from typing import List, Optional, Tuple from pyglet.libs.win32 import com from pyglet.libs.win32 import _ole32 as ole32 from pyglet.libs.win32.constants import CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER from pyglet.libs.win32.types import * from import base from pyglet.util import debug_print _debug = debug_print('debug_input') EDataFlow = UINT # Audio rendering stream. Audio data flows from the application to the audio endpoint device, which renders the stream. eRender = 0 # Audio capture stream. Audio data flows from the audio endpoint device that captures the stream, to the application. eCapture = 1 # Audio rendering or capture stream. Audio data can flow either from the application to the audio endpoint device, # or from the audio endpoint device to the application. eAll = 2 EDataFlow_enum_count = 3 ERole = UINT eConsole = 0 # Games, system notification sounds, and voice commands. eMultimedia = 1 # Music, movies, narration, and live music recording. eCommunications = 2 # Voice communications (talking to another person). ERole_enum_count = 3 DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVE = 0x00000001 DEVICE_STATE_DISABLED = 0x00000002 DEVICE_STATE_NOTPRESENT = 0x00000004 DEVICE_STATE_UNPLUGGED = 0x00000008 DEVICE_STATEMASK_ALL = 0x0000000F STGM_READ = 0 STGM_WRITE = 1 STGM_READWRITE = 2 VT_LPWSTR = 0x001F class PROPERTYKEY(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ('fmtid', com.GUID), ('pid', DWORD), ] def __repr__(self): return "PROPERTYKEY({}, pid={})".format(self.fmtid, REFPROPERTYKEY = POINTER(PROPERTYKEY) PKEY_Device_FriendlyName = PROPERTYKEY( com.GUID(0xa45c254e, 0xdf1c, 0x4efd, 0x80, 0x20, 0x67, 0xd1, 0x46, 0xa8, 0x50, 0xe0), 14) PKEY_Device_DeviceDesc = PROPERTYKEY( com.GUID(0xa45c254e, 0xdf1c, 0x4efd, 0x80, 0x20, 0x67, 0xd1, 0x46, 0xa8, 0x50, 0xe0), 2) PKEY_DeviceInterface_FriendlyName = PROPERTYKEY( com.GUID(0x026e516e, 0xb814, 0x414b, 0x83, 0xcd, 0x85, 0x6d, 0x6f, 0xef, 0x48, 0x22), 2) class IPropertyStore(com.pIUnknown): _methods_ = [ ('GetCount', com.STDMETHOD(POINTER(DWORD))), ('GetAt', com.STDMETHOD(DWORD, POINTER(PROPERTYKEY))), ('GetValue', com.STDMETHOD(REFPROPERTYKEY, POINTER(PROPVARIANT))), ('SetValue', com.STDMETHOD()), ('Commit', com.STDMETHOD()), ] CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator = com.GUID(0xbcde0395, 0xe52f, 0x467c, 0x8e, 0x3d, 0xc4, 0x57, 0x92, 0x91, 0x69, 0x2e) IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator = com.GUID(0xa95664d2, 0x9614, 0x4f35, 0xa7, 0x46, 0xde, 0x8d, 0xb6, 0x36, 0x17, 0xe6) class IMMNotificationClient(com.IUnknown): _methods_ = [ ('OnDeviceStateChanged', com.STDMETHOD(LPCWSTR, DWORD)), ('OnDeviceAdded', com.STDMETHOD(LPCWSTR)), ('OnDeviceRemoved', com.STDMETHOD(LPCWSTR)), ('OnDefaultDeviceChanged', com.STDMETHOD(EDataFlow, ERole, LPCWSTR)), ('OnPropertyValueChanged', com.STDMETHOD(LPCWSTR, PROPERTYKEY)), ] IID_IMMEndpoint = com.GUID(0x1BE09788, 0x6894, 0x4089, 0x85, 0x86, 0x9A, 0x2A, 0x6C, 0x26, 0x5A, 0xC5) class IMMEndpoint(com.pIUnknown): _methods_ = [ ('GetDataFlow', com.STDMETHOD(POINTER(EDataFlow))), ] class AudioNotificationCB(com.COMObject): _interfaces_ = [IMMNotificationClient] def __init__(self, audio_devices: 'Win32AudioDeviceManager'): super().__init__() self.audio_devices = audio_devices self._lost = False def OnDeviceStateChanged(self, pwstrDeviceId, dwNewState): device = self.audio_devices.get_cached_device(pwstrDeviceId) old_state = device.state pyglet_old_state = Win32AudioDevice.platform_state[old_state] pyglet_new_state = Win32AudioDevice.platform_state[dwNewState] assert _debug( f"Audio device '{}' changed state. From: {pyglet_old_state} to: {pyglet_new_state}") device.state = dwNewState self.audio_devices.dispatch_event('on_device_state_changed', device, pyglet_old_state, pyglet_new_state) def OnDeviceAdded(self, pwstrDeviceId): dev = self.audio_devices.add_device(pwstrDeviceId) assert _debug(f"Audio device was added {pwstrDeviceId}: {dev}") self.audio_devices.dispatch_event('on_device_added', dev) def OnDeviceRemoved(self, pwstrDeviceId): dev = self.audio_devices.remove_device(pwstrDeviceId) assert _debug(f"Audio device was removed {pwstrDeviceId} : {dev}") self.audio_devices.dispatch_event('on_device_removed', dev) def OnDefaultDeviceChanged(self, flow, role, pwstrDeviceId): # Only support eConsole role right now if role == 0: if pwstrDeviceId is None: device = None else: device = self.audio_devices.get_cached_device(pwstrDeviceId) pyglet_flow = Win32AudioDevice.platform_flow[flow] assert _debug(f"Default device was changed to: {device} ({pyglet_flow})") self.audio_devices.dispatch_event('on_default_changed', device, pyglet_flow) def OnPropertyValueChanged(self, pwstrDeviceId, key): pass class IMMDevice(com.pIUnknown): _methods_ = [ ('Activate', com.STDMETHOD(com.REFIID, DWORD, POINTER(PROPVARIANT))), ('OpenPropertyStore', com.STDMETHOD(UINT, POINTER(IPropertyStore))), ('GetId', com.STDMETHOD(POINTER(LPWSTR))), ('GetState', com.STDMETHOD(POINTER(DWORD))), ] class IMMDeviceCollection(com.pIUnknown): _methods_ = [ ('GetCount', com.STDMETHOD(POINTER(UINT))), ('Item', com.STDMETHOD(UINT, POINTER(IMMDevice))), ] class IMMDeviceEnumerator(com.pIUnknown): _methods_ = [ ('EnumAudioEndpoints', com.STDMETHOD(EDataFlow, DWORD, c_void_p)), ('GetDefaultAudioEndpoint', com.STDMETHOD(EDataFlow, ERole, ctypes.POINTER(IMMDevice))), ('GetDevice', com.STDMETHOD(LPCWSTR, POINTER(IMMDevice))), ('RegisterEndpointNotificationCallback', com.STDMETHOD(POINTER(IMMNotificationClient))), ('UnregisterEndpointNotificationCallback', com.STDMETHOD()), ] class Win32AudioDevice(base.AudioDevice): platform_state = { DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVE: base.DeviceState.ACTIVE, DEVICE_STATE_DISABLED: base.DeviceState.DISABLED, DEVICE_STATE_NOTPRESENT: base.DeviceState.MISSING, DEVICE_STATE_UNPLUGGED: base.DeviceState.UNPLUGGED } platform_flow = { eRender: base.DeviceFlow.OUTPUT, eCapture: base.DeviceFlow.INPUT, eAll: base.DeviceFlow.INPUT_OUTPUT } class Win32AudioDeviceManager(base.AbstractAudioDeviceManager): def __init__(self): self._device_enum = IMMDeviceEnumerator() ole32.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator, None, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator, byref(self._device_enum)) # Keep all devices cached, and the callback can keep them updated. self.devices: List[Win32AudioDevice] = self._query_all_devices() super().__init__() self._callback = AudioNotificationCB(self) self._device_enum.RegisterEndpointNotificationCallback(self._callback) def add_device(self, pwstrDeviceId: str) -> Win32AudioDevice: dev = self.get_device(pwstrDeviceId) self.devices.append(dev) return dev def remove_device(self, pwstrDeviceId: str) -> Win32AudioDevice: dev = self.audio_devices.get_cached_device(pwstrDeviceId) self.audio_devices.devices.remove(dev) return dev def get_device(self, pwstrDeviceId: str) -> Win32AudioDevice: device = IMMDevice() self._device_enum.GetDevice(pwstrDeviceId, byref(device)) dev_id, name, desc, dev_state = self.get_device_info(device) ep = IMMEndpoint() device.QueryInterface(IID_IMMEndpoint, byref(ep)) dataflow = EDataFlow() ep.GetDataFlow(byref(dataflow)) flow = dataflow.value windevice = Win32AudioDevice(dev_id, name, desc, flow, dev_state) ep.Release() device.Release() return windevice def get_default_output(self) -> Optional[Win32AudioDevice]: """Attempts to retrieve a default audio output for the system. Returns None if no available devices found.""" try: device = IMMDevice() self._device_enum.GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(eRender, eConsole, byref(device)) dev_id, name, desc, dev_state = self.get_device_info(device) device.Release() cached_dev = self.get_cached_device(dev_id) cached_dev.state = dev_state return cached_dev except OSError as err: assert _debug("No default audio output was found.", err) return None def get_default_input(self) -> Optional[Win32AudioDevice]: """Attempts to retrieve a default audio input for the system. Returns None if no available devices found.""" try: device = IMMDevice() self._device_enum.GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(eCapture, eConsole, byref(device)) dev_id, name, desc, dev_state = self.get_device_info(device) device.Release() cached_dev = self.get_cached_device(dev_id) cached_dev.state = dev_state return cached_dev except OSError as err: assert _debug("No default input output was found.", err) return None def get_cached_device(self, dev_id) -> Win32AudioDevice: """Gets the cached devices, so we can reduce calls to COM and tell current state vs new states.""" for device in self.devices: if == dev_id: return device raise Exception("Attempted to get a device that does not exist.", dev_id) def get_output_devices(self, state=DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVE) -> List[Win32AudioDevice]: return [device for device in self.devices if device.state == state and device.flow == eRender] def get_input_devices(self, state=DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVE) -> List[Win32AudioDevice]: return [device for device in self.devices if device.state == state and device.flow == eCapture] def get_all_devices(self) -> List[Win32AudioDevice]: return self.devices def _query_all_devices(self) -> List[Win32AudioDevice]: return self.get_devices(flow=eRender, state=DEVICE_STATEMASK_ALL) + self.get_devices(flow=eCapture, state=DEVICE_STATEMASK_ALL) def get_device_info(self, device: IMMDevice) -> Tuple[str, str, str, int]: """Return the ID, Name, and Description of the Audio Device.""" store = IPropertyStore() device.OpenPropertyStore(STGM_READ, byref(store)) dev_id = LPWSTR() device.GetId(byref(dev_id)) name = self.get_pkey_value(store, PKEY_Device_FriendlyName) description = self.get_pkey_value(store, PKEY_Device_DeviceDesc) state = DWORD() device.GetState(byref(state)) store.Release() return dev_id.value, name, description, state.value def get_devices(self, flow=eRender, state=DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVE): """Get's all of the specified devices (by default, all output and active).""" collection = IMMDeviceCollection() self._device_enum.EnumAudioEndpoints(flow, state, byref(collection)) count = UINT() collection.GetCount(byref(count)) devices = [] for i in range(count.value): dev_itf = IMMDevice() collection.Item(i, byref(dev_itf)) dev_id, name, desc, dev_state = self.get_device_info(dev_itf) device = Win32AudioDevice(dev_id, name, desc, flow, dev_state) dev_itf.Release() devices.append(device) collection.Release() return devices @staticmethod def get_pkey_value(store: IPropertyStore, pkey: PROPERTYKEY): try: propvar = PROPVARIANT() store.GetValue(pkey, byref(propvar)) value = propvar.pwszVal ole32.PropVariantClear(byref(propvar)) except Exception: value = "Unknown" return value