""" writen by shenjackyuanjie mail: 3695888@qq.com """ # import re import os import time import json5 import decimal import logging try: import tools except ModuleNotFoundError: from bin import tools # logger configs_logger = logging.getLogger('configs') def _BasicNumber(int_num=0, float_num=1, unit1=None, unit2=None) -> list: if unit1 is None: unit1 = [] if unit2 is None: unit2 = [] if tools.is_decimal(float_num): # is decimal class? return [int_num, float_num, unit1, unit2] # is just return else: return [int_num, decimal.Decimal(str(float_num)), unit1, unit2] # no create a decimal class def BasicNumber(int_num=0, float_num=1, unit1=None, unit2=None, num=1) -> list: numbers = [] if num > 1: for x in range(0, num, 1): numbers.append(_BasicNumber(int_num, float_num, unit1, unit2)) elif num == 1: return _BasicNumber(int_num, float_num, unit1, unit2) else: # num < 1 raise TypeError('you should give me a num with >= 1!') return numbers class BasicNumberClass: def __init__(self, int_num=0, float_num=1, unit1=None, unit2=None): self.int = int_num self.float = decimal.Decimal(str(float_num)) if unit1: self.units1 = unit1 else: self.units1 = [] if unit2: self.units2 = unit2 else: self.units2 = [] def sort(self): self.units1.sort() self.units2.sort() def float_int_check(self, int_=None, float_=None): if not int_: int_ = 1 if not float_: float_ = decimal.Decimal(1.0) while float_ > 10: float_ / 10 int_ + 1 else: while float_ < 0.1: float_ * 10 int_ - 1 return [int_, float_] def units(self) -> list or bool: if (self.units1 == []) and (self.units2 == []): return None data = self.units1 data.append(self.units2) return data def __str__(self): return [self.float, self.int, self.units1, self.units2] def __add__(self, other): o_type = type(other) if o_type == type(self): self.sort() other.sort() if self.units() == other.units(): self_num = self.float * (10 ** self.int) other_num = other.float * (10 ** other.float) r_float = self_num + other_num check = self.float_int_check(1, r_float) self.float = check[0] self.int = check[1] elif o_type == type(decimal.Decimal('1.0')) and not self.units(): def __radd__(self, other): self.__add__(self) def __mul__(self, other): pass def __rmul__(self, other): self.__mul__(self) def __truediv__(self, other): pass def basic_poi(poi_type=None) -> list: if poi_type is None: return BasicNumber(unit1='m', num=2) if poi_type == 'chunk': return [BasicNumber(unit1='chunk', num=2), BasicNumber(unit1='m', num=2)] def basic_force() -> list: return BasicNumber(unit1='N', num=2) def configs(name, option=None) -> dict: with open(name, 'r') as file: data = json5.load(file) if option: try: data = data[option] except IndexError as exp: log = 'can\'t find stack named %s in file %s' % (option, name) configs_logger.exception(log) raise IndexError(log) return data def name_handler(name: str, configs=None) -> str: if configs is None: return name for need_replace in configs: replace = configs[need_replace] if need_replace == '{date}': # special replaces replace = time.strftime(configs[need_replace], time.gmtime(time.time())) elif need_replace == '{time.time}': replace = time.time() elif need_replace == '{dir}': replace = os.getcwd() name.replace(need_replace, replace)