL shader type, such as "vertex" or "fragment". See :py:class:`` for more information. .. note:: This method is cached. Given the same shader sources, the same ShaderProgram instance will be returned. For more control over the ShaderProgram lifecycle, it is recommended to manually create Shaders and link ShaderPrograms. .. versionadded:: 2.0.10 """ if program := self._cached_programs.get(str(sources)): return program program_class = program_class or shaders = (, srctype) for (src, srctype) in sources) program = program_class(*shaders) self._cached_programs[str(sources)] = program return program def delete_texture(self, texture_id): """Safely delete a Texture belonging to this context's object space. This method will delete the texture immediately via ``glDeleteTextures`` if the current context's object space is the same as this context's object space and it is called from the main thread. Otherwise, the texture will only be marked for deletion, postponing it until any context with the same object space becomes active again. This makes it safe to call from anywhere, including other threads. :Parameters: `texture_id` : int The OpenGL name of the Texture to delete. """ if self._safe_to_operate_on_object_space(): gl.glDeleteTextures(1, gl.GLuint(texture_id)) else: self.object_space.doomed_textures.append(texture_id) def delete_buffer(self, buffer_id): """Safely delete a Buffer object belonging to this context's object space. This method behaves similarly to `delete_texture`, though for ``glDeleteBuffers`` instead of ``glDeleteTextures``. :Parameters: `buffer_id` : int The OpenGL name of the buffer to delete. .. versionadded:: 1.1 """ if self._safe_to_operate_on_object_space(): gl.glDeleteBuffers(1, gl.GLuint(buffer_id)) else: self.object_space.doomed_buffers.append(buffer_id) def delete_shader_program(self, program_id): """Safely delete a Shader Program belonging to this context's object space. This method behaves similarly to `delete_texture`, though for ``glDeleteProgram`` instead of ``glDeleteTextures``. :Parameters: `program_id` : int The OpenGL name of the Shader Program to delete. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ if self._safe_to_operate_on_object_space(): gl.glDeleteProgram(gl.GLuint(program_id)) else: self.object_space.doomed_shader_programs.append(program_id) def delete_shader(self, shader_id): """Safely delete a Shader belonging to this context's object space. This method behaves similarly to `delete_texture`, though for ``glDeleteShader`` instead of ``glDeleteTextures``. :Parameters: `shader_id` : int The OpenGL name of the Shader to delete. .. versionadded:: 2.0.10 """ if self._safe_to_operate_on_object_space(): gl.glDeleteShader(gl.GLuint(shader_id)) else: self.object_space.doomed_shaders.append(shader_id) def delete_renderbuffer(self, rbo_id): """Safely delete a Renderbuffer Object belonging to this context's object space. This method behaves similarly to `delete_texture`, though for ``glDeleteRenderbuffers`` instead of ``glDeleteTextures``. :Parameters: `rbo_id` : int The OpenGL name of the Shader Program to delete. .. versionadded:: 2.0.10 """ if self._safe_to_operate_on_object_space(): gl.glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, gl.GLuint(rbo_id)) else: self.object_space.doomed_renderbuffers.append(rbo_id) def delete_vao(self, vao_id): """Safely delete a Vertex Array Object belonging to this context. If this context is not the current context or this method is not called from the main thread, its deletion will be postponed until this context is next made active again. Otherwise, this method will immediately delete the VAO via ``glDeleteVertexArrays``. :Parameters: `vao_id` : int The OpenGL name of the Vertex Array to delete. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ if self._safe_to_operate_on(): gl.glDeleteVertexArrays(1, gl.GLuint(vao_id)) else: self.doomed_vaos.append(vao_id) def delete_framebuffer(self, fbo_id): """Safely delete a Framebuffer Object belonging to this context. This method behaves similarly to `delete_vao`, though for ``glDeleteFramebuffers`` instead of ``glDeleteVertexArrays``. :Parameters: `fbo_id` : int The OpenGL name of the Framebuffer Object to delete. .. versionadded:: 2.0.10 """ if self._safe_to_operate_on(): gl.glDeleteFramebuffers(1, gl.GLuint(fbo_id)) else: self.doomed_framebuffers.append(fbo_id) def get_info(self): """Get the OpenGL information for this context. .. versionadded:: 1.2 :rtype: `GLInfo` """ return self._info