#= main: - Julia version: 1.7.2 - Author: shenjack - Date: 2022-02-19 =# using GLFW export GLFW__init__ function GLFW__init__() # Create a window and its OpenGL context window = GLFW.CreateWindow(1024, 768, "DR-GLFW test") # Make the window's context current GLFW.MakeContextCurrent(window) GLFW.WindowHint(GLFW.CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 3) GLFW.WindowHint(GLFW.CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 3) println(GLFW.VulkanSupported()) glClear() = ccall(@eval(GLFW.GetProcAddress("glClear")), Cvoid, (Cuint,), 0x00004000) GC.gc() # Force garbage collection so that improper reference management is more apparent via crashes # Loop until the user closes the window while !GLFW.WindowShouldClose(window) # Render here # Swap front and back buffers GLFW.SwapBuffers(window) # Poll for and process events GLFW.PollEvents() end GLFW.DestroyWindow(window) end