# ------------------------------- # Difficult Rocket # Copyright © 2020-2023 by shenjackyuanjie 3695888@qq.com # All rights reserved # ------------------------------- import time import random import traceback from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Generator, Tuple from pyglet.gl import gl from pyglet.math import Mat4 from pyglet.text import Label from pyglet.sprite import Sprite from pyglet.graphics import Batch, Group from pyglet.shapes import Line, Box # from pyglet.window import mouse from . import DR_mod_runtime from .types import SR1Textures # Difficult Rocket from Difficult_Rocket import DR_status from Difficult_Rocket.utils.translate import Tr from Difficult_Rocket.client import ClientWindow from Difficult_Rocket.api.types import Fonts, Options from Difficult_Rocket.command.line import CommandText from Difficult_Rocket.client.screen import BaseScreen from Difficult_Rocket.api.camera import CenterGroupCamera, GroupCamera from lib_not_dr import loggers if DR_mod_runtime.use_DR_rust: from .Difficult_Rocket_rs import ( SR1PartList_rs, SR1Ship_rs, SR1PartData_rs, SR1PartType_rs, # SR1Connection_rs ) logger = loggers.get_logger("client.dr_game_sr1_ship") sr_tr = Tr(lang_path=Path(__file__).parent / "lang") class SR1ShipRenderStatus(Options): # NOQA name = "SR1ShipRenderStatus" # main status draw_done: bool = False draw_call: bool = False update_call: bool = False focus: bool = True moving: bool = False # button status show_moving: bool = False show_focus: bool = False show_scale: bool = False # debug status draw_d_pos: bool = False draw_mouse_pos: bool = False draw_mouse_d_pos: bool = False class SR1ShipSelecter(BaseScreen): """ SR1 飞船选择器 考虑到 sss 写的那一大堆东西实在有点离谱 所以单独拿出来写个screen 我估计以后还得有一堆类似重构(瘫倒) """ name = "DR_game_sr1_ship_selecter" def __init__(self, main_window: ClientWindow): super().__init__(main_window) self.main_batch = Batch() self.main_group = GroupCamera(window=main_window) self.folder_path: Path = Path("ships") def set_folder(self, path: Path): if not path.is_dir(): logger.warn( sr_tr().sr1.ship.folder.invalid().format(path), tag="ship explorer" ) return for file in path.iterdir(): if not file.is_file: continue # 尝试加载一下 class SR1ShipEditor(BaseScreen): """SR1 飞船编辑器""" name = "DR_game_sr1_ship_editor" def __init__(self, main_window: ClientWindow): super().__init__(main_window) self.logger = logger logger.info(sr_tr().mod.info.setup.start(), tag="setup") load_start_time = time.time_ns() # status self.status = SR1ShipRenderStatus() self.dx = 0 self.dy = 0 self.width = main_window.width self.height = main_window.height self.main_batch = Batch() self.buttons_batch = Batch() self.ships_buttons_batch = Batch() self.group_camera = CenterGroupCamera( window=main_window, order=10, parent=main_window.main_group, min_zoom=(1 / 2) ** 10, max_zoom=10, ) self.part_group = Group(0, parent=self.group_camera) self.debug_label = Label( x=20, y=main_window.height - 100, font_size=DR_status.std_font_size, text="SR1 render!", font_name=Fonts.微软等宽无线, width=main_window.width - 20, height=20, anchor_x="left", anchor_y="top", batch=self.main_batch, group=Group(5, parent=self.part_group), ) self.render_d_line = Line( 0, 0, 0, 0, width=5, color=(200, 200, 10, 255), batch=self.main_batch, group=Group(5, parent=self.part_group), ) self.render_d_line.visible = self.status.draw_d_pos self.render_d_label = Label( "debug label NODATA", font_name=Fonts.微软等宽无线, x=main_window.width // 2, y=main_window.height // 2, ) self.render_d_label.visible = self.status.draw_d_pos # Optional data self.textures: SR1Textures = SR1Textures() self.gen_draw: Optional[Generator] = None self.rust_ship: Optional[SR1Ship_rs] = None self.ship_name: Optional[str] = None # List/Dict data self.part_sprites: Dict[int, Tuple[Sprite, Box]] = {} self.part_outlines: Dict[int, List[Line]] = {} self.connection_lines: List[Line] = [] if DR_mod_runtime.use_DR_rust: self.rust_parts = None self.part_list_rs = SR1PartList_rs( "assets/builtin/PartList.xml", "builtin_part_list" ) self.load_xml("assets/builtin/dock1.xml") load_end_time = time.time_ns() logger.info( sr_tr() .mod.info.setup.use_time() .format((load_end_time - load_start_time) / 1000000000), tag="setup", ) # Buttons self.buttons_group = Group(100, parent=main_window.main_group) self.ships_buttons_group = Group(100, parent=main_window.main_group) # self.enter_game_button = PressEnterGameButton( # window=main_window, # parent_window=main_window, # x=500, # y=100, # width=150, # height=30, # text="进入游戏", # batch=self.buttons_batch, # group=self.buttons_group, # draw_theme=MinecraftWikiButtonTheme, # ) # self.select_ship_button = PressSelectShipButton( # window=main_window, # parent_window=self, # x=100, # y=100, # width=150, # height=30, # text="加载飞船", # batch=self.buttons_batch, # group=self.buttons_group, # draw_theme=MinecraftWikiButtonTheme, # ) # main_window.push_handlers(self.enter_game_button) # main_window.push_handlers(self.select_ship_button) # 扫描所有飞船 # self.show_ships_buttons = False # self.ships_buttons_w = 150 # self.ships_buttons_h = 30 # self.ships_buttons_begin_x = self.width - self.ships_buttons_w # self.ships_buttons_begin_y = 0 # self.ships_buttons_end_x = self.width # self.ships_buttons_end_y = self.height - self.ships_buttons_h * 1 # self.control_ships_list_button = PressControlShipsListButton( # window=main_window, # parent_window=self, # x=self.ships_buttons_begin_x, # y=self.ships_buttons_end_y, # width=self.ships_buttons_w, # height=self.ships_buttons_h, # text="飞船列表", # batch=self.buttons_batch, # group=self.buttons_group, # draw_theme=MinecraftWikiButtonTheme, # ) # main_window.push_handlers(self.control_ships_list_button) # ships_path = "./ships/" # ships_files = self.scan_all_ships_list(ships_path) # for i in range(len(ships_files)): # self.ships_buttons.append( # PressOpenShipButton( # window=main_window, # ship_path=ships_files[i], # parent_window=self, # x=self.ships_buttons_begin_x, # y=self.ships_buttons_end_y - (i + 1) * self.ships_buttons_h, # width=self.ships_buttons_w, # height=self.ships_buttons_h, # text=ships_files[i][8:], # batch=self.ships_buttons_batch, # group=self.ships_buttons_group, # draw_theme=MinecraftWikiButtonTheme, # ) # ) # main_window.push_handlers(self.ships_buttons[-1]) # self.ship_list_line_back = Line( # self.ships_buttons_begin_x - 4, # self.ships_buttons_begin_y, # self.ships_buttons_begin_x - 4, # self.ships_buttons_end_y, # width=5, # color=(100, 100, 100, 255), # batch=self.ships_buttons_batch, # group=self.ships_buttons_group, # ) # self.ship_list_line = Line( # x=self.ships_buttons_begin_x, # y=self.ships_buttons_end_y # - (self.ships_buttons_end_y - self.ships_buttons_begin_y) ** 2 # / ((len(ships_files) + 1) * self.ships_buttons_h), # x2=self.ships_buttons_begin_x, # y2=self.ships_buttons_end_y, # width=20, # color=(200, 200, 200, 255), # batch=self.ships_buttons_batch, # group=self.ships_buttons_group, # ) # self.ships_buttons_group.visible = False # self.show_ships_buttons = True @property def size(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """渲染器的渲染大小""" return self.width, self.height @size.setter def size(self, value: Tuple[int, int]): if not self.width == value[0] or not self.height == value[1]: self.width, self.height = value def load_xml(self, file_path: str) -> bool: """ 加载 xml 文件 :param file_path: :return: """ try: start_time = time.time_ns() logger.info(sr_tr().sr1.ship.xml.loading().format(file_path), tag="load_xml") self.ship_name = file_path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] if DR_mod_runtime.use_DR_rust: self.rust_ship = SR1Ship_rs(file_path, self.part_list_rs, "a_new_ship") logger.info(sr_tr().sr1.ship.xml.load_done(), tag="load_xml") logger.info( sr_tr() .sr1.ship.xml.load_time() .format((time.time_ns() - start_time) / 1000000000), tag="load_xml", ) return True except Exception: traceback.print_exc() self.logger.error(traceback.format_exc(), tag="load_xml") return False def part_render_init( self, part_data: SR1PartData_rs, part_type: SR1PartType_rs, part_group: Group, line_group: Group, batch: Batch, ) -> Tuple[Sprite, Box]: """ 还是重写一下渲染逻辑 把渲染单个部件的逻辑提取出来放到这里 """ randomer = random.Random(part_data.id) texture = self.textures.get_texture(part_type.sprite) part_sprite = Sprite( img=texture, x=int(part_data.x * 60), y=int(part_data.y * 60), z=randomer.randint(-100, 100), batch=batch, group=part_group, ) part_sprite.rotation = part_data.angle_r part_sprite.scale_x = -1 if part_data.flip_x else 1 part_sprite.scale_y = -1 if part_data.flip_y else 1 line_colors = ( randomer.randrange(0, 255), randomer.randrange(0, 255), randomer.randrange(0, 255), 200, ) width = 4 (x, y), (x2, y2) = part_data.get_part_box_by_type(part_type) box = Box( x=x * 30, y=y * 30, width=part_type.width * 30, height=part_type.height * 30, thickness=width, color=line_colors, batch=batch, group=line_group, ) box.rotation = part_data.angle_r return part_sprite, box def sprite_batch(self, draw_batch: int = 100) -> Generator: """ 生成 sprite 通过生成器减少一次性渲染的压力 :param each_count: 每次生成的数量 (默认 100) (过大会导致卡顿) :return: 生成器 """ count = 0 self.status.draw_done = False # rust 渲染 if DR_mod_runtime.use_DR_rust: self.rust_ship: SR1Ship_rs # 2 先渲染 # 6 后渲染 # 保证部件不会遮盖住连接线 part_group = Group(2, parent=self.part_group) line_group = Group(6, parent=self.part_group) # 渲染连接的部件 for part_type, part_data in self.rust_ship.as_list(): # 渲染部件 part_sprite, part_box = self.part_render_init( part_data, part_type, part_group, line_group, self.main_batch ) part_box.opacity = 100 self.part_sprites[part_data.id] = (part_sprite, part_box) # TODO: 连接线渲染 count += 2 if count >= draw_batch: yield count count = 0 # 渲染未连接的部件 for part_groups, part_connections in self.rust_ship.disconnected_parts(): for part_type, part_data in part_groups: # 出于一些魔法原因, 这玩意居然能跑, part_groups 不需要加 [0] # 未连接的需要同时把连接线也给渲染了 # TODO: 连接线渲染 part_sprite, part_box = self.part_render_init( part_data, part_type, part_group, line_group, self.main_batch ) part_box.opacity = 100 part_box._thickness = 2 part_box._update_vertices() # ignore, pyglet 没写这个的 @property, 等我 issue + pr # 未连接的部件透明度降低 part_sprite.opacity = 100 self.part_sprites[part_data.id] = (part_sprite, part_box) count += 2 if count >= draw_batch: yield count count = 0 # for connect in self.rust_ship.connections().get_raw_data(): # # 连接线 # # parent_part_data = cache[connect[2]][0][1] # # child_part_data = cache[connect[3]][0][1] # # color = ( # # random.randrange(100, 255), # # random.randrange(0, 255), # # random.randrange(0, 255), # # 255, # # ) # # self.part_line_list.append( # # Line( # # x=parent_part_data.x * 60, # # y=parent_part_data.y * 60, # # x2=child_part_data.x * 60, # # y2=child_part_data.y * 60, # # batch=self.main_batch, # # group=connect_line_group, # # width=1, # # color=color, # # ) # # ) # count += 1 # if count >= draw_batch * 3: # count = 0 # yield count self.status.draw_done = True raise GeneratorExit def render_ship(self): """ 渲染船 """ self.status.draw_done = False logger.info(sr_tr().sr1.ship.ship.load().format(self.ship_name), tag="ship") start_time = time.perf_counter_ns() self.part_sprites = {} self.connection_lines: List[Line] = [] self.group_camera.reset() # 调用生成器 减少卡顿 try: self.gen_draw = self.sprite_batch() if not self.status.draw_done: next(self.gen_draw) except (GeneratorExit, StopIteration): self.status.draw_done = True self.status.draw_call = False full_mass = 0 if DR_mod_runtime.use_DR_rust: full_mass = self.rust_ship.mass logger.info( sr_tr() .sr1.ship.ship.load_time() .format((time.perf_counter_ns() - start_time) / 1000000000), tag="ship", ) logger.info( sr_tr() .sr1.ship.ship.info() .format( len(self.rust_ship.as_list()), f"{full_mass}kg" if DR_mod_runtime.use_DR_rust else sr_tr().game.require_DR_rs(), ), tag="ship", ) def draw_batch(self, window: ClientWindow): if self.status.draw_done: self.render_d_label.text = ( f"x: {self.group_camera.view_x} y: {self.group_camera.view_y}" ) self.render_d_label.position = ( self.group_camera.view_x + (self.window_pointer.width / 2), self.group_camera.view_y + (self.window_pointer.height / 2) + 10, 0, ) # 0 for z self.render_d_line.x2 = self.group_camera.view_x self.render_d_line.y2 = self.group_camera.view_y # 外面这一层 gl 是用来实现子窗口的 gl.glEnable(gl.GL_SCISSOR_TEST) gl.glScissor(int(self.dx), int(self.dy), int(self.width), int(self.height)) gl.glViewport( int(self.dx), int(self.dy), self.window_pointer.width, self.window_pointer.height, ) self.main_batch.draw() # use group camera, no need to with # if self.show_ships_buttons: # self.ships_buttons_batch.draw() self.buttons_batch.draw() # use group camera, no need to with gl.glViewport(0, 0, self.window_pointer.width, self.window_pointer.height) gl.glScissor(0, 0, self.window_pointer.width, self.window_pointer.height) gl.glDisable(gl.GL_SCISSOR_TEST) # def on_draw(self, dt: float, window): # TODO: wait for pyglet 2.1 def on_draw(self, window: ClientWindow): if self.status.draw_call: self.render_ship() if not self.status.draw_done: try: assert isinstance( self.gen_draw, Generator ), f"self.gen_graw is not a Generator, but a {type(self.gen_draw)}" next(self.gen_draw) except (GeneratorExit, StopIteration): self.status.draw_done = True self.logger.info(sr_tr().sr1.ship.ship.render.done()) except TypeError: pass self.debug_label.draw() def on_resize(self, width: int, height: int, window: ClientWindow): self.debug_label.y = height - 100 if not self.status.draw_done: return self.render_d_line.x2 = width // 2 self.render_d_line.y2 = height // 2 self.width = width self.height = height def on_mouse_scroll( self, x: int, y: int, scroll_x: int, scroll_y: int, window: ClientWindow ): # if self.status.focus and ( # not self.show_ships_buttons # or ( # not ( # self.show_ships_buttons # and x >= self.ships_buttons_begin_x # and x <= self.ships_buttons_end_x # and y >= self.ships_buttons_begin_y # and y <= self.ships_buttons_end_y # ) # ) # ): if self.status.focus: mouse_dx = x - (self.width / 2) + self.dx mouse_dy = y - (self.height / 2) + self.dy # 鼠标缩放位置相对于屏幕中心的位置 mouse_dx_d = mouse_dx - self.group_camera.view_x mouse_dy_d = mouse_dy - self.group_camera.view_y # 鼠标相对偏移量的偏移量 if scroll_y == 0: zoom_d = 1 else: zoom_d = ((2**scroll_y) - 1) * 0.5 + 1 # 缩放的变换量 if not (self.group_camera.zoom == 10 and scroll_y > 0): if self.group_camera.zoom * zoom_d >= 10: zoom_d = 10 / self.group_camera.zoom self.group_camera.zoom = 10 else: self.group_camera.zoom *= zoom_d mouse_dx_d *= 1 - zoom_d mouse_dy_d *= 1 - zoom_d self.group_camera.view_x += int(mouse_dx_d) self.group_camera.view_y += int(mouse_dy_d) elif self.status.moving: # 如果是在移动整体渲染位置 size_x, size_y = self.size size_x += round(scroll_y) * 10 size_y += round(scroll_y) * 10 if size_x < 10: size_x = 10 if size_y < 10: size_y = 10 self.size = size_x, size_y # elif ( # self.show_ships_buttons # and x >= self.ships_buttons_begin_x # and x <= self.ships_buttons_end_x # and y >= self.ships_buttons_begin_y # and y <= self.ships_buttons_end_y # ): # min_y = 9999999 # max_y = 0 # for ship_button in self.ships_buttons: # min_y = min(min_y, ship_button.y) # max_y = max(max_y, ship_button.y) # if max_y + scroll_y * 50 <= self.ships_buttons_end_y - self.ships_buttons_h: # scroll_y = (self.ships_buttons_end_y - self.ships_buttons_h - max_y) / 50 # if min_y + scroll_y * 50 >= 0: # scroll_y = (0 - min_y) / 50 # for ship_button in self.ships_buttons: # ship_button.y = ship_button.y + scroll_y * 50 # """ # if ship_button.y >= self.ships_buttons_begin_y and ship_button.y <= self.ships_buttons_end_y - self.ships_buttons_h: # ship_button.x = self.ships_buttons_begin_x # else: # ship_button.x = self.width + self.ships_buttons_w # """ # self.ship_list_line.y = self.ship_list_line.y - scroll_y * 50 * ( # self.ships_buttons_end_y - self.ships_buttons_begin_y # ) / ((len(self.ships_buttons) + 1) * self.ships_buttons_h) def on_command(self, command: CommandText, window: ClientWindow): """解析命令""" self.logger.info(f"command: {command}") if command.find("render"): if command.find("reset"): self.group_camera.reset() else: self.status.draw_call = True print("应该渲染飞船的") elif command.find("debug"): if command.find("delta"): self.render_d_line.visible = not self.render_d_line.visible self.status.draw_mouse_d_pos = self.render_d_line.visible self.logger.info(f"sr1 mouse {self.status.draw_mouse_d_pos}") elif command.find("ship"): if self.status.draw_done: for index, sprite in self.part_sprites.values(): sprite.visible = not sprite.visible elif command.find("get_buf"): def screenshot(window): """ 从窗口截图 :param window: :return: """ from pyglet.gl import GLubyte, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, glReadPixels import pyglet format_str = "RGBA" buf = (GLubyte * (len(format_str) * window.width * window.height))() glReadPixels( 0, 0, window.width, window.height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buf ) return pyglet.image.ImageData( window.width, window.height, format_str, buf ) image_data = screenshot(self.window_pointer) image_data.save("test.png") # elif command.find("gen_img"): # if not self.status.draw_done: # return # if not DR_mod_runtime.use_DR_rust: # # 这个功能依赖于 DR rs (简称,我懒得在Python端实现) # return # img_box = self.rust_ship.img_pos # img_size = (img_box[2] - img_box[0], img_box[3] - img_box[1]) # # 中心点是左上角坐标 # img_center = (abs(img_box[0]), abs(img_box[3])) # try: # from PIL import Image # except ImportError: # traceback.print_exc() # print("PIL not found") # return # img = Image.new("RGBA", img_size) # part_data = self.rust_ship.as_dict() # for sprites, box in self.part_sprites.values(): # for index, sprite in enumerate(sprites): # sprite_img = sprite.image # print( # f"sprite_img: {sprite_img} {part_data[part][index][1].x * 60} " # f"{part_data[part][index][1].y * 60}" # ) # img_data = sprite_img.get_image_data() # fmt = img_data.format # if fmt != "RGB": # fmt = "RGBA" # pitch = -(img_data.width * len(fmt)) # pil_image = Image.frombytes( # fmt, # (img_data.width, img_data.height), # img_data.get_data(fmt, pitch), # ) # pil_image = pil_image.rotate( # -SR1Rotation.get_rotation(part_data[part][index][1].angle), # expand=True, # ) # if part_data[part][index][1].flip_y: # pil_image.transpose(Image.Transpose.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) # if part_data[part][index][1].flip_x: # pil_image.transpose(Image.Transpose.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) # img.paste( # pil_image, # ( # int(part_data[part][index][1].x * 60 + img_center[0]), # int(-part_data[part][index][1].y * 60 + img_center[1]), # ), # ) # img.save(f"test{time.time()}.png", "PNG") elif command.find("save"): print("应该保存飞船的") # if command.find("save"): if not self.status.draw_done: logger.warn("not draw done", tag="save ship") return if not DR_mod_runtime.use_DR_rust: return print("saving") logger.info(sr_tr().sr1.ship.save.start().format(self.rust_ship)) self.rust_ship.save("./test-save.xml") def on_mouse_drag( self, x: int, y: int, dx: int, dy: int, buttons: int, modifiers: int, window: ClientWindow, ): if self.status.focus: self.group_camera.view_x += dx self.group_camera.view_y += dy self.status.update_call = True elif self.status.moving: # 如果是在移动整体渲染位置 self.dx += dx self.dy += dy # def begin_ship_render_from_path(self, ship_path: str): # if Path(ship_path).is_dir(): # for path in Path(ship_path).glob("*.xml"): # try: # self.load_xml(str(path)) # except ValueError: # traceback.print_exc() # if self.load_xml(ship_path): # self.render_ship() def on_file_drop(self, x: int, y: int, paths: List[str], window: ClientWindow): if len(paths) == 1: # only file/path ... else: ... # if len(paths) > 1: # for path in paths: # try: # self.load_xml(path) # except Exception: # traceback.print_exc() # else: # self.begin_ship_render_from_path(paths[0]) # for path in paths: # if self.load_xml(path): # 加载成功一个就停下 # break # self.render_ship() @property def view(self): return self.window_pointer.view @view.setter def view(self, value: Mat4): self.window_pointer.view = value # class PressEnterGameButton(PressTextButton): # def __init__( # self, # window: ClientWindow, # parent_window, # x: int, # y: int, # width: int, # height: int, # text: str, # batch: Optional[Batch] = None, # group: Optional[Group] = None, # theme: Optional[ButtonThemeOptions] = None, # draw_theme: Optional[BaseButtonTheme] = None, # dict_theme: Optional[dict] = None, # ): # super().__init__( # x, y, width, height, text, batch, group, theme, draw_theme, dict_theme # ) # self.window = window # self.parent_window = parent_window # def on_mouse_release(self, x, y, buttons, modifiers): # if self.pressed and (x, y) in self: # if self.draw_theme: # self.draw_theme.on_disable(self) # else: # self.back_rec.color = self.touched_color # self.pressed = False # from .game_layout import GameLayout # self.parent_window.remove_sub_screen("SR1_ship") # self.parent_window.add_sub_screen("Dr_game_layout", GameLayout) # logger.info("added Dr_game_layout screen", tag="dr_game") # logger.info("进入游戏") # class PressSelectShipButton(PressTextButton): # path_var = "./assets/builtin/dock1.xml" # def __init__( # self, # window: ClientWindow, # parent_window, # x: int, # y: int, # width: int, # height: int, # text: str, # batch: Optional[Batch] = None, # group: Optional[Group] = None, # theme: Optional[ButtonThemeOptions] = None, # draw_theme: Optional[BaseButtonTheme] = None, # dict_theme: Optional[dict] = None, # ): # super().__init__( # x, y, width, height, text, batch, group, theme, draw_theme, dict_theme # ) # self.window = window # self.parent_window = parent_window # def on_mouse_release(self, x, y, buttons, modifiers): # if self.pressed and (x, y) in self: # if self.draw_theme: # self.draw_theme.on_disable(self) # else: # self.back_rec.color = self.touched_color # self.pressed = False # root = Tk() # 创建一个Tkinter.Tk()实例 # root.withdraw() # 将Tkinter.Tk()实例隐藏 # file_name = filedialog.askopenfilename( # title="选择一个飞船存档", # initialdir="./", # 打开当前程序工作目录 # ) # self.path_var = file_name # self.parent_window.begin_ship_render_from_path(file_name) # logger.info("加载飞船from " + self.path_var) # def get_ship_path(self): # logger.info("加载飞船from " + self.path_var) # return self.path_var # class PressControlShipsListButton(PressTextButton): # def __init__( # self, # window: ClientWindow, # parent_window, # x: int, # y: int, # width: int, # height: int, # text: str, # batch: Optional[Batch] = None, # group: Optional[Group] = None, # theme: Optional[ButtonThemeOptions] = None, # draw_theme: Optional[BaseButtonTheme] = None, # dict_theme: Optional[dict] = None, # ): # super().__init__( # x, y, width, height, text, batch, group, theme, draw_theme, dict_theme # ) # self.window = window # self.parent_window = parent_window # def on_mouse_release(self, x, y, buttons, modifiers): # if self.pressed and (x, y) in self: # if self.draw_theme: # self.draw_theme.on_disable(self) # else: # self.back_rec.color = self.touched_color # self.pressed = False # self.parent_window.show_ships_buttons = not(self.parent_window.show_ships_buttons) # logger.info("显示飞船列表") # class PressOpenShipButton(PressTextButton): # def __init__( # self, # window: ClientWindow, # ship_path, # parent_window, # x: int, # y: int, # width: int, # height: int, # text: str, # batch: Optional[Batch] = None, # group: Optional[Group] = None, # theme: Optional[ButtonThemeOptions] = None, # draw_theme: Optional[BaseButtonTheme] = None, # dict_theme: Optional[dict] = None, # ): # super().__init__( # x, y, width, height, text, batch, group, theme, draw_theme, dict_theme # ) # self.window = window # self.parent_window = parent_window # self.ship_path = ship_path # def set_y(self, y): # self.y = y # def get_y(self): # return self.y # def on_mouse_release(self, x, y, buttons, modifiers): # if ( # self.parent_window.show_ships_buttons # and x >= self.parent_window.ships_buttons_begin_x # and x <= self.parent_window.ships_buttons_end_x # and y >= self.parent_window.ships_buttons_begin_y # and y <= self.parent_window.ships_buttons_end_y # ): # if self.pressed and (x, y) in self: # if self.draw_theme: # self.draw_theme.on_disable(self) # else: # self.back_rec.color = self.touched_color # self.pressed = False # self.parent_window.begin_ship_render_from_path(self.ship_path) # logger.info("加载飞船from " + self.ship_path)