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2021-04-16 23:21:06 +08:00
import ctypes
2022-07-16 20:20:23 +08:00
from collections import defaultdict
2021-04-16 23:21:06 +08:00
import pyglet
from pyglet.input.base import DeviceOpenException
from pyglet.input.base import Tablet, TabletCanvas
from pyglet.libs.win32 import libwintab as wintab
2022-07-16 20:20:23 +08:00
from pyglet.util import debug_print
_debug = debug_print('debug_input')
2021-04-16 23:21:06 +08:00
lib = wintab.lib
def wtinfo(category, index, buffer):
size = lib.WTInfoW(category, index, None)
assert size <= ctypes.sizeof(buffer)
lib.WTInfoW(category, index, ctypes.byref(buffer))
return buffer
def wtinfo_string(category, index):
size = lib.WTInfoW(category, index, None)
buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(size)
lib.WTInfoW(category, index, buffer)
return buffer.value
def wtinfo_uint(category, index):
buffer = wintab.UINT()
lib.WTInfoW(category, index, ctypes.byref(buffer))
return buffer.value
def wtinfo_word(category, index):
buffer = wintab.WORD()
lib.WTInfoW(category, index, ctypes.byref(buffer))
return buffer.value
def wtinfo_dword(category, index):
buffer = wintab.DWORD()
lib.WTInfoW(category, index, ctypes.byref(buffer))
return buffer.value
def wtinfo_wtpkt(category, index):
buffer = wintab.WTPKT()
lib.WTInfoW(category, index, ctypes.byref(buffer))
return buffer.value
def wtinfo_bool(category, index):
buffer = wintab.BOOL()
lib.WTInfoW(category, index, ctypes.byref(buffer))
return bool(buffer.value)
class WintabTablet(Tablet):
def __init__(self, index):
self._device = wintab.WTI_DEVICES + index
self.name = wtinfo_string(self._device, wintab.DVC_NAME).strip()
self.id = wtinfo_string(self._device, wintab.DVC_PNPID)
hardware = wtinfo_uint(self._device, wintab.DVC_HARDWARE)
# phys_cursors = hardware & wintab.HWC_PHYSID_CURSORS
n_cursors = wtinfo_uint(self._device, wintab.DVC_NCSRTYPES)
first_cursor = wtinfo_uint(self._device, wintab.DVC_FIRSTCSR)
self.pressure_axis = wtinfo(self._device, wintab.DVC_NPRESSURE, wintab.AXIS())
self.cursors = []
self._cursor_map = {}
for i in range(n_cursors):
cursor = WintabTabletCursor(self, i + first_cursor)
if not cursor.bogus:
self._cursor_map[i + first_cursor] = cursor
def open(self, window):
return WintabTabletCanvas(self, window)
class WintabTabletCanvas(TabletCanvas):
2022-07-16 20:20:23 +08:00
override_keys = False
2021-04-16 23:21:06 +08:00
def __init__(self, device, window, msg_base=wintab.WT_DEFBASE):
super(WintabTabletCanvas, self).__init__(window)
self.device = device
self.msg_base = msg_base
2022-07-16 20:20:23 +08:00
# Get the extension masks available. Only need to do this once.
global _extension_masks
if not _extension_masks:
_extension_masks = get_extension_masks()
2021-04-16 23:21:06 +08:00
# Just use system context, for similarity w/ os x and xinput.
# WTI_DEFCONTEXT detaches mouse from tablet, which is nice, but not
# possible on os x afiak.
self.context_info = context_info = wintab.LOGCONTEXT()
wtinfo(wintab.WTI_DEFSYSCTX, 0, context_info)
context_info.lcMsgBase = msg_base
context_info.lcOptions |= wintab.CXO_MESSAGES
# If you change this, change definition of PACKET also.
context_info.lcPktData = (
2022-07-16 20:20:23 +08:00
wintab.PK_CHANGED | wintab.PK_CURSOR | wintab.PK_BUTTONS |
wintab.PK_X | wintab.PK_Y | wintab.PK_Z |
wintab.PK_ORIENTATION) | _extension_masks
context_info.lcPktMode = 0 # All absolute (PACKETMODE)
2021-04-16 23:21:06 +08:00
self._context = lib.WTOpenW(window._hwnd, ctypes.byref(context_info), True)
if not self._context:
raise DeviceOpenException("Couldn't open tablet context")
window._event_handlers[msg_base + wintab.WT_PACKET] = self._event_wt_packet
window._event_handlers[msg_base + wintab.WT_PROXIMITY] = self._event_wt_proximity
2022-07-16 20:20:23 +08:00
if _extension_masks:
window._event_handlers[msg_base + wintab.WT_PACKETEXT] = self._event_wt_packetext
2021-04-16 23:21:06 +08:00
self._current_cursor = None
self._pressure_scale = device.pressure_axis.get_scale()
self._pressure_bias = device.pressure_axis.get_bias()
2022-07-16 20:20:23 +08:00
self.express_keys = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(bool)) # [control_id][location_id]
self.express_key_ct = 0
self.touchrings = [] # Not currently implemented.
self.touchstrips = [] # Not currently implemented.
# Override test
for tablet_id in range(get_tablet_count()):
control_count = self.extension_get(wintab.WTX_EXPKEYS2, tablet_id, 0, 0,
self.express_key_ct = control_count
assert _debug(f"Controls Found: {control_count}")
if self.override_keys is True:
for control_id in range(control_count):
function_count = self.extension_get(wintab.WTX_EXPKEYS2, tablet_id, control_id, 0,
for function_id in range(function_count):
self.extension_set(wintab.WTX_EXPKEYS2, tablet_id, control_id, function_id,
def extension_get(self, extension, tablet_id, control_id, function_id, property_id, value_type=wintab.UINT):
prop = wintab.EXTPROPERTY()
prop.version = 0
prop.tabletIndex = tablet_id
prop.controlIndex = control_id
prop.functionIndex = function_id
prop.propertyID = property_id
prop.reserved = 0
prop.dataSize = ctypes.sizeof(value_type)
success = lib.WTExtGet(self._context, extension, ctypes.byref(prop))
if success:
return ctypes.cast(prop.data, ctypes.POINTER(value_type)).contents.value
return 0
def extension_set(self, extension, tablet_id, control_id, function_id, property_id, value):
prop = wintab.EXTPROPERTY()
prop.version = 0
prop.tabletIndex = tablet_id
prop.controlIndex = control_id
prop.functionIndex = function_id
prop.propertyID = property_id
prop.reserved = 0
prop.dataSize = ctypes.sizeof(value)
prop.data[0] = value.value
success = lib.WTExtSet(self._context, extension, ctypes.byref(prop))
if success:
return True
return False
2021-04-16 23:21:06 +08:00
def close(self):
self._context = None
del self.window._event_handlers[self.msg_base + wintab.WT_PACKET]
del self.window._event_handlers[self.msg_base + wintab.WT_PROXIMITY]
2022-07-16 20:20:23 +08:00
if _extension_masks:
del self.window._event_handlers[self.msg_base + wintab.WT_PACKETEXT]
2021-04-16 23:21:06 +08:00
def _set_current_cursor(self, cursor_type):
if self._current_cursor:
self.dispatch_event('on_leave', self._current_cursor)
self._current_cursor = self.device._cursor_map.get(cursor_type, None)
if self._current_cursor:
self.dispatch_event('on_enter', self._current_cursor)
def _event_wt_packet(self, msg, wParam, lParam):
if lParam != self._context:
packet = wintab.PACKET()
if lib.WTPacket(self._context, wParam, ctypes.byref(packet)) == 0:
if not packet.pkChanged:
window_x, window_y = self.window.get_location() # TODO cache on window
window_y = self.window.screen.height - window_y - self.window.height
x = packet.pkX - window_x
y = packet.pkY - window_y
pressure = (packet.pkNormalPressure + self._pressure_bias) * self._pressure_scale
if self._current_cursor is None:
2022-07-16 20:20:23 +08:00
self.dispatch_event('on_motion', self._current_cursor, x, y, pressure, 0., 0., packet.pkButtons)
def _event_wt_packetext(self, msg, wParam, lParam):
packet = wintab.PACKETEXT()
if lib.WTPacket(lParam, wParam, ctypes.byref(packet)) == 0:
# Proper context exists in the packet, not the lParam.
if packet.pkBase.nContext == self._context:
if packet.pkExpKeys.nControl < self.express_key_ct:
current_state = self.express_keys[packet.pkExpKeys.nControl][packet.pkExpKeys.nLocation]
new_state = bool(packet.pkExpKeys.nState)
if current_state != new_state:
event_type = "on_express_key_press" if new_state else "on_express_key_release"
self.express_keys[packet.pkExpKeys.nControl][packet.pkExpKeys.nLocation] = new_state
self.dispatch_event(event_type, packet.pkExpKeys.nControl, packet.pkExpKeys.nLocation)
2021-04-16 23:21:06 +08:00
def _event_wt_proximity(self, msg, wParam, lParam):
if wParam != self._context:
if not lParam & 0xffff0000:
# Not a hardware proximity event
if not lParam & 0xffff:
# Going out
self.dispatch_event('on_leave', self._current_cursor)
# If going in, proximity event will be generated by next event, which
# can actually grab a cursor id.
self._current_cursor = None
2022-07-16 20:20:23 +08:00
def on_express_key_press(self, control_id: int, location_id: int):
"""An event called when an ExpressKey is pressed down.
`control_id` : int
Zero-based index number given to the assigned key by the driver.
The same control_id may exist in multiple locations, which the location_id is used to differentiate.
`location_id: int
Zero-based index indicating side of tablet where control id was found.
Some tablets may have clusters of ExpressKey's on various areas of the tablet.
(0 = left, 1 = right, 2 = top, 3 = bottom, 4 = transducer).
def on_express_key_release(self, control_id: int, location_id: int):
"""An event called when an ExpressKey is released.
`control_id` : int
Zero-based index number given to the assigned key by the driver.
The same control_id may exist in multiple locations, which the location_id is used to differentiate.
`location_id: int
Zero-based index indicating side of tablet where control id was found.
Some tablets may have clusters of ExpressKey's on various areas of the tablet.
(0 = left, 1 = right, 2 = top, 3 = bottom, 4 = transducer).
2021-04-16 23:21:06 +08:00
class WintabTabletCursor:
def __init__(self, device, index):
self.device = device
self._cursor = wintab.WTI_CURSORS + index
self.name = wtinfo_string(self._cursor, wintab.CSR_NAME).strip()
self.active = wtinfo_bool(self._cursor, wintab.CSR_ACTIVE)
pktdata = wtinfo_wtpkt(self._cursor, wintab.CSR_PKTDATA)
# A whole bunch of cursors are reported by the driver, but most of
# them are hogwash. Make sure a cursor has at least X and Y data
# before adding it to the device.
self.bogus = not (pktdata & wintab.PK_X and pktdata & wintab.PK_Y)
if self.bogus:
self.id = (wtinfo_dword(self._cursor, wintab.CSR_TYPE) << 32) | \
wtinfo_dword(self._cursor, wintab.CSR_PHYSID)
def __repr__(self):
return 'WintabCursor(%r)' % self.name
def get_spec_version():
spec_version = wtinfo_word(wintab.WTI_INTERFACE, wintab.IFC_SPECVERSION)
return spec_version
def get_interface_name():
interface_name = wtinfo_string(wintab.WTI_INTERFACE, wintab.IFC_WINTABID)
return interface_name
def get_implementation_version():
impl_version = wtinfo_word(wintab.WTI_INTERFACE, wintab.IFC_IMPLVERSION)
return impl_version
2022-07-16 20:20:23 +08:00
def extension_index(ext):
"""Check if a particular extension exists within the driver."""
exists = True
i = 0
index = 0xFFFFFFFF
while exists:
tag = wintab.UINT()
exists = lib.WTInfoW(wintab.WTI_EXTENSIONS + i, wintab.EXT_TAG, ctypes.byref(tag))
if tag.value == ext:
index = i
i += 1
if index != 0xFFFFFFFF:
return index
return None
def get_extension_masks():
"""Determine which extension support is available by getting the masks."""
masks = 0
tr_idx = extension_index(wintab.WTX_TOUCHRING)
if tr_idx is not None:
assert _debug("Touchring support found")
masks |= wtinfo_uint(wintab.WTI_EXTENSIONS + tr_idx, wintab.EXT_MASK)
assert _debug("Touchring extension not found.")
ts_idx = extension_index(wintab.WTX_TOUCHSTRIP)
if ts_idx is not None:
assert _debug("Touchstrip support found.")
masks |= wtinfo_uint(wintab.WTI_EXTENSIONS + ts_idx, wintab.EXT_MASK)
assert _debug("Touchstrip extension not found.")
expkeys_idx = extension_index(wintab.WTX_EXPKEYS2)
if expkeys_idx is not None:
assert _debug("ExpressKey support found.")
masks |= wtinfo_uint(wintab.WTI_EXTENSIONS + expkeys_idx, wintab.EXT_MASK)
assert _debug("ExpressKey extension not found.")
return masks
def get_tablet_count():
"""Return just the number of current devices."""
spec_version = get_spec_version()
assert _debug(f"Wintab Version: {spec_version}")
if spec_version < 0x101:
return 0
n_devices = wtinfo_uint(wintab.WTI_INTERFACE, wintab.IFC_NDEVICES)
return n_devices
_extension_masks = None
2021-04-16 23:21:06 +08:00
def get_tablets(display=None):
# Require spec version 1.1 or greater
2022-07-16 20:20:23 +08:00
n_devices = get_tablet_count()
if not n_devices:
2021-04-16 23:21:06 +08:00
return []
devices = [WintabTablet(i) for i in range(n_devices)]
return devices