"""Byte abstractions of OpenGL Buffer Objects. Use `create_buffer` to create a Buffer Object. Buffers can optionally be created "mappable" (incorporating the `AbstractMappable` mix-in). In this case the buffer provides a ``get_region`` method which provides the most efficient path for updating partial data within the buffer. """ import sys import ctypes from functools import lru_cache import pyglet from pyglet.gl import * class AbstractBuffer: """Abstract buffer of byte data. :Ivariables: `size` : int Size of buffer, in bytes `ptr` : int Memory offset of the buffer, as used by the ``glVertexPointer`` family of functions `usage` : int OpenGL buffer usage, for example ``GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW`` """ ptr = 0 size = 0 def bind(self, target=GL_ARRAY_BUFFER): """Bind this buffer to an OpenGL target.""" raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def unbind(self): """Reset the buffer's OpenGL target.""" raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def set_data(self, data): """Set the entire contents of the buffer. :Parameters: `data` : sequence of int or ctypes pointer The byte array to set. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def set_data_region(self, data, start, length): """Set part of the buffer contents. :Parameters: `data` : sequence of int or ctypes pointer The byte array of data to set `start` : int Offset to start replacing data `length` : int Length of region to replace """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def map(self): """Map the entire buffer into system memory. The mapped region must be subsequently unmapped with `unmap` before performing any other operations on the buffer. :Parameters: `invalidate` : bool If True, the initial contents of the mapped block need not reflect the actual contents of the buffer. :rtype: ``POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte)`` :return: Pointer to the mapped block in memory """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def unmap(self): """Unmap a previously mapped memory block.""" raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def resize(self, size): """Resize the buffer to a new size. :Parameters: `size` : int New size of the buffer, in bytes """ def delete(self): """Delete this buffer, reducing system resource usage.""" raise NotImplementedError('abstract') class BufferObject(AbstractBuffer): """Lightweight representation of an OpenGL Buffer Object. The data in the buffer is not replicated in any system memory (unless it is done so by the video driver). While this can improve memory usage and possibly performance, updates to the buffer are relatively slow. The target of the buffer is ``GL_ARRAY_BUFFER`` internally to avoid accidentally overriding other states when altering the buffer contents. The intended target can be set when binding the buffer. This class does not implement :py:class:`AbstractMappable`, and so has no :py:meth:`~AbstractMappable.get_region` method. See :py:class:`MappableVertexBufferObject` for a Buffer class that does implement :py:meth:`~AbstractMappable.get_region`. """ def __init__(self, size, usage=GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW): self.size = size self.usage = usage self._context = pyglet.gl.current_context buffer_id = GLuint() glGenBuffers(1, buffer_id) self.id = buffer_id.value glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.id) data = (GLubyte * self.size)() glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.size, data, self.usage) def invalidate(self): glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.size, None, self.usage) def bind(self, target=GL_ARRAY_BUFFER): glBindBuffer(target, self.id) def unbind(self): glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) def bind_to_index_buffer(self): """Binds this buffer as an index buffer on the active vertex array.""" glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.id) def set_data(self, data): glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.id) glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.size, data, self.usage) def set_data_region(self, data, start, length): glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.id) glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, start, length, data) def map(self): glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.id) ptr = ctypes.cast(glMapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_WRITE_ONLY), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_byte * self.size)).contents return ptr def map_range(self, start, size, ptr_type): glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.id) ptr = ctypes.cast(glMapBufferRange(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, start, size, GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT), ptr_type).contents return ptr def unmap(self): glUnmapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER) def __del__(self): try: if self.id is not None: self._context.delete_buffer(self.id) except: pass def delete(self): buffer_id = GLuint(self.id) try: glDeleteBuffers(1, buffer_id) except Exception: pass self.id = None def resize(self, size): # Map, create a copy, then reinitialize. temp = (ctypes.c_byte * size)() glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.id) data = glMapBufferRange(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, self.size, GL_MAP_READ_BIT) ctypes.memmove(temp, data, min(size, self.size)) glUnmapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER) self.size = size glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.size, temp, self.usage) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(id={self.id}, size={self.size})" class AttributeBufferObject(BufferObject): """A buffer with system-memory backed store. Updates to the data via `set_data` and `set_data_region` will be held in local memory until `buffer_data` is called. The advantage is that fewer OpenGL calls are needed, which can increasing performance at the expense of system memory. """ def __init__(self, size, attribute, usage=GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW): super().__init__(size, usage) self._size = size self.data = (ctypes.c_byte * size)() self.data_ptr = ctypes.addressof(self.data) self._dirty_min = sys.maxsize self._dirty_max = 0 self.attribute_stride = attribute.stride self.attribute_count = attribute.count self.attribute_ctype = attribute.c_type def bind(self, target=GL_ARRAY_BUFFER): super().bind(target) size = self._dirty_max - self._dirty_min if size > 0: if size == self.size: glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.size, self.data, self.usage) else: glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self._dirty_min, size, self.data_ptr + self._dirty_min) self._dirty_min = sys.maxsize self._dirty_max = 0 def set_data(self, data): super().set_data(data) ctypes.memmove(self.data, data, self.size) self._dirty_min = 0 self._dirty_max = self.size def set_data_region(self, data, start, length): ctypes.memmove(self.data_ptr + start, data, length) self._dirty_min = min(start, self._dirty_min) self._dirty_max = max(start + length, self._dirty_max) @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def get_region(self, start, count): byte_start = self.attribute_stride * start # byte offset byte_size = self.attribute_stride * count # number of bytes array_count = self.attribute_count * count # number of values ptr_type = ctypes.POINTER(self.attribute_ctype * array_count) array = ctypes.cast(self.data_ptr + byte_start, ptr_type).contents return BufferObjectRegion(self, byte_start, byte_start + byte_size, array) def resize(self, size): data = (ctypes.c_byte * size)() ctypes.memmove(data, self.data, min(size, self.size)) self.data = data self.data_ptr = ctypes.addressof(self.data) self.size = size glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.id) glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.size, self.data, self.usage) self._dirty_min = sys.maxsize self._dirty_max = 0 self.get_region.cache_clear() class BufferObjectRegion: """A mapped region of a MappableBufferObject.""" __slots__ = 'buffer', 'start', 'end', 'array' def __init__(self, buffer, start, end, array): self.buffer = buffer self.start = start self.end = end self.array = array def invalidate(self): """Mark this region as changed. The buffer may not be updated with the latest contents of the array until this method is called. (However, it may not be updated until the next time the buffer is used, for efficiency). """ buffer = self.buffer buffer._dirty_min = min(buffer._dirty_min, self.start) buffer._dirty_max = max(buffer._dirty_max, self.end)