import ctypes from weakref import proxy from ctypes import * import pyglet from import vertexbuffer from import * _debug_gl_shaders = pyglet.options['debug_gl_shaders'] # TODO: test other shader types, and update if necessary. shader_types = { 'vertex': GL_VERTEX_SHADER, 'geometry': GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER, 'fragment': GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, } _uniform_getters = { GLint: glGetUniformiv, GLfloat: glGetUniformfv, GLboolean: glGetUniformiv, } _uniform_setters = { # uniform type: (gl_type, setter, length, count) GL_BOOL: (GLint, glUniform1iv, 1, 1), GL_BOOL_VEC2: (GLint, glUniform1iv, 2, 1), GL_BOOL_VEC3: (GLint, glUniform1iv, 3, 1), GL_BOOL_VEC4: (GLint, glUniform1iv, 4, 1), GL_INT: (GLint, glUniform1iv, 1, 1), GL_INT_VEC2: (GLint, glUniform2iv, 2, 1), GL_INT_VEC3: (GLint, glUniform3iv, 3, 1), GL_INT_VEC4: (GLint, glUniform4iv, 4, 1), GL_FLOAT: (GLfloat, glUniform1fv, 1, 1), GL_FLOAT_VEC2: (GLfloat, glUniform2fv, 2, 1), GL_FLOAT_VEC3: (GLfloat, glUniform3fv, 3, 1), GL_FLOAT_VEC4: (GLfloat, glUniform4fv, 4, 1), GL_SAMPLER_1D: (GLint, glUniform1iv, 1, 1), GL_SAMPLER_2D: (GLint, glUniform1iv, 1, 1), GL_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY: (GLint, glUniform1iv, 1, 1), GL_SAMPLER_3D: (GLint, glUniform1iv, 1, 1), GL_FLOAT_MAT2: (GLfloat, glUniformMatrix2fv, 4, 1), GL_FLOAT_MAT3: (GLfloat, glUniformMatrix3fv, 6, 1), GL_FLOAT_MAT4: (GLfloat, glUniformMatrix4fv, 16, 1), # TODO: test/implement these: # GL_FLOAT_MAT2x3: glUniformMatrix2x3fv, # GL_FLOAT_MAT2x4: glUniformMatrix2x4fv, # # GL_FLOAT_MAT3x2: glUniformMatrix3x2fv, # GL_FLOAT_MAT3x4: glUniformMatrix3x4fv, # # GL_FLOAT_MAT4x2: glUniformMatrix4x2fv, # GL_FLOAT_MAT4x3: glUniformMatrix4x3fv, } _attribute_types = { GL_BOOL: (1, '?'), GL_BOOL_VEC2: (2, '?'), GL_BOOL_VEC3: (3, '?'), GL_BOOL_VEC4: (4, '?'), GL_INT: (1, 'i'), GL_INT_VEC2: (2, 'i'), GL_INT_VEC3: (3, 'i'), GL_INT_VEC4: (4, 'i'), GL_UNSIGNED_INT: (1, 'I'), GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2: (2, 'I'), GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3: (3, 'I'), GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4: (4, 'I'), GL_FLOAT: (1, 'f'), GL_FLOAT_VEC2: (2, 'f'), GL_FLOAT_VEC3: (3, 'f'), GL_FLOAT_VEC4: (4, 'f'), GL_DOUBLE: (1, 'd'), GL_DOUBLE_VEC2: (2, 'd'), GL_DOUBLE_VEC3: (3, 'd'), GL_DOUBLE_VEC4: (4, 'd'), } class _Attribute: __slots__ = 'program', 'name', 'type', 'size', 'location', 'count', 'format' def __init__(self, program, name, attr_type, size, location): self.program = program = name self.type = attr_type self.size = size self.location = location self.count, self.format = _attribute_types[attr_type] def __repr__(self): return f"Attribute('{}', program={self.program}, " \ f"location={self.location}, count={self.count}, format={self.format})" class _Uniform: __slots__ = 'program', 'name', 'type', 'location', 'length', 'count', 'get', 'set' def __init__(self, program, name, uniform_type, gl_type, location, length, count, gl_setter, gl_getter): self.program = program = name self.type = uniform_type self.location = location self.length = length self.count = count is_matrix = uniform_type in (GL_FLOAT_MAT2, GL_FLOAT_MAT2x3, GL_FLOAT_MAT2x4, GL_FLOAT_MAT3, GL_FLOAT_MAT3x2, GL_FLOAT_MAT3x4, GL_FLOAT_MAT4, GL_FLOAT_MAT4x2, GL_FLOAT_MAT4x3) c_array = (gl_type * length)() ptr = cast(c_array, POINTER(gl_type)) self.get = self._create_getter_func(program, location, gl_getter, c_array, length) self.set = self._create_setter_func(location, gl_setter, c_array, length, count, ptr, is_matrix) @staticmethod def _create_getter_func(program_id, location, gl_getter, c_array, length): """Factory function for creating simplified Uniform getters""" if length == 1: def getter_func(): gl_getter(program_id, location, c_array) return c_array[0] else: def getter_func(): gl_getter(program_id, location, c_array) return c_array[:] return getter_func @staticmethod def _create_setter_func(location, gl_setter, c_array, length, count, ptr, is_matrix): """Factory function for creating simplified Uniform setters""" if is_matrix: def setter_func(value): c_array[:] = value gl_setter(location, count, GL_FALSE, ptr) elif length == 1 and count == 1: def setter_func(value): c_array[0] = value gl_setter(location, count, ptr) elif length > 1 and count == 1: def setter_func(values): c_array[:] = values gl_setter(location, count, ptr) else: raise NotImplementedError("Uniform type not yet supported.") return setter_func def __repr__(self): return f"Uniform('{}', location={self.location}, length={self.length}, count={self.count})" class Shader: """OpenGL Shader object""" def __init__(self, source_string, shader_type): """Create an instance of a Shader object. Shader objects are compiled on instantiation. You can reuse a Shader object in multiple `ShaderProgram`s. :Parameters: `source_string` : str A string containing the Shader code. `shader_type` : str The Shader type, such as "vertex" or "fragment". """ self._id = None if shader_type not in shader_types: raise TypeError("The `shader_type` '{}' is not yet supported".format(shader_type)) self.type = shader_type shader_source_utf8 = source_string.encode("utf8") source_buffer_pointer = cast(c_char_p(shader_source_utf8), POINTER(c_char)) source_length = c_int(len(shader_source_utf8)) shader_id = glCreateShader(shader_types[shader_type]) glShaderSource(shader_id, 1, byref(source_buffer_pointer), source_length) glCompileShader(shader_id) status = c_int(0) glGetShaderiv(shader_id, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, byref(status)) if status.value != GL_TRUE: raise GLException("The {0} shader failed to compile. " "\n{1}".format(self.type, self._get_shader_log(shader_id))) elif _debug_gl_shaders: print(f"Shader '{shader_id}' compilation log: '{self._get_shader_log(shader_id)}'") self._id = shader_id @property def id(self): return self._id def _get_shader_log(self, shader_id): log_length = c_int(0) glGetShaderiv(shader_id, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, byref(log_length)) result_str = create_string_buffer(log_length.value) glGetShaderInfoLog(shader_id, log_length, None, result_str) if result_str.value: return ("OpenGL returned the following message when compiling the {0} shader: " "\n{1}".format(self.type, result_str.value.decode('utf8'))) else: return "Compiled {0} shader successfully.".format(self.type) def __del__(self): try: glDeleteShader(self._id) if _debug_gl_shaders: print(f"Destroyed {self.type} Shader '{self._id}'") except Exception: # Interpreter is shutting down, # or Shader failed to compile. pass def __repr__(self): return "{0}(id={1}, type={2})".format(self.__class__.__name__,, self.type) class ShaderProgram: """OpenGL Shader Program""" __slots__ = '_id', '_context', '_active', '_attributes', '_uniforms', '_uniform_blocks', '__weakref__' def __init__(self, *shaders): """Create an OpenGL ShaderProgram, from multiple Shaders. Link multiple Shader objects together into a ShaderProgram. :Parameters: `shaders` : `Shader` One or more Shader objects """ assert shaders, "At least one Shader object is required." self._id = self._link_program(shaders) self._context = self._active = False self._attributes = {} self._uniforms = {} self._uniform_blocks = {} self._introspect_attributes() self._introspect_uniforms() self._introspect_uniform_blocks() if _debug_gl_shaders: print(self._get_program_log()) @property def id(self): return self._id @property def is_active(self): return self._active @property def attributes(self): return self._attributes @property def uniforms(self): return self._uniforms.keys() @property def uniform_blocks(self): return self._uniform_blocks @property def formats(self): return tuple(f"{}{atr.count}{atr.format}" for atr in self._attributes.values()) def _get_program_log(self): result = c_int(0) glGetProgramiv(self._id, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, byref(result)) result_str = create_string_buffer(result.value) glGetProgramInfoLog(self._id, result, None, result_str) if result_str.value: return f"OpenGL returned the following message when linking the program: \n{result_str.value}" else: return f"Program '{self._id}' linked successfully." @staticmethod def _link_program(shaders): # TODO: catch exceptions when linking Program: program_id = glCreateProgram() for shader in shaders: glAttachShader(program_id, glLinkProgram(program_id) for shader in shaders: glDetachShader(program_id, return program_id def use(self): glUseProgram(self._id) self._active = True def stop(self): glUseProgram(0) self._active = False __enter__ = use bind = use unbind = stop def __exit__(self, *_): glUseProgram(0) self._active = False def __del__(self): try: self._context.delete_shader_program( except Exception: # Interpreter is shutting down, # or ShaderProgram failed to link. pass def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not self._active: raise Exception("Shader Program is not active.") try: uniform = self._uniforms[key] except KeyError: raise Exception("Uniform with the name `{0}` was not found.".format(key)) try: uniform.set(value) except GLException: raise def __getitem__(self, item): try: uniform = self._uniforms[item] except KeyError: raise Exception("Uniform with the name `{0}` was not found.".format(item)) try: return uniform.get() except GLException: raise def _get_number(self, variable_type): """Get the number of active variables of the passed GL type.""" number = GLint(0) glGetProgramiv(self._id, variable_type, byref(number)) return number.value def _introspect_attributes(self): program = self._id attributes = {} for index in range(self._get_number(GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES)): a_name, a_type, a_size = self._query_attribute(index) loc = glGetAttribLocation(program, create_string_buffer(a_name.encode('utf-8'))) attributes[a_name] = _Attribute(program, a_name, a_type, a_size, loc) self._attributes = attributes if _debug_gl_shaders: for attribute in attributes.values(): print(f"Found attribute: {attribute}") def _introspect_uniforms(self): prg_id = self._id for index in range(self._get_number(GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS)): u_name, u_type, u_size = self._query_uniform(index) loc = glGetUniformLocation(prg_id, create_string_buffer(u_name.encode('utf-8'))) if loc == -1: # Skip uniforms that may be inside of a Uniform Block continue try: gl_type, gl_setter, length, count = _uniform_setters[u_type] gl_getter = _uniform_getters[gl_type] if _debug_gl_shaders: print("Found uniform: {0}, type: {1}, size: {2}, location: {3}, length: {4}," " count: {5}".format(u_name, u_type, u_size, loc, length, count)) except KeyError: raise GLException("Unsupported Uniform type {0}".format(u_type)) self._uniforms[u_name] = _Uniform(prg_id, u_name, u_type, gl_type, loc, length, count, gl_setter, gl_getter) def _introspect_uniform_blocks(self): p_id = self._id uniform_blocks = {} for index in range(self._get_number(GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS)): name = self._get_uniform_block_name(index) uniform_blocks[name] = {} num_active = GLint() block_data_size = GLint() glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(p_id, index, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE, block_data_size) glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(p_id, index, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, num_active) indices = (GLuint * num_active.value)() indices_ptr = cast(addressof(indices), POINTER(GLint)) glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(p_id, index, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_INDICES, indices_ptr) for i in range(num_active.value): uniform_name, u_type, u_size = self._query_uniform(indices[i]) # Separate uniform name from block name (Only if instance name is provided on the Uniform Block) try: _, uniform_name = uniform_name.split(".") except ValueError: pass gl_type, _, length, _ = _uniform_setters[u_type] uniform_blocks[name][i] = (uniform_name, gl_type, length) self._uniform_blocks[name] = UniformBlock(self, name, index, block_data_size.value, uniform_blocks[name]) def _get_uniform_block_name(self, index): buf_size = 128 size = c_int(0) name_buf = create_string_buffer(buf_size) try: glGetActiveUniformBlockName(self._id, index, buf_size, size, name_buf) return name_buf.value.decode() except GLException: return None def _query_attribute(self, index): asize = GLint() atype = GLenum() buf_size = 192 aname = create_string_buffer(buf_size) try: glGetActiveAttrib(self._id, index, buf_size, None, asize, atype, aname) return aname.value.decode(), atype.value, asize.value except GLException: raise def _query_uniform(self, index): usize = GLint() utype = GLenum() buf_size = 192 uname = create_string_buffer(buf_size) try: glGetActiveUniform(self._id, index, buf_size, None, usize, utype, uname) return uname.value.decode(), utype.value, usize.value except GLException: raise def __repr__(self): return "{0}(id={1})".format(self.__class__.__name__, class UniformBlock: __slots__ = 'program', 'name', 'index', 'size', 'uniforms' def __init__(self, program, name, index, size, uniforms): self.program = proxy(program) = name self.index = index self.size = size self.uniforms = uniforms def create_ubo(self, index=0): return UniformBufferObject(self, index) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(name={}, index={self.index})" class UniformBufferObject: __slots__ = 'block', 'buffer', 'view', '_view', '_view_ptr', 'index' def __init__(self, block, index): assert type(block) == UniformBlock, "Must be a UniformBlock instance" self.block = block self.buffer = vertexbuffer.create_buffer(self.block.size, target=GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, mappable=False) self.buffer.bind() self.view = self._introspect_uniforms() self._view_ptr = pointer(self.view) self.index = index # glUniformBlockBinding(, self.block.index, self.index) @property def id(self): return def _introspect_uniforms(self): p_id = index = self.block.index # Query the number of active Uniforms: num_active = GLint() indices = (GLuint * num_active.value)() indices_ptr = cast(addressof(indices), POINTER(GLint)) glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(p_id, index, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, num_active) glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(p_id, index, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_INDICES, indices_ptr) # Create objects and pointers for query values, to be used in the next step: offsets = (GLint * num_active.value)() gl_types = (GLuint * num_active.value)() mat_stride = (GLuint * num_active.value)() offsets_ptr = cast(addressof(offsets), POINTER(GLint)) gl_types_ptr = cast(addressof(gl_types), POINTER(GLint)) stride_ptr = cast(addressof(mat_stride), POINTER(GLint)) # Query the indices, offsets, and types uniforms: glGetActiveUniformsiv(p_id, num_active.value, indices, GL_UNIFORM_OFFSET, offsets_ptr) glGetActiveUniformsiv(p_id, num_active.value, indices, GL_UNIFORM_TYPE, gl_types_ptr) glGetActiveUniformsiv(p_id, num_active.value, indices, GL_UNIFORM_MATRIX_STRIDE, stride_ptr) offsets = offsets[:] + [self.block.size] args = [] for i in range(num_active.value): u_name, gl_type, length = self.block.uniforms[i] start = offsets[i] size = offsets[i+1] - start c_type_size = sizeof(gl_type) actual_size = c_type_size * length padding = size - actual_size # TODO: handle stride for multiple matrixes in the same UBO (crashes now) m_stride = mat_stride[i] arg = (u_name, gl_type * length) if length > 1 else (u_name, gl_type) args.append(arg) if padding > 0: padding_bytes = padding // c_type_size args.append((f'_padding{i}', gl_type * padding_bytes)) # Custom ctypes Structure for Uniform access: class View(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = args __repr__ = lambda self: str(dict(self._fields_)) return View() def bind(self, index=None): glUniformBlockBinding(, self.block.index, index or self.index) glBindBufferBase(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, index or self.index, def read(self): """Read the byte contents of the buffer""" glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, ptr = glMapBufferRange(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0, self.buffer.size, GL_MAP_READ_BIT) data = string_at(ptr, size=self.buffer.size) glUnmapBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER) return data def __enter__(self): # Return the view to the user in a `with` context: glUniformBlockBinding(, self.block.index, self.index) glBindBufferBase(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.index, return self.view def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.buffer.set_data(self._view_ptr) def __repr__(self): return "{0}(id={1})".format( + 'Buffer',