import ctypes import pyglet from pyglet.input.base import Device, DeviceOpenException from pyglet.input.base import Button, RelativeAxis, AbsoluteAxis from pyglet.libs.x11 import xlib from pyglet.util import asstr try: from pyglet.libs.x11 import xinput as xi _have_xinput = True except: _have_xinput = False def ptr_add(ptr, offset): address = ctypes.addressof(ptr.contents) + offset return ctypes.pointer(type(ptr.contents).from_address(address)) class DeviceResponder: def _key_press(self, e): pass def _key_release(self, e): pass def _button_press(self, e): pass def _button_release(self, e): pass def _motion(self, e): pass def _proximity_in(self, e): pass def _proximity_out(self, e): pass class XInputDevice(DeviceResponder, Device): def __init__(self, display, device_info): super(XInputDevice, self).__init__(display, asstr( self._device_id = self._device = None # Read device info self.buttons = [] self.keys = [] self.axes = [] ptr = device_info.inputclassinfo for i in range(device_info.num_classes): cp = ctypes.cast(ptr, ctypes.POINTER(xi.XAnyClassInfo)) cls_class = getattr(cp.contents, 'class') if cls_class == xi.KeyClass: cp = ctypes.cast(ptr, ctypes.POINTER(xi.XKeyInfo)) self.min_keycode = cp.contents.min_keycode num_keys = cp.contents.num_keys for i in range(num_keys): self.keys.append(Button('key%d' % i)) elif cls_class == xi.ButtonClass: cp = ctypes.cast(ptr, ctypes.POINTER(xi.XButtonInfo)) num_buttons = cp.contents.num_buttons # Pointer buttons start at index 1, with 0 as 'AnyButton' for i in range(num_buttons + 1): self.buttons.append(Button('button%d' % i)) elif cls_class == xi.ValuatorClass: cp = ctypes.cast(ptr, ctypes.POINTER(xi.XValuatorInfo)) num_axes = cp.contents.num_axes mode = cp.contents.mode axes = ctypes.cast(cp.contents.axes, ctypes.POINTER(xi.XAxisInfo)) for i in range(num_axes): axis = axes[i] if mode == xi.Absolute: self.axes.append(AbsoluteAxis('axis%d' % i, axis.min_value, axis.max_value)) elif mode == xi.Relative: self.axes.append(RelativeAxis('axis%d' % i)) cls = cp.contents ptr = ptr_add(ptr, cls.length) self.controls = self.buttons + self.keys + self.axes # Can't detect proximity class event without opening device. Just # assume there is the possibility of a control if there are any axes. if self.axes: self.proximity_control = Button('proximity') self.controls.append(self.proximity_control) else: self.proximity_control = None def get_controls(self): return self.controls def open(self, window=None, exclusive=False): # Checks for is_open and raises if already open. # TODO allow opening on multiple windows. super(XInputDevice, self).open(window, exclusive) if window is None: self._is_open = False raise DeviceOpenException('XInput devices require a window') if window.display._display != self.display._display: self._is_open = False raise DeviceOpenException('Window and device displays differ') if exclusive: self._is_open = False raise DeviceOpenException('Cannot open XInput device exclusive') self._device = xi.XOpenDevice(self.display._display, self._device_id) if not self._device: self._is_open = False raise DeviceOpenException('Cannot open device') self._install_events(window) def close(self): super(XInputDevice, self).close() if not self._device: return # TODO: uninstall events xi.XCloseDevice(self.display._display, self._device) def _install_events(self, window): dispatcher = XInputWindowEventDispatcher.get_dispatcher(window) dispatcher.open_device(self._device_id, self._device, self) # DeviceResponder interface def _key_press(self, e): self.keys[e.keycode - self.min_keycode].value = True def _key_release(self, e): self.keys[e.keycode - self.min_keycode].value = False def _button_press(self, e): self.buttons[e.button].value = True def _button_release(self, e): self.buttons[e.button].value = False def _motion(self, e): for i in range(e.axes_count): self.axes[i].value = e.axis_data[i] def _proximity_in(self, e): if self.proximity_control: self.proximity_control.value = True def _proximity_out(self, e): if self.proximity_control: self.proximity_control.value = False class XInputWindowEventDispatcher: def __init__(self, window): self.window = window self._responders = {} @staticmethod def get_dispatcher(window): try: dispatcher = window.__xinput_window_event_dispatcher except AttributeError: dispatcher = window.__xinput_window_event_dispatcher = XInputWindowEventDispatcher(window) return dispatcher def set_responder(self, device_id, responder): self._responders[device_id] = responder def remove_responder(self, device_id): del self._responders[device_id] def open_device(self, device_id, device, responder): self.set_responder(device_id, responder) device = device.contents if not device.num_classes: return # Bind matching extended window events to bound instance methods # on this object. # # This is inspired by test.c of xinput package by Frederic # Lepied available at # # In C, this stuff is normally handled by the macro DeviceKeyPress and # friends. Since we don't have access to those macros here, we do it # this way. events = [] def add(class_info, event, handler): _type = class_info.event_type_base + event _class = device_id << 8 | _type events.append(_class) self.window._event_handlers[_type] = handler for i in range(device.num_classes): class_info = device.classes[i] if class_info.input_class == xi.KeyClass: add(class_info, xi._deviceKeyPress, self._event_xinput_key_press) add(class_info, xi._deviceKeyRelease, self._event_xinput_key_release) elif class_info.input_class == xi.ButtonClass: add(class_info, xi._deviceButtonPress, self._event_xinput_button_press) add(class_info, xi._deviceButtonRelease, self._event_xinput_button_release) elif class_info.input_class == xi.ValuatorClass: add(class_info, xi._deviceMotionNotify, self._event_xinput_motion) elif class_info.input_class == xi.ProximityClass: add(class_info, xi._proximityIn, self._event_xinput_proximity_in) add(class_info, xi._proximityOut, self._event_xinput_proximity_out) elif class_info.input_class == xi.FeedbackClass: pass elif class_info.input_class == xi.FocusClass: pass elif class_info.input_class == xi.OtherClass: pass array = (xi.XEventClass * len(events))(*events) xi.XSelectExtensionEvent(self.window._x_display, self.window._window, array, len(array)) @pyglet.window.xlib.XlibEventHandler(0) def _event_xinput_key_press(self, ev): e = ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(ev), ctypes.POINTER(xi.XDeviceKeyEvent)).contents device = self._responders.get(e.deviceid) if device is not None: device._key_press(e) @pyglet.window.xlib.XlibEventHandler(0) def _event_xinput_key_release(self, ev): e = ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(ev), ctypes.POINTER(xi.XDeviceKeyEvent)).contents device = self._responders.get(e.deviceid) if device is not None: device._key_release(e) @pyglet.window.xlib.XlibEventHandler(0) def _event_xinput_button_press(self, ev): e = ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(ev), ctypes.POINTER(xi.XDeviceButtonEvent)).contents device = self._responders.get(e.deviceid) if device is not None: device._button_press(e) @pyglet.window.xlib.XlibEventHandler(0) def _event_xinput_button_release(self, ev): e = ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(ev), ctypes.POINTER(xi.XDeviceButtonEvent)).contents device = self._responders.get(e.deviceid) if device is not None: device._button_release(e) @pyglet.window.xlib.XlibEventHandler(0) def _event_xinput_motion(self, ev): e = ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(ev), ctypes.POINTER(xi.XDeviceMotionEvent)).contents device = self._responders.get(e.deviceid) if device is not None: device._motion(e) @pyglet.window.xlib.XlibEventHandler(0) def _event_xinput_proximity_in(self, ev): e = ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(ev), ctypes.POINTER(xi.XProximityNotifyEvent)).contents device = self._responders.get(e.deviceid) if device is not None: device._proximity_in(e) @pyglet.window.xlib.XlibEventHandler(-1) def _event_xinput_proximity_out(self, ev): e = ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(ev), ctypes.POINTER(xi.XProximityNotifyEvent)).contents device = self._responders.get(e.deviceid) if device is not None: device._proximity_out(e) def _check_extension(display): major_opcode = ctypes.c_int() first_event = ctypes.c_int() first_error = ctypes.c_int() xlib.XQueryExtension(display._display, b'XInputExtension', ctypes.byref(major_opcode), ctypes.byref(first_event), ctypes.byref(first_error)) return bool(major_opcode.value) def get_devices(display=None): if display is None: display = pyglet.canvas.get_display() if not _have_xinput or not _check_extension(display): return [] devices = [] count = ctypes.c_int(0) device_list = xi.XListInputDevices(display._display, count) for i in range(count.value): device_info = device_list[i] devices.append(XInputDevice(display, device_info)) xi.XFreeDeviceList(device_list) return devices