# ------------------------------- # Difficult Rocket # Copyright © 2021 by shenjackyuanjie # All rights reserved # ------------------------------- """ writen by shenjackyuanjie mail: 3695888@qq.com github: @shenjackyuanjie gitee: @shenjackyuanjie """ from Difficult_Rocket import translate # from libs import pyglet from libs.pyglet import font from libs.pyglet.text import Label from libs.pyglet.gui import widgets from libs.pyglet.sprite import Sprite from libs.pyglet.shapes import Rectangle from libs.pyglet.graphics import Batch, Group from libs.pyglet.image import AbstractImage __all__ = ['Parts'] class Parts(widgets.WidgetBase): """ parts """ def __init__(self, x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int, textures: AbstractImage, batch: Batch, parts_data: dict): super().__init__(x, y, width, height) self.sprite = Sprite(img=textures, x=x, y=y, batch=batch) self._value = 0 class InputBox(widgets.WidgetBase): """ input box """ def __init__(self, x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int, message: str = '', font_name: str = translate.鸿蒙简体, font_size: int = 15, font_bold: bool = False, font_italic: bool = False, font_stretch: bool = False, font_dpi: int = 100, text_color: [int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0, 255), out_line_color: [int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255), cursor_color: [int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255), out_line: int = 2, batch: Batch = Batch(), group: Group = Group()): super().__init__(x, y, width, height) self._text = message self._text_position = 0 self.font = font.load(name=font_name, size=font_size, blod=font_bold, italic=font_italic, stretch=font_stretch, dpi=font_dpi) self.font_height = self.font.ascent - self.font.descent0 self._select_position = [self.x, self.y, self.x, self.y + self.font_height] self.out_bound = out_line self._输入框 = Label(x=x + out_line, y=y + out_line, width=width, height=height, color=text_color, font_name=font_name, font_size=font_size, batch=batch, group=group, text=message) self._外框 = Rectangle(x=x - out_line, y=y - out_line, color=out_line_color, width=width + (out_line * 2), height=height + (out_line * 2), batch=batch, group=group) self._光标 = Rectangle(x=x + out_line, y=y + out_line, color=cursor_color, width=1, height=self.font_height, batch=batch, group=group) self._选择框 = Rectangle(x=x, y=y, width=0, height=self.font_height, color=(63, 115, 255)) self._选择的字 = Label(x=x, y=y, width=0, height=self.font_height, color=text_color, font_name=font_name, font_size=font_size, batch=batch, group=group, text='') """ 输入框的属性 """ @property def text(self): return self._text @text.setter def text(self, value): assert type(value) is str, 'Input Box\'s text must be string!' self._text = value self._输入框.text = value @property def select_position(self): return self._select_position @select_position.setter def select_position(self, value): if value > len(self.text): value = len(self.text) if value > 0: self._select_position = self.x for glyphs in self.font.get_glyphs(self.text)[:value]: self._select_position += glyphs.width else: self._select_position = self.x @property def opacity(self): return self._输入框.opacity @opacity.setter def opacity(self, value: int): assert type(value) is int, 'Input Box\'s opacity must be int!' self._输入框.opacity = value self._外框.opacity = value self._光标.opacity = value @property def value(self): return self._text """ 事件调用 """ def _update_position(self): self._输入框.position = self._x + self.out_bound, self._y + self.out_bound self._外框.position = self._x - self.out_bound, self._y - self.out_bound self._光标.position = self._x + self.out_bound, self._y + self.out_bound def on_text(self, text): if self.enabled: pass def on_text_motion(self, motion): pass def on_text_motion_select(self, motion): pass def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, buttons, modifiers): if self._check_hit(x, y): self.enabled = True else: self.enabled = False def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): pass def on_mouse_release(self, x, y, buttons, modifiers): pass def on_commit(self, text: str): pass